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This is the one I warned you about.
Yes. Yes, I realize that there is a total and complete lack of anything known to man on here. That will all change and you will fall under the ruthless domination of The High Priestess of Rusty Corkscrew Acupuncture.

DISCLAIMER: The above remarks are the product of certain severe emotional wounds inflicted on the site owner at an early and developmental age. They are not intended to be taken seriously in any form that YOU are aware of, you simpletons. To be safe, I will just claim ownership to NOTHING on this withered dust-bunny meandering aimlessly through cyberspace at twelve-point-eight times the speed of light as not to be attacked by the ravenous, snapping jaws of the FOX Network (even if nothing from FOX is on here). Ooh, I see a soapbox. Give me a moment -- There, I'm up. Where was I? Ah, yes. The FOX Lawyers. This is a rare species of the Lawyer. Closely related to the Slime-Licking Ambulance Chaser. The relatively small numbers of the breed are accounted for by their aversion to free advertising and an apparent fondness for shooting themselves in the foot. They have very few natural enemies, one being the Ranting Fanatic.

As is common with the bottom-feeding invertebrates found in the Corporate Kingdom, their prey is the poor, weak, and (relatively) defenseless. It is still a subject of controversy as to whether they squelch out certain websites for survival, or merely to get their ya-ya's.

End Rant.

Now, if you'll excuse me (I know you won't), I have files to upload and instruments of torture to prepare.

Waffles the Penguin, Despite the Pain, I hate you Milkman Dan, Welcome to Hell: Enjoy Your Stay, Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball, Hail Mary, Amen and Goodnight.

(the sad part is it all makes some sort of sick sense)

Lookit the Guestbook!
Write in the Guestbook...DO IT

For praise and worship, mindless rambling or if you would like to tell me what a horrible person I am feel free to e-mail me.


(I'm not friggin' changing any of it.)

The Rest of the Cosmic Muffin

The Eternal Fight for the Proverbial Spotlight
Calculate Your Body Mass
Say It!
Super Happy Funtime 100%