Mother Gwinnett aka Anne Colee

Anne Rodes Colee

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Mother Gwinnett's Corner
Hi! I'm Mother Gwinnett!!! Of course, my real Christian name is not "Mother" and my true surname is not "Gwinnett", so you may be wondering how I came to be saddled with such a name.
Let me explain. Gwinnett is the county in which I have made my home for 16 years. The "mother" part comes from the fact that I have played a "mother" role, in various ways, to various people, for more years than I care to count.
I have been a mother for 20 years to my own two children, Tanya and Micah, both of whom reached the age of majority (18)in the last two years. I have lent an ear and some motherly advice to the trials and tribulations of countless children and teen-agers who have passed through my door, over the years. I have been a step-mother to my husband, Robert's, grown son, Sean.
In the early '90's, when Robert's ex-wife's half-brother, Randy's marriage was ending, he came to stay with us, for a couple of years. He brought his two little girls, so I got to be a kind of surrogate mother to them for awhile. It was Randy who first gave me the name "Mother Gwinnett", almost 9 years ago.
In 1997, when Randy's and (ex-wife) Linda's oldest daughter, Melissa, who had been adopted by them when she was 5, was just about to turn 17, she arranged to come live at our house.

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