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Portland Community College  Service Learning Project:  CIS-120 Computer Concepts One
CAS-133  Computer Applications   

        You will be glad you chose Service-Learning!  Through diverse service-learning partnerships you can help publish an online magazine, assist with computer-related teaching activities, learn how to deconstruct a computer, and much more! You will better understand the course material, get to know your community, explore values, learn about diverse cultures & lifestyles, and will appreciate your personal ability to make a difference. 
        You are required to do three things during this term.
1.     Enhance computer skills and knowledge.

2.   Support non-profit, educational, and community organizations.

3.     Successfully perform your service commitment.
3.     Analyze your experience and give a class presentation to explain your accomplishments. 
          This opportunity to connect theory with practice allows you to put concepts into concrete form and provides context for understanding abstract subject matter. Rather than simply learning about the language, history, ethics, and effects of computer will apply these skills to enhance your personal, community, and global perspectives. You can also earn college credit beyond this class.  (see Cooperative Education)


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   Community Service and Action

            Winter 2006 Newsletter
Environmental Service-Learning  

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Free Geek:Community Technology

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Service Learning at Portland Community College

Service-Learning at PCC began as a grass-roots movement among faculty and staff who believe in the potential of education to transform students' lives and society. Now more than 100 faculty connect course learning objectives and reflection exercises with community service, thus allowing thousands of PCC students to volunteer with community agencies, learn about social issues, and make a difference in their communities.

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Why Service-Learning?

Excerpts from student evaulations and journals:

MLK Day Service Opportunities