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Why does my friend Sab take it up the ass?


Or just the beginning of it, anyways...

One day, Sabarah decided to make an ass of herself.
Nobody ever knows why Sab does the things that she does, but we all find it amusing anyways.

So, anyways... there was a parade goign through town, and Sab went out to watch...
What a strange parade... Want to know more about this crazy adventure? CLICK HERE, ASSHOLES!!! It makes more sence on this link... I swear it. You might even be entertained.

So, if any of you motherfuckers wants to know where I motherfucking work, then mother fucking click motherfucking right here!!!!!


This is the bottom portion of my page. Most people put page counters here. See? I did too. They also sometimes put shortcuts here... like, so you don't have to read through all the bullshit to get to the good stuff. Well... not me. I go straight for the bullshit. So, if you want to find something cool, you'll have to look for it yourself, because I'm not helping you. You want shortcuts?? You go to someone else's page. Who the fuck do I look like? Your mom? You can't do this shit yourself? You need someone to wipe your ass for you too? Motherfucker? Well... you won't find any shortcuts here. Fucker. Well, except for THIS ONE... But I'm not even going to tell you where it goes. You'll just have to wipe back those baby fucking tears and find the fuck out for yourself. Wussy.

Oh, and by-the-by... This motherfucking website was last updated on Saturday July 5, 2003.