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Huitzil-the Killer Machine

Name: Phobos/Huitzil
Birthdate : 520
Race : Robot
Birthplace: Mexico
Story: "Some time after its creation, the robot Huitzil was buried deep under the earth by a major earthquake. Its functions had been dead ever since. Then, one day, it began to move. It had reacted to an alien force entering the Earth's atmosphere. Huitzil had been programmed by the ancient Mayans to protect central America from invaders, and at last its function was being carried out."

"'My master . . . order . . . please.' The boy, Cecil lost his way and wandered deep into the ruins. At that moment Huitzil, the ultimate guardian, was reactivated to protect its new master."

Okay, Huitzil's jumping has been changed since his appearence in Nightwarriors. He no longer has the same amount of control over them as he had in Nightwarriors, (however, if you're like me, this means he's not as clumsy for "airblockers")if this is a good or bad thing, well it depends. Many of Huitzil's moves have also been given makeovers. His Final Guardian EX Special, for instantce, now sends out an orb that, upon contact, freezes his opponent in a force field, after which, he proceeds to fire the snot out of them. Overall, he seems easier to control than his previous form. Another notable change is that he now has a little boy following him around. Depending on the action onscreen, Cecil will cheer, cringe, or just plain egg Huitzil on. Note: Huitzil technically isn't a character in Vampire Savior, however he, Donovan, and Pyron were thrown in as extras for the home console version.

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