The Truth From An Ancient Time.

Issue #5
Jun. 22nd 2001

The Dread of Taitu (Part III Finale)

Adowa...by Nia

In this three part series I will explore the heroine Empress Taitu Betul of Ethiopia. By following her marriage with His Imperial Majesty Emperor Menelik II and her interactions with the Italians perhaps we will be blessed with a brief glance at the heart of Taitu. It is the heart of a female warrior, always relentless in the defense of her people. Taitu means 'the sun' and the Empress was known as the light of Ethiopia. Her devotion to her people is eternal.

This series on Empress Taitu comes to a close as we look at the Empress' role in the final battle of Adowa. In this decisive battle it is made clear that Africans will not to bend to the oppression of European colonization, and Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands unto Jah. Taitu's continued strength and warrior spirit helped to lead her countrymen to an overwhelming victory against the Italians.

The empress had devised a plan to cut off the enemies water supply in the battle of Mequelle. Italy was ill prepared for this battle just as in previous battles. They had not studied the art of war as had their African counterparts. They were not prepared to defeat Ethiopia. But Ethiopia was well prepared to defeat the Italian tresspassers. On January, 19th 1896 the last of the fort's water was distributed. Eventually the Italian army could take no more. Italian general Baratier ordered his men: "In the name of Italy's majesty Umberto, cede the fort at Mekelle to the Negus of Abyssinia". After their surrender Taitu allowed them to draw water.

But this surrender would prove to be another trick of the Italians to try and fool the Emperor into thinking an agreement between the two countries was possible. Instead Menelik waited 10 days before Italy sent several representatives informing the Emperor that Italy would soon be sending a negotiator to re-open talks in regards to the Treaty of Wuchale and border issues.

Taitu expecting nothing more from the arrogant Italians wasn't surprised. Soon an angry Menelik concluded that this delay must be because Italy was getting their reinforcements in place again to attack. As a result he held these officers as hostages.

The Emperor's high esteem for his christen morals allowed him to let the Italian hostages leave on the premise that he didn't believe anyone should suffer because of the fault of others. Thus our noble Emperor let the hostages go. They were free to leave as long as they left at once.

They were also to tell Italian general Baratier to send someone at once someone to re-open negotiations. Finally on February 11, 1896 Italy sent Major Salsa, but just as a tough headed child who continually challenges his parents, so Italy did with the mother of civilizations. Salsa demanded of H.I.M. Emperor Menelik II, "Renew the Treaty of Wuchale and give back to Italy all the land that has been seized from her". He was ordered to leave. Italy responded with a message to the Emperor that ended all talks and opened the floor for each side to take up arms and fight for their position. The door was opened for Christian blood to be shed once again.

Inevitably, the Ethiopian Rases who had cooperated with the Italians in previous battles defected. Their eyes had been opened to the true intent of the Italians which had never been in the best interests of Ethiopia. They returned to their Emperor kissing his feet as sons to a father who had realized their mistake in ever leaving his side.

On February 23rd, 1896 the Ethiopian forces settled around Adowa. The day of reckoning however, was not to come until March 1st, 1896. In the early hours of the morning the Emperor, his Empress and those closest to them held prayer and communion. Messenger after messenger came to the royal quarters warning that Italian forces were getting closer and closer to launching an attack. Finally Menelik ended the prayer session and set out to gather his army for one of the greatest battles ever in Afrika's history. He advanced with his army of almost 100,000 soldiers.

Again our Queen Mother Taitu, fulfilled her role as a valiant and passionate leader. Taitu gathered ten to twelve thousand women and organized them to care for and aid the soldiers. Some gathered buckets of water to carry to the men in battle. Others stayed in camp to care for the wounded.

As the battle continued Empress Taitu continued to pray to the Almightly as shells rained down around her. She would emerge as an unstoppable force. As she ran towards the enemy on foot, yelling to the men, "Courage, Victory is ours! Strike! She shed once again the stereotypical roles usually adopted by women and advanced as a lioness would for her pride's survival.

The Ethiopian forces broke the Italian center and the fighting intensified. Taitu along with the women she had assembled spent the rest of the time caring for the wounded. By noon the battle was over. Eleven thousand casualties in all, 6,000 of which were Italian. It was a victorious day for the nation who the greeks called Aethiops meaning 'people of burnt skin', and Jah showered blessings upon his chosen people and cleansed the blood stained earth. The rain fell from the heavens sending down an abundance of power, confirming the sovereignty of this ancient empire.

Italy had been defeated. In Italy as news reports poured in about the war, riots were unavoidable in the streets. NY Times headlines (March 7th 1896) reads "Radicals Shout Menelik's Praise...
The greatest excitement prevails everywhere, reports of disorder came in from all directions, excited radical socialist and republican socialist members of the chamber of deputies were sent to Rome this evening amid crowds of people, crying, Long Live Menelik!"

Thus the Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah had prevailed. Yet a king is not a king without a queen. Taitu never faltered in her duties as Menelik's queen to make sure his vision for Ethiopia was preserved and manifested. She was an Empress who in one instance ran on foot bearing the flag of her empire towards on-coming Italian soldiers, ready to die just to uplift the morale of her loyal soldiers. We embrace her as warriors fiercely fighting for the return of Afrika to it's majesty and sovereignty, let her life be a light in this darkness. Hail Taitu, Light of Ethiopia, Conquering Lioness of the tribe of Judah.

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