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Welcome to Matrixisrl's website!

This is my first website so bear with me if there are some errors. If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to E-mail me at

First off I want to give some advice to anyone who is in the market for a new computer.

If you want to buy a new computer and are willing to put up with a little hassle to save a lot of money read this. NEVER buy from the manufacturers of completed PC's! They all mark up their products, so you can save a lot of money and get a better rig if you build your own. It will take a lot more work to learn how to build your own PC, but the reward will be worth it. Your going to have to do a lot of research to find out what the most current products are and to find out what the best deal is for your money. This is especially true if you don't know much about computers to begin with.

Here are some of my favorite sites, I used these a lot when I was planning what to buy for my first rig:

It took me three months of painstaking research to build this rig becuase when I started I didn't know much about computers. Remember if you don't know somthing just look it up, that's what the internet is for! Another good point is the fact that you will make mistakes, and your rig may not work right when you first set it up, but patients (if you have enough of it) will eventually prevail.

My rig as of September/19/2005:
Video Card-Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 
CPU-AMD Athlon FX-55 
RAM-1 GB of Transcend DDR 400 CAS Latency 3-3-3 
HDD-Two Western Digital Raptors (74 GB) in RAID zero 
Motherboard-Asus A8N SLI Deluxe 
Case-Thermaltake Armor (Black) 
PSU-PC Power and Cooling Turbo Cool Deluxe (510 Watt with potentiometers)
Accessories-Tt HardCano 12/2 Tt Silentcat fans/2 Tt Smart case fans
Total cost=about $2000 
Total cost if pre-manufactured=$2998.18*
(*I used the most comparable system I could find