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Out of our undying love and adoration for Renee Mauduit, Progressing Beats has set aside a section of this website to serve as a photographic dedication to her. To go directly to Renee's photo dedication section, you can click on her picture to the left or click on the "Pictures" button further down on the page. For those of you that know her, which is pretty much the entire NOLA scene, you know that she deserves to be remembered, appreciated, and most of all, loved for lifetimes to come. She is perhaps the most kind hearted and loving soul God has ever placed on this Earth, and I think I speak for all of us that were close to her when i say we are blessed to know such a wonderful being. Notice we use the present tense of verbs when we speak of Renee...this is because even though she may be gone physically, she is still just as much alive and with us spiritually as she ever was. Pure souls such as Renee DO NOT DIE....they live on forever in our hearts and in our souls. Progressing Beats asks that you please remember this beautiful woman, as well as her family and friends, in your thoughts and prayers. Progressing Beats also asks that if you do come and view her section of our website if you could please sign our guestbook, even if you just put your name. Also, if anyone has any pictures of Renee that they would like to let us put in her dedication section, we would be greatly appreciative. If you do have pics you'd like us to add please send them to or More and more pictures will be added daily, so keep checking back. Please remember that the thing that made Renee the happiest is when she saw all of her friends together having fun and taking care of each other...and the more we do those two things the happier Renee will be...She's watching over us now. =) Thank you..
-Progressing Beats


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