Figure 4.3. This graph has the vertical scale marked off from -18 dB at the bottom to 18 dB at the top. The frequency scale is from 10 Hz to 100 kHz. The bass portion closely matches the ideal bass curves shown and described in Figure 6.2. The maximum boost is at 15 dB at 10 Hz, half boost at 6 dB, flat at zero dB, half cut at -6 dB, and maximum cut at -15 dB.

The treble side is inverted from the previous plot. That is, the green line is max bass cut but on the treble side it is max boost. The blue line is half bass cut and half treble boost. The light blue line is half bass boost and half treble cut. The purple line is max bass boost and max treble cut. The two half treble lines misbehave as in figure 4.2. All of the lines cross as they are supposed to, at about 750 Hz. End verbal description.
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