Issue #43
June 30th, 2008

by Marcus Garvey

Africa today is the biggest game in the hunt of nations and races. Africa today is regarded, as I have always said, as the richest spot in the world, to be exploited by those who are keen enough and appreciative enough to invest their money and their interests in the development of that continent.

An open appeal is now being made to the capitalists of different countries to invest in the exploitation of the oil fields, diamond, gold, and iron mines of the "Old Homeland". This means that in a short time Africa will become the centre of the world's commercial activities, at which time the black man will naturally be relegated to his accustomed place of being the "under-dog" of the New African civilization. This is about to happen in the face of a highly-developed Negro civilization in the Western world, wherein men of the Negro race seek the same opportunities in things economic as the other races of the world.

Let us a Negroes, prepare ourselves throughout the world for the conflict that is bound to ensue between the rivalling forces for the ultimate domination of our country- Africa. For we are not going to give up easily, and allow these European intruders to rob, exploit and dominate the land of our Fathers.

If the oil of Africa was good for Rockefeller's interest; if iron ore was good for the Carnegie Trust; then surely these minerals are good for us. Why should we allow Wall Street and the capitalists group of America and other countries to exploit our country when they refuse to give us a fair chance in the countries of our adoption? Why should not Africa give to the world its black Rockfeller, Rothschild, and Henry Ford? Now is the opportunity. Now is the chance for every Negro to make every effort toward a commercial, industrial standard that will make us comparable with the successful business men of other races.

Africa invites capital to develop its resources. Let not that capital, whether it be financial or man-power, be supplied by others, but let Negroes make our own contribution. It is our duty to guard against the tricky exploiters of the world who have been deceiving and robbing Africa of her possessions.

Excerpt taken from an article originally published in the Negro World on April 18, 1923.

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