Frequency response and input impedance of the tone control you can love. The vertical axis is from minus 18 to plus 15 dB in 3 dB steps. The tone flat line runs along the minus 1 dB line. It falls a little above 20 kc and is down to minus 4 dB at 100 kc. All 5 curves follow this same roll-off and are down by 3 dB at 100 kc. Values of the lines will be given in the following order. Full boost, half boost, flat, half cut, and full cut. At 50 cycles the values are, 12, 5, minus 1, minus 6.5, and minus 14 dB. At 10 kc the values are, 6, 2, minus 1, minus 4, and minus 8. From the bass end all 5 curves converge at 700 cycles and minus 1 dB. They continue as a single line, diverging again at 1200 cycles. The lines remain evenly spaced as they converge and diverge. This ends the amplitude response curves. The impedance response curves are shown in green. The vertical scale is in k ohms from 0 to 200 k ohms in steps of 20 k ohms. The full cut curve enters the graph from above at 150 cycles. The half cut line enters the graph from above at 90 cycles. The flat curve enters the graph at 10 cycles and 185 k ohms. It goes horizontally for a while and begins to fall at about 50 cycles. The half boost curve starts at 10 cycles and 125 k ohms. It also begins to fall at about 50 cycles. The full boost curve enters the graph at 10 cycles and 62 k ohms. It begins to rise at about 30 cycles, reaches a maximum at 80 k ohms at 200 cycles and then begins to fall again. All 5 curves converge at 700 cycles and 65 k ohms. They continue as one until 1200 cycles and 58 k ohms. They diverge only a little having the values of 62, 55, 45, 38, and 28 k ohms, at 10 kc. The top line is full cut and the bottom line is full boost. All lines rise a little above 30 kc. End verbal description.
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