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Tanya's Homepage!


All About Me!
Poetry by Me! (I'm having some issues with this right now since I can't find the rest of my work...!!!!)
Links to Awesome Websites!
What's Going On!

I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE! I, Tanya Jean Kruger, will become Mrs. David M Ferraro on October, 30th 2004!!!!! David and I have been dating for over a year now and were engaged June 12th on Drapers Mountain! For all the information about us and our wedding, visit my wedding website!

I'd like to say "Thank You!" to all who entered my Valentine search! I will now list you by name...

Tanya's Great Moment of the Week: "I said to Jay, 'Smoking is bad for you,' and he said, 'LIFE is bad for you,' so I said, 'Yeah, but nobody ever died from life,"


If you're here to visit the music site, just copy and paste this URL: in your browser! It's being updated, so check back to it soon to see the additions! Or you can simply click here!

I've added a guest book! Click on the link below to sign or view it, and let me know that you stopped by :o)

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

If you think you're just too cool to sign my little ol guestbook, or have wandered onto this site by mistake, please click here (to face the spawn of all that is evil!)

I know this is pretty old, but it cracks me up so I'm leaving it on for a little while...

Dated September, 2002 (sometime before the 30th)

HOLY COW! TANYA IS TURNING 18!!!! WHAT THE HECK??!? This is big news. I just want to say MWAHAHAHA to all of you who said "She'll never make it!" But really, the day is almost here! Since I know alot of you will want to buy me lots of stuff in celebration of my birth (which I really didn't do anything, but hey) there are a few things you should know:

1) YES, I will be legal, but smoking is funk nasty (and bad for you) so don't even think about that as a gift, even a gag gift! Because it'll be a waste of your money and I'll have to explain to my parents why someone bought me "chalk" with brown ends.

2) YES, I can legally scratch and claim the prizes from lottery tickets, but don't think for a second I'll win, and if I do, I'm not so sure you should count on getting half the prize just because it was your gift...

3) YES, all gifts are accepted and welcomed, but honestly, if you're grateful I'm here, give something to my parents, if you're grateful I'm me, I'm me because of everyone around me and because of the way I was carefully constructed in HIS image, so thanks God, for giving me 18 years so far! Thanks for the awesome friends and family in my life too!

P.S> Don't think I don't know about those of you who visit the site and don't sign the guestbook....>

Ciao for now! Oh, and the below email address doesn't get checked so don't send mail there. Thanks! :-P GODZ_SUPERGIRL@YAHOO.COM is the email address you want to use!
