Frequency response of the 3 band tone control you can love. There are 4 graphs in this figure. In the first one the bass and treble pots are set at center and not changed. The mid range pot is set in turn to full boost, half boost, flat, half cut, and full cut. The 5 lines start out merged at a value of minus 1 dB, and begin to diverge at about 50 cycles. They are about 1 dB apart at 150 cycles and have maximum spread at 750 cycles. At this frequency the values are 4, 2, minus 1, minus 3, minus 5. The lines are about 1 dB apart again at 7 kc and merge at 30 kc. The combined curves are at minus 3 dB at 100 kc. In the second graph the mid range is set at flat and the bass and treble controls are set to the same 5 test levels. At 10 cycles the values are, 17 dB, 6.5 dB, minus 1 dB, minus 8 dB, and minus 19 dB. At 50 cycles the values are, 11.5 dB, 5 dB, minus 1 dB, minus 6 dB, minus 12 dB. The lines merge at 250 cycles and cross over slightly, about 1 dB, boost becomes cut and vice versa. The lines merge again at about 1.2 kc and then open up distance from the minus 1 dB, flat, line. The values at 10 kc are, 8 dB, 3 dB, minus 1 dB, minus 4 dB, minus 9 dB. The third graph looks almost like the second one except that the flat line is boosted in the center. In the region where the curves have crossed over they are boosted to about 4 dB. In the fourth graph the mid range is cut to minus 5 dB. End verbal description.
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