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Other QuestionsUP

I did send a mail to the GM, but he didn't react? ANSWER

Do OOC-mails have to have a special format? ANSWER

I think player x is cheating. ANSWER

I did send a mail to the GM, but he didn't react? UP
Even the GM has a private life and maybe is away for the weekend; be patient for a few days. If you haven't received anything after that, contact me again, sometimes even e-mail get lost.

Do OOC-mails have to have a special format? UP
The last line of your mail should make clear who you are. For example:
John Doe / Tron

I think player x is cheating. UP
Mail what you observed to
I am not tolerating any cheating. If I find out that someone is hacking the website for procedures or the like, he will be kicked from the game. I also keep the right to inform other GMs and ISPs (Internet Service Providers) of such attempts.