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Just a little tid bit about Me


Welcome to my little home in Cyber Space :-)

My name is Jamie
I was born on the 8th July 1981
I weigh 70.9 kg
I am 179cm tall
and most importantly I am "GAY"
I realised I was gay when I was about 12 years old.

I live in Tasmania, which is an Island at the bottom of Australia,
and no we don't have a row boat LOL  :-)

I live with my mum and my 2 Pets,
Shelby (Samoyed Cross)


and Sooty (ordinary moggy)


I like walking alone and meeting new friends on the Internet, Swimming and Diving
(during the warm months)

more to come soon.....
I will be Posting more Pet Pics on the
photo pages as they become available.

E-mail Me

This Page updated on February  9th  "05" @ 4:11pm

Copyright  "JMC"