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Concert Info

If you know of any industrial show in the Southeastern USA that aren't listed here, please email me

Also, this is in no way a comprehensive list, as smaller show vary from town to town. The focus here is on major shows and South Carolina(where I'm located.)

Nocturne with Frankenstein Drag Queens at Uncle Doctor's in Columbia, August 31

Snog at the Riviera in Atlanta, 8/30

Android Lust, I Parasite, at Club Rarity in Atlanta, 9/14

Cleener,, in Atlanta for a TBA September date

Funker Vogt, XPQ-21 at the Riviera Club in Atlanta, 10/12

Wolfsheim at the Riviera Club in Atlanta, 11/16

VNV Nation and Icon of Coil at the Riviera Club in Atlanta, 11/25

Coming soon, reviews of haujobb, Din_Fiv, Cut.Rate.Box, Icon of Coil, And One, and Covenant.

Upcoming Industrial Concerts for the SouthEastern USA

Ohgr, with help from Tim Skold and Cevin Key, among others...How much closer are we going to get to a Skinny Puppy reunion? In the nation's capitol of D.C., 6/21 and possibly Atlanta.

Foetus in Atlanta, 6/05, and Carborro, NC, 6/04...I hope to be there

Slick Idiot on the East Coast! Click here for more info on the ex-KMFDM members tours

Concert Reviews

Nine Inch Nails in Charlotte, 5/14/00
Synchro Nine Factor in Columbia, 2/17/00
MDFMK in Atlanta, 6/17/00
Appartment 26 in Knoxville, 7/27/00
VNV Nation in Atlanta, 9/9/00
Apoptygma Berzerk in Atlanta, 9/9/00
Velvet Acid Christ in Atlanta, 11/28/00