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Victor-The Crusher Corpse

Name: Victor von Gerdenheim
Birthdate : 1830
Race : Frankenstein
Birthplace: Germany
"I shall create LIFE!!" The year is 1830. The place, northern Germany. It is a rainy night, and the sound of thunder echoes throughout the halls of Schloss von Gerdenhiem. The mad scientist Prof. von Gerdenheim has succeeded in his greatest experiment: the creation of human life. Unfortunately, his frail body could not withstand the excitement of his deed, and his heart gave out. "Professor... I... strong." Victor decided to leave the castle and prove to the Professor, his father, that he is the strongest man in the world."
It has been a few months since Victor's sister, Emily, had stopped living. Victor waited for an electrical storm like the one that brought him to life, so that he might revive her. Then, suddenly, Victor heard a voice: "Every soul must return to one." Victor follows it, hoping that it may be able to revive Emily...

Victor is the "Zangief" of the game, and everything about him leaks electricity. He might be a little slow at times, but he's a solid character.

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