Figure 8 Using Second Function Generator To Trigger Sweep Gen and Scope. On the left side of this diagram is a block labeled sweep generator. Above this is another block labeled second function generator. On the right is another block labeled D S O for digital storage oscilloscope. Between the two generators and the D S O is an I F transformer consisting of two air wound coils that are close together indicating they are magnetically coupled. Resonating capacitors are not shown but they are assumed to be present. The Ch 1 output of the sweep generator is shown with two wires. One of them is ground. The ground wire from the sweep generator goes to a ground symbol indicating that the transformer shield can is connected to the generator ground. The ground also connects to the lower end of the primary winding of the transformer. The ground wire also connects to the bottom end of the secondary. The ground wire continues on to connect to the ground of the D S O. The hot side of the Ch 1output of the generator goes to one end of a 470 k ohm resistor. The other end of this resistor connects to the upper end of the primary. The upper end of the secondary connects to the hot side of the channel one input of the D S O. The upper end of the secondary also connects to one end of another 470 k ohm resistor. The other end of the resistor connects to the bottom end of the secondary. The junction of the resistor and top of the primary connects to the hot side of the channel two input of the D S O. A wire connects from the output of the second function generator to the trigger input of the D S O. Although a single wire is shown, this connection is presumed to be made by a coaxial cable with B N C connectors. Another cable connects from the external trigger input of the sweep generator and joins up with the cable that goes between the second function generator output to the external trigger input on the D S O. An arrow points to the point where the two cables join and a note says coaxial T connector. The connections from the transformer primary and secondary are presumed to be made with times ten probes each with its own ground connection. End of verbal description.
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