Figure 7.8. In this figure the bass and treble are not being stepped while the midrange is being stepped in the normal direction. In this graph we can see the effect of the midrange without any interaction from bass and treble controls. The five lines start out as a single line at 10 Hz. They begin to separate at about 25 Hz. They reach a maximum at about 500 Hz and merge into a single line again at just above 20 kHz. The effect at these extremes is far too small to be heard. On the low end the affect is 3 dB down and up at about 150 Hz. On the high end this point is at between 1kHz and 2 kHz. The cut and boost are not symmetrical here. At the frequency of maximum cut and boost the values are as follows. Green, minus 7.5. Blue, minus 4.5. Red, between minus 2 and minus 1.5. Light blue, plus 1. Purple, just a shade above plus 3. End verbal description.
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