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A torch to light my path? A star to guide my way?

The graveside shrine to all things dark and beautiful

Breathless Darkness is what I named my web-site. This is a quote from a poem entitled "Thanatopsis" by William Cullens Bryant. The poem is about death and uses, what I found to be, awesome metaphors to describe it. My favorite is the one where the author speaks of going into a tomb filled with breathless darkness. Calling death breathless darkness seems so fitting in a chilling, Edgar-wish-he-thought-of-it-first sort of way. Yeah well, I read too much. Anyway, I enjoy poetry like a freak. I mean like a beatnik, black turtleneck-wearing freak. I mean follow people around to ask them what they’re reading freak, I mean a total all out…You get the idea. Send me poetry on anything and I’ll post it up, along with some of my own. I will probably comment on the verses, so be prepared.   I fully intend to add more and better links and as much diverse poetry as my web space allows. Please be patient, this is only my first time at designing and creating "midnight entertainment."

Do you want out?

Here is a collection of links that will *hopefully* appeal to your dark side. --Lovely Graphics, wonderful account of the night life of Houston, their mail is screwed up though… collection of, well, the name says it all….

More links than you can handle—One million of them so it says, but I never stopped to count

Numbers—Houston Night Club

Caverns of Blood--A site that makes mine look even more pathetic than it really is.

Do you ever feel empty? Feel like the emptiness is eating you up inside?

A guy named Aaron Proctor--Basically some goth I've never heard of but found worth mentioning.

Gothic Babe of the Week--Very, Very, Very nice pictures

Flowers on a Razor Wire--You probably wouldn't understand anyway... At least the part about why I put it on my page, of all places.

Raven's Rants

Who mourns for love lost?
This is a former Goth Babe of the Week called Nyssa Dark. I thought her pick would look excellent on this site so I asked her for it. Please be kind enough to ask her permission before you rip it off my site...provided you can find her

More to come…

Want More?

Adopt a Goth


Gandalf the White

"He has fallen into shadow..."

Verses of and for the Damned

Titles in bold—Author’s Name

Verses in gray, Commentary in Red

I shall not care—Sara Teasdale

When I am dead and over me bright April

Shakes out her rain-drenched hair

Though you should lean above me broken-hearted

I shall not care

I shall have peace

As leafy trees are peaceful

When rain bends down the bough,

And I shall be more silent and more cold-hearted

Than you are now.

This is actually my favorite poem overall. And no, I didn’t write it.

Sara Teasdale happens to be a very famous poet; you can find her in any library

O it doth teach a heart to bleed--by Me

O it doth teach a heart to bleed

That which irony would seek fit to wrought

with her comical hands

a twist of fate so befitting

that the crimson tears that fell

from the soul should gather into

a chalice of bittersweet sympathy and become

A draught as cold as night

that, when poured, would join to form a

black pearl of hatred and loathing

which I would lay at her feet.

She, the one who betrayed me.

I found the picture really fits the poem.

Yup! Yup! Yup!

More to come…

I'm coming for you!

Death looks upon his Sleeping Love--by Me

Just Breathe

Something I wrote in Economics my Senior Year

Weep for Me

When I am gone

When all the world

is dark and cold

And all the tears

that I have cried

are dried up in the desert of souls

And all the screams that I

have held silent are mere echoes in time

Weep for me

Let me know you care now

when all my life I was your shadow

dust upon your fine, ivory shoes

Scream for me when I am gone

To let yourself hear the clarity of your agony

Cry for me -so that your tears will drown out the sound

of their verbal attacks

Cry hard and Cry yourself to sleep

For sleep is the sweetest drug;

the deep sleep like a blanket of nothingness.

Oblivion at its finest

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