Figure 2. This circuit is drawn as a square which is square with the world. The top line of the circuit connects to the cathode of V1. The plate of V1 connects to the positive of a battery, B1. The negative goes to the bottom line of the circuit. V1 and B1 are on the left of the square. On the right the top line connects to the negative of B2. The positive of B2 goes to the plate of V2. The cathode of V2 goes to the bottom line of the circuit. The top of the output transformer primary goes to the top line of the circuit. The bottom line of the circuit goes to the bottom of the transformer primary. The center tap is grounded. Unlike figure 1 the tubes are pentodes. The suppressor grid of each tube is connected internally to the cathode. The screen grid of V1 connects through a resistor to the positive side of B2. The screen grid of V2 connects through a resistor to the positive of B1. The control grid of V1 goes to the top of a resistor. The bottom of this resistor goes to the negative end of the C battery. The positive of the C battery is grounded. The negative of the C battery also goes to the top end of another resistor. The bottom end of this resistor goes to the control grid of V2. There are two input terminals on the left at top and bottom. The top input terminal goes through a capacitor to the control grid of V1. The bottom input terminal goes through another capacitor to the control grid of V2. There are little sine waves at various points on the diagram which indicate the phase of the voltage at that point. The upper input has a positive sine wave. The lower input terminal has a negative wave. The cathode of V1 has a positive wave, the plate a negative one. The cathode of V2 has a negative wave, the plate a positive one. End verbal description.
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