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Last updated 08/15/2010 - Markets.ods | Markets.xls

If you find this market listing useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.

08/15/2010 Market List Update

The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 09/15/2010.

Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

Editor's Note
Sometimes the best way to work through pain or grief or fear is by writing it out. I've done that a couple of times--I have stories that I've written like a surgeon cutting out a tumor. I think/hope that I've buried it well enough that a casual reader wouldn't say, "Ah, there is the writer working out their trauma," which is what happens when it's done badly.

Rarely does a chance come along to prevent pain or grief through writing, but that's what I'm doing next. I'm writing a donation-funded serial story (launching soon) to help cover the cost of my mother's cancer treatment. The story is a steampunk murder mystery about a circus surviving and traveling through post-Civil War America after an aetheric event wipes out 3/4s of the population on the same evening the circus ringmaster is murdered. This is a scary project for me--the reason for it is stressful, the format is unfamiliar (serial story, podcast), and I'll be working under time pressure to produce episodes every other week. Wish me luck! And buy a ticket for the circus.

- Abra Staffin-Wiebe

Things Shiny or Useful

* Balancing a character's pain:
* How to Write a Book:

Featured Market

L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future Contest is the most prestigious award for beginning science fiction and fantasy writers. If you have not yet sold 3 stories to pro markets, you should be submitting every quarter. And now they accept email submissions!

Established and sponsored by L. Ron Hubbard in 1983, the "Writers Award Contest" was a budding competition aimed at discovering, and eventually publishing, deserving amateur and aspiring writers. The field of speculative fiction and fantasy, was chosen not only for Mr. Hubbard's love of and success within the genre—but for the freedom of imagination and expression it provided as what he described as the "herald of possibility."

The Writers of the Future Program, established in the finest tradition of the professional giving a helping hand to the novice, has become the largest, the most well-known and the best established discovery vehicle in the field. To date, winners have gone on to publish over 700 novels and 3,000 short stories, and have appeared on international bestseller lists, even reaching the #1 slot on the New York Times and London Sunday Times.

The basics: SF/F, 17,000 words max, no professionally published reprints, quarterly first prize $1,000, annual grand prize an additional $5,000.

Market List Updates
To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
Name What they want Pay Per Word – Fiction Flat Pay – Fiction (Lowest) Website
Rockets, Swords, and Rainbows ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/21/2010 SF/F with GLBTQ elements $0.0100
Made You Flinch ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/31/2010 Unnerving, disturbing horror $0.0100
Cthulhurotica ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 09/15/10 Lovecraft-inspired erotica $0.0100
Gone with the Dirt ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED Zombies in the American South during Civil War/Reconstruction $0.0025
L Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future QUARTERLY ANTHOLOGY. Spec-fic
Speakeasy ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 09/30/2010 Fantasy stories set in/themed to the 1920s.
Fantastique Unfettered SF/F - “fantastic fiction”
Assassins: Clash of Steel ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/30/10 Fantasy themed to assassins/killers.
Flash Me Magazine - DEAD MARKET (on indefinite hiatus) all genres
Alien Horror ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/01/2010 Horror themed to aliens
Hard Boiled Horror ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/01/2010 Detective stories with a horror slant
Literary Hatchet Dark fiction
Potter's Field 4 ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED Horror themed to graveyards
Escape Velocity - DEAD MARKET hard SF and non-fiction
Bęte Noir All genres, dark
It Came From Her Purse ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED (pub Spring 2011) SF/F/H themed to the anthology title
Tower of Light Fantasy Magazine All fantasy and blended fantasy genres
Etched Offerings ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 09/01/10 - 10/31/10 Themed to Paganism, magick, and/or gods and myth.
Innsmouth Free Press: Historical Lovecraft ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 09/01/10 - 01/03/2011 Historical fiction with a Lovecraftian twist $0.0096
Often Inspired Themed issues. F/SF/H/Mystery
Revenant - DEAD MARKET Undead, especially zombies. $0.0025
Third Order - DEAD MARKET Stories about faith and religion
New Fairy Tale ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/01/2010 Themed: "New" fairy tales--cautionary tales.
$15.00 (scroll to bottom)

Aswiebe's Market List

  • Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
  • If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
  • To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
  • If you get a story published in a market on this list, let me know and I'll add a note to the next newsletter!
  • Feel free to forward this email on to people you think might find it useful. If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
  • To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.

Aswiebe's Market List
About Aswiebe's Market List
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Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

Abra Staffin Wiebe, Compiler of Lists

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