Schematic diagram of power supply for a 6V6 push-pull amplifier. The line plug has its bottom, wide, prong connecting to the primary of the power transformer. The other prong goes through the on/off switch then through the fuse to the other side of the primary. This transformer has two secondaries. The lower one is the 6.3 volt winding. One side connects to pin 2 of both 6V6s and pins 4 and 5 of both 12AX7s. The other side of this winding goes to pin 7 of both 6V6s and pin 9 of both 12AX7s. There is a pot connected across the winding and the wiper of the pot is grounded. This pot is labeled hum balance. The top secondary winding is center tapped and the tap is grounded. The two ends of the secondary go to the two plates of the full wave rectifier, 6AX5. The heater of this tube is connected to the 6.3 volt winding. The cathode of the tube goes through a 22 ohm 1/4 watt resistor to the plus side of a 40 mike cap. This point is labeled output plates. This point also goes through a 1000 ohm 1 watt res to the plus of another 40 mike cap. This point is labeled output screens. This point goes through a 10 k ohm res to the plus of a 10 mike cap. This point is labeled inverter driver. This point goes through a 47 k ohm res to the plus of a 5 mike cap. This point is labeled phono preamp. The negatives of all caps are grounded. End verbal description.
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