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Useful electronic links and references for further reading and research.

Information on cemetery inscriptions.
Electronic Links
NSW Heritage Good Starting Place
State Records NSW Births, Deaths, Marriages, Maps etc.
Society of Australian Genealogists.
Mitchell Library & State Library NSW. 3 Useful catalogues, Main, Index to Newspapers & Picman.

Books & Places etc.,
Ross. V., A Hawkesbury Story, Library of Australian History, 1981.
Bowd, D.G., Macquarie Country. Netley, The Griffin Press, 1973.
Steele, James., Early Days of Windsor Sydney. Tyrrels, 1916.
To see Photos of J. Galloway, S. & W. Beard, see Steele, J., Early Days of Windsor, p. 195. Photo of Committee of Windsor Hospital 1892 - 3.
Uniting Church Archives, 3 Blackwood Place, North Parramatta.Ph; 02 96833147.

Last updated 2/2/2000.

©Chris Caswell-Miller....