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Donovan-Hunter of Destiny

"He was suffering. He could find no solace, not even in the sacred sutras. His dishonorable blood would give him no peace, for Donovan, the child of darkness, was a dhampir-half vampire, half human. One day Donovan met a little girl named Amanda (or Anita). Her heartless empty eyes told him that she was the same as he. 'Little time is left. I will destroy the Darkstalkers before my last day. By my blade, Dhylec, I SWEAR it!' "

Donovan was the one of the main characters in Nightwarriors. Though he succeded in his life's mission, he met with a tragic end, and subsequently is not in Vampire Savior because of this. However he, Pyron, and Huitzil were thrown in as extras for the home console versions of the game. Donovan is considered by many people one of the worst playable characters, although I don't know why. You can't button mash with him, if that's what they're thinking.

MOVES (special) *-means move can be ESed:

Kill-Shred (thrust):
Donovan will thrust Dhylec into the gound and will leave him there. While he's in the ground, Donovan won't have access to any of his attacks involving his sword untill...

Kill-Shred Summon (After Kill-Shred thrush):
Dhylec will become impatient if left idle for too long, so Donovan will summon him out of the ground. The sword spins dangerously around the screen after Donovan, so this is a great setup for additional hits and juggling combos.

Sword Elemental-Efreet Sword*:
A Viking-ish spirit will appear out of Donovan and will use Dhylec to administer a fiery uppercut. This is a great move to use against jump-ins, so use it whenever you see one coming.

Sword Elemental-Lightning Sword*:
I tend to use this move alot. A robot will appear above Donovan, and Dhylec will transform into bolts of electricity that jet forward. This is a useful "back off" move.

Sword Elemental-Blizzard Sword*:
An elfish like ice queen will appear over Donovan and will send a huge snowflake forward at his opponent. This move tends to be a little slow, so I find myself not using it much. When I do it's usually 1/2 to a full screen away (hits are rare at this distance). You may not want to use this against quicker characters like John Talbain or Morrigan.

Pehelah/Dhuusulah/Dhisula Utalna:
I'm not sure if this would be considered a regular attack or a special. It's performed in the air by pressing forward and a kick button. Donovan jumps on Dhylec and rather "surfs" forward at a downward angle in the air (the hit registering from contact with the edge of the blade). The Pehelah is a short, almost vertical dive, the Dhuusula takes a little longer and goes about a fouth of the screen, and the Dhisula takes longest of all-travelling almost horizontally at a near full-screen length. I use the Pehelah Ultalna A LOT for jump ins, but I rarely use the Dhisula Utalna because 90% of the time your opponent will see it coming a mile away.

Dhavana Pehru:
Another move I'm not sure if it should be considered "special". This is basically a short jumping dash forward.

Sword Grapple:
A THROW!!! Donovan will stand motionless as his beads restrain his opponent. Dhylec will morph himself into all sorts of oddly shaped swords (a scyth , A bat-shaped broadsword, ect) and slash the opponent repeatedly.

Press of Death:
A giant man will appear out of the sky that will stomp Donovan's opponent. not too much to say here.

Change Immortal:
This move is actually pretty cool. Donovan will transform into a winged demon and will fly at his opponent, causing shock damage.

DARK FORCE!!: Ultimate Kill-Shred:
Donovan gets unlimited Kill-Shreds, and Dhylec spins crazily around the screen. This is great for combos. Once I landed a 29 hit combo on my opponent but I forgot how I did it! ::bangs head on keyboard::

video games
