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Pictures of Jonathan
Here are some recent pictures of Jonathan.  We'll try to keep adding to this page as we continue to get pictures developed!  Click the pictures for a larger view.

15 minutes after birth.  Poor guy!

First day at home.  Already looking better!

Jonathan's hospital photo.

Jonathan with grandma and grandpa Andreasen

Jonathan with grandma and grandpa Fetter.

Jonathan with the Fetter sisters.

Taking a nap at about 1 month

Jonathan on his 1 month birthday

Jonathan in his bouncy seat at 6 weeks.

Jonathan taking a bath

Resting with his blanket

Having fun in the car seat

Relaxing in his crib

This is the crib Uncle Tom build for Jason when he was born

Having a stretch on the floor

Playing on the floor

Showing off for the camera

Just having fun

Playing on his stomach

Striking a pose while napping (1 day after birth)

Jonathan giving a little smirk

Waking up in the crib

Napping in the hospital