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65% cheated in a relationship
62% can use a gun
62% forget birthdays
56% been in a catfight
52% blamed a friend for farting
43% gnawed during oral sex
38% wear lots of hairspray
27% stomped on someone with high heels

The bitchiest age group is 29 year olds. 29 year olds average 50% bitchy.

Women who like the taste of beer are more likely to cheat on their boyfriends.

Canadian women are more likely to consider themselves successful.

Girls with tattoos like authority less.

Girls who sleep with married men are more likely to forget their friends' birthdays.

Jamie Lee Curtis a Hermaphrodite???

Actually, Jamie Lee is biologically a male (XY chromosomes), but she has a condition called Testicular Feminization in which the body is insensitive to testosterone. These women appear completely female; many usually don't even discover the condition until they see a physician due to an absence of menstruation or problems getting pregnant.
(Don't look so surprised...)

Every year, 11,000 Americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions.

A female orgasm is a powerful painkiller (because of the release of endorphins), so headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex.