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"Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards" - Soren Kierkegaard
Candid Shots | Friends Gallery & Bios | Quote Of The Week | Live Journal | My Favortie Links


First and foremost, welcome to my website. Sometimes I think to myself, "what can I do to make this world a better place" and often times I can never really come up with a good answer. Then it dawned on me one day, why not make use of the internet as a media tool and use it as my spring board to just talk about things that matter and things that don't. The power of communication is something that I think we as human beings take for granted. This website is by no means a reference tool or a site of accredited information, but instead this is my way of talking to the world. If you're reading this, I've already reached you. On this site, you'll be meeting some of my friends whom I adore. You will be reading some of my thoughts and I will be letting you into my life by way of my live journal. This is my way of communicating to the world what I think about various things. So if you read something on here that catches your attention, pass it on...communication should live through as many people as possible.

About me...

Well let's see...My name is Christian and I'm from Windsor, Ontario Canada. I was born in Toronto but have lived here pretty much all my life. I was born on August 27 and at this point in my life I'm trying to figure out the various ways that I can help people. I am also gay. I'm trying to figure out the various ways that I can contribute to making the world a better place just by helping other people. I haven't done anything spectacular in this world that would have me predicate myself on the notion that I've somehow contributed to making the world a better place. However, I do credit two groups of people who have shaped me into who I am today. I have a wonderful family and extraordinary friends. This website is my gift to them as well as anyone who reads this. This is my way of saying thank you to the people who have been with me through the good and the bad, past and present. I am who I am because of you whether they were bad or good experiences. No regrets, No apologies.

I'm a big John Mayer and Sarah McLachlan fan. My favorite TV shows are CSI and Queer As Folk. I have a law degree and I love Oprah Winfrey. Oprah if you ever read inspire me. Everyone else....Enjoy the website. If you choose to get a hold of me, you may do so by adding me to your msn messenger or e-mailing me at (yes that's my real e-mail address) Cheers!