Well met, stranger! Let me guess, you're here for the debauchery? Well, that moved to the porn site next door. *grin* Oh, you don't know who I am?

*sigh* I guess that means that introductions are in order. I go by Obsidian. Obviously, that is not my birth name, but I've always perfered to remain more or less anonymous on the net... it cuts down on cyber-stalkers. *laugh*

I am into all sorts of things, mostly artistic endeavors, but some that are just pure fun. Use the navigation bar at the left to check out the various parts of my site.

Music is all about the music I've written, and am currently writing. It contains all the updates you want on my music.
Love is a currently empty part of my site.
Renn is devoted to my home for 10 weekends a year, the Maryland Renaissance Festival
Hobbies tells you about some of my means for passing the time when life goes a little slow.
Links is exactly what it sounds like... links. 'Nuff said.

Last Updated on February 27, 2001
Site design and graphics Copyright © 2001, Obsidian