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Facility Management Consulting Inc.

J.P. Weil is a veteran of the Intergrated Circuit Industry. His experience includes management positions in Facility and Project Management. Initially with Micro-Rel, Mr. Weil's career included management positions at Intel, Litton Industries, Fujitsu Microelectronics, and Dupont Photomasks, where he was a member of the founding group.

Mr. Weil was responsible for the first time acceptance of ISO 9001 for Fujitsu, as well as managed the sustaining operations and projects interface for base-build and tool installation. He was also responsible for all code acceptance for the projects as a third party inspector for critical systems for fire, life and safety.

Mr. Weil was also the Emergency Response Coordinator for the Operations Group. Mr. Weil was actively involved with all Standard Operating Procedures for the facility department, as well as, the internal ISO auditor for the company.

Mr. Weil is an active member of the Independent Employers Association which lobbies and testifies before State Senate and Municipalities in behalf of the industy to improve relations and bring to the table realistic programs that protect the business sector. Senate Bill 1080 (third party inspection requirements) was his most recent accomplishment for the industry as it pertained to the governing code compliance.

Mr. Weil is an Industrial Engineer and Certified Plant Engineer/Facility Engineer. He has written three major publications for the computer industry and on Human Factors and Ergonomics. Mr. Weil participated in local development programs and consortiums to develop the community school programs for microelectronic careers. Mr. Weil also worked with the Japanese American Institute of Management Sciences and trained engineers and technicians in Japan.

Web Design Done By Austin Weil