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REDZONE : April 5th

This weeks redzone was sure to be good after Raid and Thanatoses hell in the cell match, when Thanatos put Raid though the roof of the steel cage! The first music to come on was Thanatoses. he came down to the ring and started to say how he whipped Raids ass in front of the world! he was bragging about how he did this. then turnded and said he wanted a match that night against none other than Razzmatazz!!!!his reason for this was that he put away Raid for good, and Elektrow went with him, so he thought if he puts away Razzmatazz, Cherrie Bomb will go with him. then Cherrie Bombs music came on and she marched down to the ring and told him that she wouldnt let him win. Cherrie then when on to say that Thanatos will have a big shock very soon....just then multy coloured flicking lights came on ...Cherrie had a huge smile on her face wich is more than we could say about Thanatos when none other than Joke'A ran down to the ring and proceaded to beat the hell out of Thanatos with a steel chair....he then turned to Cherrie and the arena was filled with confusion and shock as he smacked Cherrie in the head with the chair, gave her the giggle bomb, then ran off!....Razzmatazz ran down to Cherries aid, and carried her off. then the nights matches were anounced for that night. they were:

Razzmatazz Vs Thanatos in the first ever hardkore titel match
Joke'A Vs Cherrie Bomb in a circus match

before any of these matches took place a loud beating sound hit the speakers and a short man came down to the ring saying that he was the boss and that the matches were to have a 30 min time limit!

the first match to take place was Joke'A and Cherries circus took the whole half an hour and was painfull to wach due to the fact that just about every thing was used from curcuses! tables were set on fire, balloons containd drawing pins, and whips were used! Joke'A set up a table (on fire) Joke'A then pushed Cherrie in to the ring corner and started to climb up onto the roaps and punched her repetedly in the head, then Cherrie turned it into a powerbomb and so powerbombed Joke'A onto and through the table of fire. Joke'As legs were onfire, some officals came to the ring and had to put him out with fire extingusers! while Cherrie admired what she had done the officals anounced that Joke'A was unable to carrie on and carried him off on a streacher! would this meen Joke'As gone again????

then the next match was ready to begin.....Razzamatazz Vs Thanatos!

when these two got into the ring you could see the intesaty, a while into the match and Thanatos was whipping Razzmatazzs ass like he said he would! after suplexes on trash cansand body slams on chairs thanatos brought out a bag of drawing pins, and just as the two were exchainging left and rights, Razzmatazz managed to get in the razz-ride to Thanatos right in the drawing pins!! after that Razzmatazz was able to pick up the win and gained the first ever hardkore belt!