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24th August Reunion 2001

This is the big one that everyone MUST attend.

It is as close to an annual reunion as we will get.....

BE THERE or face the consequences



Previous Reunions:

1st December 2000

 Well done to all those who turned up for the Christmas reunion on the 1st December (even though I didn't make it myself).

Thanks to Cheryl for organizing this one - she really is a treasure!!




29th September 2000

Well done to everyone that turned up to the White Horse/Gregory's on the 29/9:

Cheryl, Anna, Julie P, Julie P, Neil,

Gareth, Martin, Paul, Jon R, Steve,

Helen, Michelle, Alex, Clive 


I hope everyone got home safely


23rd June

The BABS end of year celebration was held in Nantwich on the 23rd of June.  - Starting with a meal for 15 of us at Peppers Restaurant, and then onto the White Horse, before going to Gregory's night club

Well done to the 17 people that turned up - most of which made it to Greg's - a good night was had by all - shame to those who missed it!

Thanks to Rick for organizing such a great piss up - shame his car got written of the same afternoon.

The camera with all the shots of the party action was located and has been developed - The evidence is displayed below:


Julie & Cheryl...


...Everyone again...

...and again...

...Everyone from another angle...

