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Stephanie Wynn Drinkard

from the
Photography Gallery
Friends, Neighbors, and Random Strangers

last updated 06/28/01


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Most people want to see pictures taken of themselves. I have taken many, many pictures of people - a few of these the subjects have never seen. These are the photographs I have taken of Steph Drinkard.

If there is a photograph up here in which you are included, and you do not want anyone else to see it, email me at and I'll take it down. By the same token, if there is a picture up of you or someone else that you desperately want a copy of, email me. I usually have double prints and am willing to send a copy gratis to the subject (if there is only one subject), or to reprint innumerable copies of the photograph if someone else covers the cost. Of course, I will check that it's okay with the subject of the photograph first. Stalkers are not welcome unless they have prior consent.

I will email you if I post pictures of you, assuming I have your email address. But if you want to know whenever anyone's picture goes up, email me. If you or someone else you know wants their very own photo shoot, let me know. And, for now, enjoy!

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Steph has a number of photogenic qualities. She wears lots of shiny or textured materials, she's a I need to go on?

boots Boots and vinyl at the Macalester May 2001 gamer dance.
Posted 06/05/01.

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Email photographer: aswiebe at gmail dot com