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"Chaste Artemis, who guides the lunar car,
The pale nocturnal vigils ever keeping,

Sped through the silent space from star to star,
And, blushing, stooped to kiss Endymion sleeping..."

Belthorpe errupts in an explosion of fire, light and sound!

Featuring a thumping 10Kw sound system, fire sculpture and performances, interactive art installations, stilt performers and mind expanding music!

Live acts: Mr Peculiar (Tribeadelic), Cyanescens (Digital Psionics), Hexadecimal, Zgljk6 + djs Ozzy (Tribeadelic), Polyphonic, Spiral Munk (Tribal Eye), Autistic Remedy (Syncron), Paul Abad (Weedadelic), Void
(Zenith), DJ Smiling, Metrognome, Chris (Weedadelic, Solstice)...

Chris(Weedadelic, Solstice)

Cyanescens (Digital Psionics) Live!

Dj Ozzy (Tribeadelic)

Awesome Lighting, Decor and Installation by...

the Travelling Kaleidoscopic Candle Bonanza!

Retina Scan Project, Cactus Concepts and Adam Donovan.

Video by pi_rate productions.

During Ozzy's set a Synchromesh pyrotechnics extravaganza!

A magnificant perfect smoke ring rising into the sky afterwards...

"The youth Endymion, awakened by this demonstration, raised their eye lids, and for a moment all eyes rested wonderingly upon the beautiful vision."

Spectacular Laser Show all night long...

by Steve 'Ziggy'!

The muddy dancefloor the next morning...

Thanks to everyone who turned out & supported what was a truely magical event with top-class production & an awesome doof vibe!