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What rules do I have to follow when starting a new character? ANSWER

How/When/Where do I start? ANSWER

Do mails have to have a special format? ANSWER

What rules do I have to follow when starting a new character? UP
As mentioned in the join section you have to pick a character's name and a password. It is also strongly recommended to send in two custom icons.
Public known character names like Neo, Trinity, Wintermute, Angela Bennet, ... are allowed. However please play them like you are a fan of that people and thus picked those nick names. I won't allow actually playing prominent hackers. This results in too many problems.

How/When/Where do I start? UP
That is a hard one to answer. Personally I'd recommend to start laying low for a couple of turns and rather attempt to gain credits and start building up social relations to others.

Do mails have to have a special format? UP
The last line of your mail should make clear who you are