Figure 1 Test circuit for I F transformer. There is a block on the left which is labeled sweep function generator. A symbol on the right edge of this block indicates that it has a coaxial output. The center of the coax goes to one end of a resistor that can be either 100 k ohm or 470 k ohm. The shield of the coax is grounded. The other end of the resistor connects to the top of the primary of the I F transformer that is under test. The bottom of the primary is grounded. The I F transformer consists of two windings which are magnetically coupled but do not have an iron core. Each winding has a variable capacitor connected in parallel with it. Both windings and both capacitors are surrounded by a dashed line indicating a shield. The shield is grounded. The bottom end of the secondary is grounded. The top end connects to channel 1 of an oscilloscope. The ground of the scope is grounded. Channel 2 of the scope connects to the junction of the resistor and the top of the primary of the transformer. This completes the verbal description.
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