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Tomb Raider II Walkthru.

Great Wall

Once Lara has slipped down the slopes into the cavern, head fo the shallow pool in the corner. Climb up the rock on the left and look down to shoot at the tiger below.

Run up the path to the dark corner. Turn left and do diagonal standing jump over to the next platform. Jump over to the pathway and continue around it. climb up the platform at the end, roll around and jump over to the platform above the path.

See Secret one below:Stone Dragon

Climb up the rock to the left and over to the far wall. Turn right and run to the wall. Roll around and do a running jump to reach the opposite platform. From here you can turn right and climb up into the room. Drop through the trap door in the corner to splash into a pool. Swim over to the platforms and go up the steps in the corner. Do a running jump and grab the opposite platform. Pull yourslef up and flick the switch to open the door. Go through it to emerge on the top of the great wall.

Keep moving to shoot the thre ravens which attack you. Slide down the slope to splash in the pool below. Swim down in the dark tunnel to collect the guardhouse key.

Watch out for the tiger when climbing out of the pool: sommersault backwards while shooting it. Now climb up the green platforms by the wall to the right of the pool. From there climb back onto the wall.. Use the key to open the door.

Inside it is kind of dark so light a flare and start shooting since the room is crawling whith spiders. Climb the ladder to the platform above and shoot another spider. Grab the rusty key and climb back down. Use the key to open the door at the end of the dark corridor.

Go through and walk down the cobwebbed corridor. Shoot the spiders that drop down from the roof- watch out for one behind you. Collect the shotgun ammo and large medikit by the skeleton. Pull the block out to reveal a corridor behind. Go through and slide down the slope.

In this pool there are pipes at both sides firing darts. The best way to avoid them is to grab onto the crack in the left wall and climb all the way to the right.

Drop down and quickly swim to the exit and haul yourself up. Run across the crumbling tiles (whith spikes below) and turn right. A couple of boulders will start rolling against you from the left so keep running to the right and jump over the spikes at the end.

You will slide down in a room with a twin set of sliding spikes. So immediately sommersault left (to grab the ammo if you dare) and pull yourself up in the corridor to avoid being impaled - move forwards a little bit too, otherwise you may still get hit by the spikes.

Now comes another hard part. Hug the right and keep running forwards over the crumbling tiles, timing your jumps over the cutting blades. You enter another room with more spikes and the tempting green dragon.

See secret 2 below

Upon exiting keep to the right side to avoid the spikes sliding in from the left wall and run forwards over the crumbling tiles. At the end you slide down a slope and drop into a room - quickly head left and stand on the crumbling tiles to drop through before the spikes get you.

At the end of the corridor is a cavern with two circular blades rolling from side to side. Walk forwards to collect the small medikit before timing you run past. You emerge in a large cavern with a sheer drop to the right into the dark valley below.

See secret 3 below

Blast the spiders that appear, then grab the handles of the rope slide and hold action (to avoid falling off) as you whizz to the other side of the valley. Land on the ledge, but get ready for the two tigers which leap out at you.Once they're dead, run into the corridor which takes you to the final room. Simply head for the large door to complete the level. If you managed to get all of the secrets you will be awarded with a grenade launcher.


SECRET 1: Stone dargon.

The first secret is right near the start. From the high ledge, turn to your right and jump over the gap to the ledge. Walk along it and pick up the Secret by pressing the action button.

SECRET 2: Jade Dragon.

It's there for all to see, but getting it safely isn't so easy. The best method is to move left in the air during your jump over the final blade in the preceding corridor, so that you land right

SECRET 3: Golden Dragon

By far the most difficult of the three secrets, this involves a hazardous detour. Instead of using the rope slide (after shooting any spiders), head just to the right of it. Turn around, jump back, grab the ledge top, then drop onto the green mossy platform below. Now grab hold of the crack in the wall and climb right until you can pull up in the cavern. Head left to collect the flares. Grab grab hold of the nearest ladder and climb right to the far one. Now climb into the darkness (a long way) until you reach the floor. Follow the passage round to the left and you will emerge at the bottom of the valley. When you hear the stomping of a T-rex, retreat to the passage to shoot it. Once it is dead head down the valley to collect the Gold Dragon from the corridor at the end. Watch out for the second t-rex which appears - shoot it from the safety of the corridor. Now simply head back to the passage where you entered and climb the ladder all the way to the top. Just round the corner you emerge back by the slide.


Draw your pistols and head down the narrow alleyway, shooting the dog that isright at the end. Look right to target a gunman on the balcony above. When he is dead, head down the next alley and shoot the dog and gangster at the end. Jump into the canal and swim under the large doors ahead to surface in the boathouse. Climb out onto the right ledge and press the switch (3).

Swim back under the doors and climb up on the opposite side. Enter the hut on the left and collect the flares. Press the switch (1) to open the trap door in the ceiling. Climb up the ladder and drop off to the right. Flick the switch (2) ther to open the next trap door above and climb up the ladder to emerge on the roof. Climb up to the window and shoot it and the one beyond. Climb onto the far window ledge and jump onto the red canopy, then over to the balcony with the dead gunman. Collect the boathouse key (1) and head back to the window.

Go right through the door and shoot the dog. Cross the bridge and flick the switch (4) to open a door high above the left end of the canal. To reach it return over the bridge and climb up the window in the adjoining room. Smash it and do a running jump to grap the opposite red canopy. Turn left and jump via the other two canopies to reach the stone ledge. Climb up into the doorway and press the switch (5) to open the gate below.Jump back into the canal and swim under the door to the boathouse again. Climb out and insert the key (1) to open the boathouse doors. Before climbing into the speedboat, kill the gunman that has appeared on the opposite side by the hut and grab his automatic pistols.

Finally you can try out the speed boat. Drive to the right through the gate you previously opened. It is dark so you better light a flare.

See secret 1 below

Drive to the end of the passage and turn right to drop down the waterfall.

See secret 2 below

Turn right to enter a large room with lots of pillars. Drive the boat to the far left corner and forwards to the very large gate. Leave the boat here (in the lock) and swim back to the nearby wooden dock.Climb up and smash through the window to shoot the gunman inside.Flick the switch (6) to operate the lock, then exit and climb the ladder to find that your boat has been raised on the other side. Drop into the water and pull the lever (7) to open the doors.

Climb into the speedboat, drive out and head left. Round the corner stop and jump to the dock on the right. Climb onto the crate and and grab the opposite canopy. Draw your guns and jump from the edge to the bridge and immediately backflip onto the canopy to shoot the gangster and his dog. Jump to the bridge and shoot the gunman further down the canal to the left. Collect the large medikit and head right to and head right to shoot the gunman in the courtyard. Collect the steel key (2) and use it to open the nearby door. Drop through the hatch and flick the switch (8) to open one of the gates in the narrow section of the canal.

Climb back up and shoot the gunman on the way back to the bridge. Drop into the canal and get back to the boat and smash through the gondolas. This next bit is tricky, so better save your position. You have to put the pedal to the metal and drive towards the the gate with the clock above it and jump out before your boat hits the mines there. If nothing happens, try it again but jump out a little later this time.

Now you know what the second boat is for: so get in and drive back past the lock. Round the next corner is a gunman, so get ready to jump out and shoot him. Back in the boat, continue forwards (past the right turn) to the end of this section and round the right corner. Smash throug the gondolas and jump onto the dock. Shoot the gangster and go through the door. Blast the rats and flick the switch (9) to open a door elsewere on the level.

Back in the boat, turn round and head down the narrow channel to your left. Turn left at it's end and jump onto the dock with the door you just opened. Inside you will find the iron key (3) in the shallow water. Climb up through the and roll around to shoot the and his dog. Flick the switch to open the upper door, but watch out for the other gunman below. If you were given the grenade launcher after the first level, step back and fire one down there. - otherwise drop down and shoot him.

Now head all the way back to the dock where you found the second speedboat (pick up the m16 clips beside the gunmans feet. Use the key (3) to open the door there.Shoot the gangster inside and flick the switch to open the door to the other gate to the narrow canal section; opening up a small shortcut. Back in the boat, drive back past where you found the iron key, through the tunnel, and round the corner. By the next corner is a doorway on the right. Jump out and swim through the door and shoot the gunman from the shallows on the left.

Now back your boat up (outside) to the wide ramp, so that it is facing the long wooden ramp.

See secret 3 below

Hit the switch and it opens the level exit gates (with the clock above them). However you only have until the clock strikes 13 to get out. The good news is that the time does not start until you exit the room. Walk up to the ramp to jump into the boat. Put the pedal to the metal (hold down action) to fly over the ramp and through the smashed windows to the othe side of the bridge. Slow down to to turn the left corner at the end and quickly right into the narrow shortcut you opened up. Head right at the end and speed towards that exit before it closes.You have completed the level.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

Just through the entrance,there is a dock to the right. Jump of the boat there and climb up to the small corridor where you will find the secret and more flares.

Secret 2: Gold Dragon

Not far from the first secret there is another. After driving the boat over the waterfall, jump into the pool below it to find the gold dragon.

Secret 3: Jade Dragon

Jump out of the boat and walk up the large ramp. Smash the window to get into the bridge room, where the secret awaits.

Bartoli's Hideout

Drive the boat through the gate and jump out onto the dock. Shoot the rats and head right up the stairs and round to the right. Soot the rats and the gangster at the end of the corridor. Flick the switch to open the front door to the building. This releases another gangster so have your guns ready.

Keep your guns drawn as you enter: there is a gangster on the balcony and another in the far right corner. Once you have shot them, head to the left of the room and smash the windows. Kill the dogs which jump out, then go through the window to find some goodies. Return to the large room and keep to the right as you time your run past the three chopping statues in the corridor. At the end is a dark room: light a flare and hit the switch to open another door above the canal.

Back in the large room, jump and pull up the high end of the sloped block and as you start to slide, jump up and grab the opposite wooden platform. Head left on the ledge and push the block twice. From here, do a running jump to land on the balcony. Climb right via the ladders to reach the outside balcony. Shoot the gunman who appears on the balcony to your right. Now do a running jump from the open end of the balcony to slide down the red canopy and grab the edge. Climb left, pull up, and jump back to land on the opposite balcony. Do a running jump to grab the small platform to your left, then the opposite canopy. Finally, jump and grab to sail through the open doorway.

Shoot the two dogs and go upstairs. Go through the doorway and shoot the gunman in the room.

See secret 1 below Smash the window and blast the gangster on the long balcony. Head right and smash the other window, turn around and jump back so you can shoot the gangster that appears on the balcony. Another gangster and his dog comes through the door so shoot them. Then push the block in the fireplace twice.

Climb onto the block, then left into the corridor, shooting the rats. Instead of sliding down the slope past the blades, there is a better method. Walk through to the edge of the slope, shuffle to the right, and jump forwards turning right to land in the water.

Another tricky bit follows: getting past the fires. With you back, run forward and jump from the edge of the wooden section (at which point the fires go out) then immediately do a standing jump followed by a running jump to reach the end safely.

As the door opens get ready to shoot a gangster and two dogs. Drop down into the room and use the nearest sloped block to jump and pull up to the lowest chandelier. Do a running jump to grab the middle one. Pull up, then do a running jump to grab the highest one. Pull up turn right and do a running jump to the wooden platform with the switch. Flick it to open the picture to the right of the fireplace. Jump back to grab the middle chandelier, then do a running jump to grab the highest one. Pull up and jump again to haul up to the high wooden section. Shoot the rats as you walk around to the right. Grab hold of the high beam and and climb right to pull yourself up. From here, jump over to the opposite wooden section. Get ready to shoot the gangster who emerges from the brick section. Jump forward from the brick wall to land on the high beam. Flick the switch to reverse the position of the chandeliers. Jump back to the bricks to drop down on the now-highest chandelier. Jump via the middle to the now-lowest chandelier, from here you can now do a running jump to grab the open picture ledge. Pull up to get the library key there.

Now jump back to the lowest chandelier, then do running jumps and grabs to the highest one. Turn towards the window and do a running jump and grab to land on the platform with the switch Flick it to open the trap door behind the fireplace. Walk through the window and head right along the ledge. At the end, grab the edge and drop down into the opened trap door to win up in a pool below.

See secret 2 below

Climb out by the doors and use the key to open them. Entering the library, shoot the gangster and go straight through the opposite doors. Follow the path round the bookcases and climb up on the far one. From here, shoot the rats before jumping over to the other side. Flick the switch to open doors back in the first room.

Return and shoot the gangster, then enter the new room. Climb the left bookcase, then jump to the ledge opposite and climb the left bookcase to reach the very top. Shoot the window out and jump diagonally onto the sill. Turn around and slide backwards down the slope to grab the edge. Pull up and quickly jump backwards onto the opposite balcony. From her do a running jump to the opposite roof, then leap onto the right wall. To get the Uzis, turn right and go to the white sloped end of the wall, then do a running jump over the canal to grab the lowest part of the hut roof. Stand just left of the far chimney and do a running jump to land on the middle of the wall under the arch. Drop down the other side into the shallow water to collect the uzis. Climb up the ladder to get back out.

Go inside the hut to shoot the gangster. Then grab the detonator key. Outside swim over the door in the wall - when you pull up, a gunman will appear - uzi him and go through. Smash the window to reenter the library. Go through to the original room and flick the switch to open the other doors. Shoot the two gangsters which appear, then go through the window to the courtyard. Go through the the door to find another water section. Swim over to the far left corner to climb ashore and go around to the detonator box.

See secret 3 below

Stand behind it, facing the water and use the detonator key to blow up the opposite section. Get ready to shoot the gangster who appears on the high balcony to the left. Climb onto the right wall and go over to the ruins. Jump and climb up through the rubble to reach the upper walkway which leads, via a hole, to the sloped exit.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

From the room entrance turn left and walk towards the corner. Just before you reach it, there is a switch (10) hidden in the wall. Flick it to open the door at the top of the staircase. Go through to reach the balcony with the gangster you shot earlier and the first secret.

Secret 2: Gold Dragon

Pull the lever to open the nearby door. Swim forward and surface to light a flare, then swim down and round to the right. Make your way past the pillars and through the holes to the end. In the far right corner you will find the gold dragon. You will be running out of air soon, so pull the nearby lever (8) to open a trap door above. Swim up (where the fires are) to catch your breath. Go back down grab the grenades in the other corner and make your way back through the tunnel to the original pool.

Secret 3: Jade Dragon

Before using the Detonator Key, climb onto the right wall and go over to the opposite end of the water. Climb up and onto the roof, then go through the window to find the final secret.

Opera House

Jump to the right brick ledge, so you can shoot down at the gangster below. Drop into the drink and swim to the opposite left corner. Climb up the first ladder and climb up the ledge behind you to flick the switch .

Climb up the second ladder, onto the upper ledge and do a running jump over the canal to the white ledge. From here do a running jump to grab the ledge with the swinging crate. Avoiding the crate, do a running jump and grab over the canal to land through the trap door you've just opened in the opposite roof.

Shoot the gangster inside and collect the Ornate Key (1). Head up the stairs and shoot another gangster before exiting through the door to emerge on the switch ledge.

Return to the swinging crate ledge, then over to the small ledge, as at the start. Shimmy left along the adjacent roof to drop onto another small ledge. Jump left onto the sloped roof, and grab onto the window sill. Smash the window and safe-walk into the room and safely through the glass to reach the ladder. Climb up to the dark stairs and use the key to open the door at the end. Go round and climb up the ladder to the ledge.

Tricky bit ahoy. Do a running jump to the group of three crumbling platforms (second from the right), then again to the next threesome, and from the edge to grab the opposite ledge.

Pull up, head right, and climb up to the corridor. Turn right at the end to see the opera house roof. Shoot the gangster, then turn round, drop and grab the ledge, and immediately pull back up. This lures out another gangster and his dog. Shoot them from the ledge, then jump over to the roof. Run round to the left and shoot the two gangsters. See that swinging crate in the far corner? Do a running jump from the near corner of the roof to grab the ledge to the left of it. Pull up and drop through into the dark room. Light a flare and hit the switch to open the trap door in the opera house roof. Shoot the two new gangsters from the crate ledge, then drop through the trap door.

Flick the left switch to open the gate to the left. Drop through and run down the slope, climbing up to the left ledge to avoid the boulders. Hit the switch to close the gate, enabling you to climb left from it to reach the inside of the opera house.

Avoiding the sandbag opposite, shoot the gunman who appears on the left, then head right to the double doors. Shoot the gangster and dog. Run into the hole to the level below and shoot down at the gangster and dogs. Drop safely to the ground and head to the back wall of the theatre. Use the box to climb up to the first floor platforms and head for the corner, to the large gap. From here jump and grab the ledge to pull up to the second floor where you can plug that gangster.

Drop safely down to the floor and run along the poolside to lure the boulders from the back wall. Wade into the water and shoot the gunman on stage. Use the box to climb onto the stage. Shoot the gangster and dog, then head left to a room with a switch. Flick it to open a high gate at the other side of the stage. Run over there and shoot the two gangsters. Climb up to the open gate and walk around the glass and over by the raised plank. Do a running jump to the middle of the crevice and shimmy left to pull up onto the ledge. Flick the switch to drop the plank. Do a running jump back over to the walkway, being careful not to run into the glass. Cross the lowered plank and do a running jump from the end of the walkway to grab the plank in the left corner.

Pull up, then up again to the brick ledge. Turn around and shoot the rat opposite, then do a running jump to grab the high ledge. Time your jump past the first swinging sandbag - you can safely bypass the second, on the left. Hit the switch to drop a sandbag through the trap door on the stage. To drop into it, slide backwards down the middle of the slope, grab the edge, then pull up and jump back.

You land in a dark water pool - light a flare. Wade through the left entrance, turn left to swim down the stairs to emerge in a room with a switch by the shallows on the left. Flick it to open a door on the second floor.

See Secret 1 below

Return right and through the entrance, then head left through the wide gap to surface in a room with a ladder. Collect the Relay Box at the bottom of it, then climb up through the opened door.

Climb back up to the third floor and go right round to the passage in the opposite corner. Shoot the dogs and insert the Relay Box in the broken panel by the elevator to get it working. Hit the switch and the doors will open.

See Secret 2 below

Step inside to be taken down to the large room below the crumbling tiles you crossed earlier. Shoot the two gunmen and hit the switch, but don't get in the elevator. Once it's gone up, enter pool at the bottom of the shaft. Swim through to the left and up the steps to find the Circuit Board. Swim back down the stairs and through the opposite doorway into a room with a lever in the corner. Pull it to open the cage door to the right and swim through to surface. Climb out and shoot the rat, then turn around and jump to grab the ledge. Pull up, roll around, and draw your guns to shoot the gangster above. Jump and grab the high ledge and pull up the second floor passage. Shoot the rat and dog, then head down the passage and smash the window. Go through and hang and drop into the dressing room. Press the switch to open the door. Another tricky bit: slide down the slope and jump from the end to miss the fan and grab the ledge. Pull up and collect the Ornate Key .

Turn right and climb up the blocks to the corner. Jump across to the slope and jump to the opposite passage. Shoot the rat and walk to the edge to jump over the gap. Turn around and jump backwards from the edge to the higher ledge. Repeat this trick for the next fan.

See Secret 3 below

Enter the room with the crate and pull it out to reveal a switch. Press it to open the door.

Push the crate through the doorway into the dressing room. Climb onto it and smash the lower windows. Go through and push the block there onto the first one. From the sill, jump and grab the top crate and pull up. Shoot the gangster above, then climb up to the upper window and go through.

Return through the passage and jump up to grab the higher ledge which leads to the second floor. Use the key to open the door, leading back to the original boulder trap. Jump through and hit the switch to reopen the gate to the roof. Climb up into the room with the two switches. Insert the Circuit Board into the panel by the cage door to activate the right switch. Flick it to raise the curtain at the back of the stage.

Make your way down to the stage and shoot the gangster. Go through the revealed doorway and shoot the gangsters and dog - best retreat to the pool. Inside the room they came from, pull the crate out twice and enter the passage to hit the switch to lower the stage curtain again. Return to the room and climb the crates to reach the high doorway leading to a white ledge. Head right to the balcony and shoot at the gangster who appears below.

Drop down into the wooden section to the right. Jump over the hole to grab the high ledge and pull up to enter a room with a swinging sandbag. Flick the switch to open the far door. Jump to the slope on the right, then time your run past the sandbag. Turn around and hang below the swinging crate and immediately pull up. Turn around and fire down at the twin-gunned Bartoli.

Drop down to shoot the dogs and gangster, then collect Bartoli's grenades - and launcher if you haven't got one. Climb the low crate near the end, turn right and pull up. Turn right and jump to the next stack and pull up to the high part. Step to one side and time your running jump forward past the swinging crate. Turn right and jump to the L-shaped stack. From the opposite edge, turn left and do a running jump to the crate near the entrance. Hit the switch to open the final door, but draw your guns for another gangster. Drop down and go through the door to find a walkway to the seaplane. Enter it to complete the level.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

Opposite the switch is a tunnel leading to the first secret, so swim down it.

Secret 2: Gold Dragon

Instead of entering the elevator, let the doors close. Drop onto the roof as it passes, turn right, and jump forward to grab the ladder. Climb up and safe-walk through the glass to collect the secret. Walk left to flick the switch (18) which opens the door in the next alcove. Go through to emerge back on the third floor and return to the elevator.

Secret 3: Jade Dragon

Simply jump forward and grab the higher ledge. Pull up and collect the secret (watch out for the fan behind it), then hang-drop back down.

Offshore Rig

Lara wakes up in a locked room with all her weapons gone. Pull the rear crate three times to reveal the passage with the switch (1). It opens the door for only a few seconds, so you need to clear a path to the latter by pushing and pulling more crates. Push the one near the window right twice, then pull out the crate that was behind it and push it right to the previous crate.

Once you've escaped, head left into the room, running past the guards. Run past the slope to avoid the rolling barrels. Continue round to the right and lure the gunman into smashing the windows so you can escape. Turn right and drop off the ledge to hit the switch (4) which opens the trap door under the plane. Dive into the water and enter the plane to hit another switch (5) which stops the plane's propellers. Climb out and go back round through the broken windows to do a running jump onto the plane's nose. Head down the fuselage and drop through the trap door to find your pistols.Exit and climb out of the water to shoot the guards. One of them holds the Yellow Pass Card.

See Secret 1 below.

Use it to by the smashed windows to open the opposite door. Go through and flick the switch (6) to turn off the alarm, then head right up the stairs. Open the door, go through, and roll around to shoot the guard who appears behind you. Enter the next room with the ramp and shoot the guard who comes down the ramp (you can't get through the door above it) Open the door to the right, go through, and shoot the guard.

Go through the right doorway to find a dormitory. Get the Automatic Pistols from the top middle-right bunk, then the Harpoon Gun from the last bunk on the left.

Hit the switch (7) on the top first left bunk to open the trap door in the ceiling. Jump to grab it from the top far right bunk before it closes. Follow the passage and slide backwards down the slope to grab the ladder and climb down. Pull the left block out and pull/push it past the other one. Now pull the latter once, then get behind to push it next to the fires. Climb onto it and do a running jump to grab the ladder.Climb up and plug the guard in the passage to get the Red Pass Card.

See Secret 2 below.

Return, via the hangar, to the room with the alarm switch (6) and head up the left stairs. Shoot the gunman and dog in the room, then run past the end of the slope to trigger the barrels. Go up the slope to open the Red Pass Card door.

From the entrance, shoot the guard in the next room. Then go in and kill the two guards which rush to the scene. Push the block on the ledge into the corner. Go round and pull it out the other side, then get behind it and push it to the edge. From the opposite ledge, do a running jump to grab it. Pull up and leap to grab the high passage on the left.

Follow it round and shoot the guard. Hit the switch (8) in the room with the Green Pass Card door to fill the tank near the room you just came from. Go back round and swim to the other side. Climb to the right to flick the switch (9) which opens the trap door in the room with the Green Pass Card door. Go back round and drop through it.

Slide down the slope to emerge in a huge room with water below. Heading left to the end of the walkway, it's possible to jump across the platforms to your right, but if you want the secret you may as well jump into the water.

Font color=red>See Secret 3 below.

Avoid the divers and climb up onto the one of the pillar bases to shoot them (better than using the harpoon). Climb up the ladder in the far left corner to reach a ledge. Do a running jump to grab the next walkway, upon which a guard will start shooting. Pull up and blast the swine, then nick his shotgun. Continue round, jump to the next walkway, and shoot the guard. Jump to the walkway by the wall and shoot the guard over the other side, then leap over to the L-shaped one by the large pillar. Jump over to the walkway where you can smash the glass to collect the Green Pass Card.

Return via the L-shaped walkway to the one by the wall. Above it is an entrance, so climb up and follow the long passage to find a ladder. Climb up and drop down the other side to emerge in the corridor to the room with the Green Pass Card door. Shoot another guard, then use your card to open the door. Before going through it, flick the switch (8) again to refill the second pool. Dive into it and swim down the underwater passage. Pull the lever (10) to open the gate, then swim through, get out, and climb the stairs to the exit.


Secret 1: Jade Dragon

Jump left from the window ledge and follow the passage to the small pool. Jump in and pull the underwater lever (3), then climb out again. Return along the passage and jump into the water. Head for the lever (2) near the fan in the corner. Pull the lever to open the nearby door, then head well back from the fan to avoid being sucked in. Hug the right wall to swim right through the doorway. Swim down through the opened trap door and through to the fan room. Collect the secret carefully, then return to the passage and exit via the door near the fan, heading along the left wall to avoid its suction. Make your way back to the Yellow Pass Card door.

Secret 2: Stone Dragon

A dead easy one. After plugging the guard with the Red Pass Card, simply climb the nearby ladder to emerge on the rig deck and collect the secret.

Secret 3: Gold Dragon

Swim to the large pillar to the right of the starting walkway and climb onto its base to collect the secret. Upon doing so you're attacked by a couple of guards, so swim off.

Diving Area

Climb the stairs and do a running jump to grab the ladder opposite. Climb up and press the switch (2) at the end of the passage to turn off the fan in the pool. Jump into the water and swim down the long dark tunnel behind the fan to find some grenades. Return and surface before pulling the underwater lever (1) to open the door on the ledge. Go through and immediately jump back to shoot the dog and two guards - one of whom carries Uzis. Shoot the guards opposite if you can, then jump via the platforms to the other side of the pool - avoid the hooks by standing to the side. If you fall in, return to the original ledge via the underwater tunnel. Go through to the room with a slope and a pool of oil - the latter is lethal.

See Secret 1 below.

Slide down the middle and jump at the last minute to land on the opposite walkway. Head round to the left and climb the ladder all the way to the top. Drop off to the right and follow the passage to see a hole in the floor. Go to the left side of it, turn your back to it, and step back to slide backwards down the slope - so you can grab the edge. Now drop and catch the ledge below, then pull up and shoot the guard. Below to the left you can see a recess in the slope, containing the Blue Pass Card. Do a running jump through the gap in the walkway railing to slide back into the recess and collect the card.

Climb to the nearby passage. Follow it to the end and jump back to the ladder. Climb back to the top and drop down the hole and grab the ledge, as before. This time head right and open the Blue Pass Card door.

Keep away from the flame-thrower bloke on the left as you enter the next door and shoot the pack of dogs. Now shoot the flamer from a safe distance, then head round the opposite side of the square hallway and open the outside door. Go down the stairs and shoot the guard by the pool. Push the crate to reveal a panel by the door.

Jump into the water and enter the tunnel. Lure the diver out to the pool, then climb out on the low platform and shoot him from the shore. Jump back in and swim through the tunnel to pull the lever (3) which opens one of the nearby gates. Swim through it and round to pull another lever (4), then continue round to the right and through the next gate to return to the pool surface.

Return up the stairs to the large square hallway with all the doors. Head left and open the outside door. Go up the stairs to the newly opened door and shoot the three guards - you can't do anything to stop that chopper taking off.

Go through to the next room and flick the right switch (6) to temporarily turn off the nearest fire in the narrow corridor. Quickly go through, fall through the trap door, collect the M16 (yes!), and return to the room before the fire restarts.

Flick the switch (6) again, then quickly press the other switch (5) and run down the corridor, jumping over the trap door, to collect the Machine Chip. Roll around and return before the fires restart.

Now return all the way to the room with the pool and insert the chip in the panel to open the door. Go through and shoot the guard in the next room from the passage. Run through and shoot at the flame-thrower from the opposite side of the pool.

See Secret 2 below.

Over by the scuba equipment, you'll find the Harpoon Gun (if you haven't already got one).

Jump into the pool and swim through the tunnel. Harpoon the divers (or lure them to the pool and shoot from the shore), then swim through to surface in another pool. You can only climb out on the small platform in the middle on the right. Shoot the two guards before climbing the ledge to flick the switch (7).

Return all the way to the pool room with the saw and shoot the two escaped guards. Go through the newly opened left door and hit the switch (8) to move the block over the middle of the pool. Use it to jump to the other side, but don't go near that saw yet.

Climb over the crates in the corner and drop into the passage to hit the switch (9). Now head back to the helipad, shooting two guards and dogs on the way, and you'll find the middle of the floor has dropped. Go down in there and through the passage to drop down into the room in the middle of the square hallway. Shoot the flame-thrower and guard - who carries another Machine Chip. Go through any of the doors and return to the saw. Insert the chip in the nearby panel to stop it, then grab that Red Pass Card.

Return to the central room with the four doors and use the Red Pass Card to open the door in the middle. Toggle the switch (10) to the left of it twice before entering. Drop down the hole and shoot the guard there. Follow the passage and climb the ladder to emerge in the pool room where you couldn't climb out properly before. Enter the opposite passage and follow it, via sections of water, to reach a walkway above the final room. Shoot the guards from up here, then go down round the steps.

See Secret 3 below.

Walk to the body in the middle of the room to exit the level.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

Slide backwards down the slope to land in the hole where the secret lies. Climb back out the short side to continue the slide down the slope.

Secret 2: Jade Dragon

On the opposite wall from the entrance, step to the right of the orange tank to open the nearby panel, revealing a passage. Flick the switch (11) at the end to open that trap door under the pool. Dive down to get the secret.

Secret 3: Gold Dragon

Since you flicked the switch (10) near the Red Pass Card door twice, the door to the right of the final room will be open. Just make sure you don't go near the dead body in the middle of the room as you go to enter it, or you'll complete the level. Through the door you'll find the last secret.

40 Fathoms

Lara starts this level deep under the ocean with her oxygen rapidly running out. Worst still, the local sharks have taken a fancy to her! Turn right and follow the trail of debris to find the shipwreck. To enter it, swim down the hole by the rusty anchor in the corner to emerge in a pool. Surface to catch your breath, but don't hang about: those sharks are still on your trail. Swim through the underwater hole into the next chamber, then through a small hole (high up) to another. Quickly swim through the next hole to the next room. Pull the lever (1) on far left to open the trap door. Swim down and round the passage, then through the hole in the ceiling to surface in a long pool.

Swim through the hole under the stack of crates to surface in a small pool. Climb out the other side and follow the passage round. Flick the switch (2) at the end to drain the water from the long pool. Return to the latter and jump via the crates to the high ledge, leading to a square room. Jump backwards into it and pull back up to the ledge to lure out the guard, then shoot him from above.

See Secret 1 below.

Step backwards onto the large trap door, ready to grab onto the edge and pull up when it opens. Now shoot down at the guards below.

Drop down and climb up the crates to do a running jump and grab the high opening.

See Secret 2 below.

Go down the wide passage, jumping over the pipes. Take the first right and climb up by the ladder (in the dark) into the small room. Flick the switch (3) to open a door elsewhere.

Drop back down and continue along the narrow corridor. Turn right to head down the wide passage (notice the fires in the corridor on the left). Follow it round to the right to find the newly opened door. Inside, flick the switch (4) to turn off the first two fires in the corridor you bypassed earlier. It's on a timer, so get back there fast and flick the switch (5) by the second fire before jumping left out of there.

Now head right from the fire corridor and round to the shallow water. Climb through the newly opened door and flick the switch (7) which turns off the second set of fires. It's on a timer, so quickly head back round the corridors to the earlier switch (4) which turns off the first two fires, then leg it back to get past the fires before they relight - you've only just got enough time. Flick the switch (6) at the end to open the door.

Jump into the water and lure the barracuda out, then shoot it from the shore. Now swim through the trap door and quickly up through the other holes (just keep turning so you spiral nicely upwards) to pull the lever (8) near the top. Swim all the way back down, through the opened door to flick the switch (9). Swim like Sharon Davies up through the shaft again to surface and catch your breath.

See Secret 3 below

Climb out and run into the hole at the end of the passage. You fall into a rocky room. Go round to the left and drop down another hole to emerge in a huge room. Go to the corner and pull out the crate twice: use it to climb up to the high ledge. Pull the switch there (10) to drop the rocks through into the huge room. When you return, jump up the rocks to go back through the hole you entered by (by the right ladder) - jump forward and grab from the wall. Head left round the corner to climb up to the ledge. Follow the passage and hit the switch (12) which opens a door later on.

Return to the room, drop back down, and jump up through the other hole in the ceiling (by the ladder) to reach another rocky room with lots of slopes. Head right and jump onto the right side of the sloping rock by the wall and walk left up the next two. Now do a running jump diagonally left to land on the high rock.

Climb up the next rock and up into the passage. Go down it and flick the switch (11) which fills a pool later on.

Drop and slide back down the rocks, then through the hole into the huge room. Walk along the rocks, past the large trap door, to the small high opening. Follow the twisty passage round and jump into the deep pool. Watch out for the diver as you swim down into the underwater tunnel - best just swim past him. Climb out at the end of the tunnel and get ready for a battle with two guards. Now hit the switch (13) to open the final door. Go through to exit.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

Call this a secret? After killing the guard, just go round the trap door to collect it.

Secret 2: Jade Dragon

After climbing out of the shallow water room, flick the switch on the left: you have only 16 seconds to reach the secret door. Run down the corridor, jumping the pipes, and round to the left to get through it. Swim into the underwater cavern to collect the prize.

Secret 3: Gold Dragon

Swim down to the bottom again, and collect the secret to the right of the switch passage. Be prepared to avoid barracudas as you swim back up to the surface.

The Wreck of Maria Doria

Go round and drop into the water. Get the harpoon spears/gun from the bottom. Kill or avoid the diver. Go through the underwater passage. Surface and get the large medikit. Slide backwards down the slope and grab the edge. Drop onto crumbling tiles and grab as you fall through - you're bound to lose a lot of energy. Shoot the two guards and go through into the room with the upturned furniture.

See Secret 1 below.

Pull the block out once, go round and push it, then push it twice into the dark corridor. Do the same with the next block, so you can pull out the third, opening up two corridors. Go down the right one and drop down with guns drawn, ready for the three guards who arrive - including one behind you. Once they're dead, go through into the large room and shoot the guard on the walkway above. Go over to the far right sloping platform next to the upper walkway and jump up to grab it. Pull up, then go round to the left and jump back and grab to shimmy left to the dead baddie. After grabbing his automatic ammo, shimmy further left and pull up the other side. Run round to the end and do a running jump to the ledge in the corner. Pick up the first Circuit Breaker (there are three to find), then drop down. Head left, then into the right passage. Safe-walk through the glass to the near edge of the hole. Jump back and grab, then drop and grab the lower ledge.

Pull up to collect the Rest Room Key (1). Turn around and jump from the edge to grab the opposite side of the hole and pull up. Safe-walk through the glass and back round to the large room. Then return through the first passage to the room with the blocks.

Head down the other passage to reach a brown room. Insert the key in the far-right corner to open the windows there. Go through and push the button (1) to open the opposite windows - roll around to shoot the guard who arrives through it. Hit the switch (2) there to open the upper door in the room with the upper walkway. Before going back to shimmy over there, hit the opposite switch again to close the windows.

Go through the upper doorway and round to the passage with the doors. Open the second wheel door and hang-drop in. Pull/push the block round to the other corner, so you can pull the upper one out. Hit the switch (3) and climb up onto the block and through the open door. Follow the passage to a room, then the next passage, shooting the guard.

Go through into the next room and pull the block to find the Rusty Key (2). Then move the block under the switch (4) in the corner - climb up and hit it to open the door, then exit back to the door corridor. Head right and use the key to open the door. Hang-drop into the room and move the block to the end of the ledge, so you can pull the upper block out twice. Push the one behind it and follow the passage into the next room. Run over the crumbling tiles, jumping over the barrels which roll in from the right.

See Secret 2 below.

Climb up to the room entrance and shoot the guard. Drop through the hole, onto the wooden raft. Swim down to the lever (5) and pull it to temporarily open a door in the room above. Quickly climb back up via the hole (from the raft side is easiest) and go through it to flick the switch there (6). Go through the next door, then slide backwards down the slope onto the opening trap door and grab the edge to pull up just before it closes (if you're too early, keep jumping from slope to slope). Climb into the passage and hit the switch (7) to open a door in the other passage above the raft room. Jump up the slope and get up there.

Go through into the large room and shoot the three guards (two below). Hitting the switch (8) opens a trap door, but you can get down to the lower ledge by simply jumping back from near the switch and grabbing. Go and get the second Circuit Breaker in the corner. Hit the switch (9) down here to drain the raft pool. Approach the corner where you found the Circuit Breaker and the trap door round the other side will temporarily drop - run round and climb up. Return to the raft room and hang-drop through the hole to lessen the damage.

Open the wheel door in the corner and follow the passage up to climb into a red passage. Drop down at the end to find the third Circuit Breaker. Hit the switch in the corner (10), then climb back up to the passage and take a right turn to drop through the opened trap door, back into the brown room and shoot the two guards. (Note: if you can't get to the Circuit Breaker, do this first, then hit the switch in the brown room to close the doors.)

Return via the room with the blocks to where you first dropped in through the crumbling tiles. Jump into the small pool and swim round and up to pull the lever (11), then up to the surface. Climb out quickly to shoot the three guards. Insert each of the Circuit Breakers, in turn, to turn off the fires.

Pull the block out three times, then use it to climb up to the passage above. Shoot the guard, then hit the switch (12). Return down the passage and do a running from the edge to the opposite ledge. Do a running jump to grab the next ledge, then repeat and jump to the passage at the end. Drop down (it's a long way!) into the water. Swim through to the flickery passage. Shoot the barracuda from the shallows, then swim through the large pool to the far left passage. Shoot the guard and enter the large room looking out to sea. Open the far door and go through. Flick the switch (13), then quickly head back through the sea-view room to the opposite door before it closes. Push the block to reveal a switch (14). Flick it to open a trap door. Head back through the sea-view room and turn left at the end. Light a flare and go down the dark passage to find the opened hatch.

Now comes the tricky bit. Drop into the water and swim past the sharks and barracudas.

See Secret 3 below.

Follow the cavern round to the right (outside the sea-view room) to find the Cabin Key (3). You've got just enough time to grab it and get back through the trap door before running out of air.

Return to the sea-view room and go through the far right passage. Light a flare and use the Cabin Key to open the door. Flick the switch (15) inside to drop a trap door in the sea-view room. Return there and drop into the new hole to push the crate down the trench. Climb on it and hit the switch (16) to open a trap door in the cabin ceiling. Go back there and climb up. Follow the passage and drop into a large room with glass and water at the bottom. Shoot the two guards below, then drop from the right gap (looking from entrance) onto the non-sloped platform to reach the lower walkway. Get the goodies from the dead guards and go down the dark passage to find three M15 clips.

Now slide into the water, avoiding the glass. Avoid the divers and head for the brown barrel. Swim down to the left of it and through the wide opening. Follow the narrow twisty passage, avoiding the eels. Surface in the small blue room to catch your breath, then drop back in and swim to the rusty section to complete the level.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

Light a flare and jump up in the near-left corner to reach the dark passage. Shoot the guard and follow it to the end. Drop down to collect the secret. Climb back up and shoot another guard on your way back.

Secret 2: Jade Dragon

Climb up to where the barrels came from and prepare to dodge some more - flip back and jump left/right. Go back up there and grab the secret.

Secret 3: Gold Dragon

Instead of heading round to the right, go straight on towards the bright pillar. Swim up behind it to surface in a cave with the secret. This place also provides a useful breather when getting the Cabin Key.

The Living Quarters

Swim through the hole and pull the lever (1) on the left of it to open the trap door above. Surface through it and climb out. Shoot the guard who arrives. Go through to the large room and jump up and over the other side of the engine. Enter the far right red passage and follow it round. Drop into the lower passage and shoot the two guards. Go to the end and turn left to see a room, but jump left to avoid the barrels and get ready to shoot another baddie. Go through to the room with the fires. To get past the latter, jump to from the top of the slope to the crevice and shimmy right. Hit the switch (2) at the end to turn off the fires, then climb up to your left to a small room, then up again. Follow the passage and hit the switch (3) before dropping through the hole. Return to the engine room to find the pistons have changed positions. Climb up to the right and jump to the piston. Jump via the others to the last one. See Secret 1 below. If you can, shoot the guard in the opposite passage before jumping across. Follow the passage and push the block three times. Go round down the stairs and push the next block. Drop down and flick the switch (3) up (which you hit before). Climb back up and return to the engine room.

Jump across the pistons and do a running jump from the far one to grab the ledge on the right. Hit the switch (4) there to flood the fire room. Jump back to the piston to drop safely down to the floor, then go round to the flooded room. Pull the lever (5) to the right of the entrance to open the far door. Swim through and down through the hole. Avoiding/shooting the diver, surface through the next hole to catch your breath in a small blue room. Drop back in and swim through the gap by the weeds. Go round to flick the switch (6) - avoiding the giant sea serpent near it! Swim back to the chamber and up through the opened trap door to surface in a large room.

Shoot the guard above. You can skip this next section, if you want (see Short Cut). Jump up to the middle ledge and hit the switch (7) to open the opposite door. Go through and hit both switches (8 & 9) to temporarily raise the opposite trap doors, then roll round and do a running jump to the left one. Quickly shimmy right before they fall again.

At the end pull up and hit the switch (10). Go back to the previous room, where a trap door has fallen in the corner. Face the sloped block in the corner and jump forward, jump twice again to grab the upper blue girder and pull up. Pull then push the block out, so you can shimmy left to the other side. Go up the slope, turn left, and leap to the high passage.

Short Cut: Instead of doing all that, you can reach the upper area of the room directly from the middle ledge. Standing at the opposite end from the switch, walk to the grilled platform above the third cog. Turn right and jump from the edge to grab the blue girder (if you're standing too far left you won't be able to jump). Pull up and make your way up the slope, turn left, and jump to the high passage.

Follow the passage down and shoot the guard.

See Secret 2 below.

Take the second right turn and slide down the slope, jumping over the crumbling tiles. Shoot the barracuda in the shallows.

See Secret 3 below.

Wade through the water to reach the sloped room. Save your game here - the next bit can be tricky. Run forwards from the entrance to the sloped block, then do a running jump diagonally into the gap, turning left in the air to face the left side of the pillar. Pull up quickly before the tile crumbles or you won't be able to reach it - well, you could by jumping to the slope from the area on the other side of the hole and backflipping and twisting, but it's simpler to reload your position.

Shimmy right until you can pull up. Go over the slope through the opposite passage to reach an ornate room with a stairway - shoot the guard who comes down it. Go upstairs and shoot from the balcony at the guy on the chequered marble floor below. Go round and pull the crate, then jump down to the chequered room. Shoot another couple of guards as you go round to the left. Drop down and pull the block out to find the Theatre Key (1). Climb back up and shoot another guard before going upstairs. Head right down the passage and shoot the guard, then use the key to open the windows. Head left up the stairs into the theatre and shoot the guard. Head right across the seating and shoot the guy on the balcony.

Jump up there and shoot another baddie. Flick the switch (11) to open the left part of the stage curtain. Head down there and shoot another thug as you go behind the curtain. Pull the block out from the end of the dark corridor and use it to climb to the high ledge. Drop the other side and light a flare, then jump over the glass pit.

Press the button (12) at the end to flood the low section of the chequered room. Head back to the stage and up through the theatre. Another gunman awaits on the stairs down to the chequered room. After shooting him, go round to swim over the pool to the doorway to exit.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

From the last piston, do a running jump to the grab the right ledge where the secret is in plain view.

Secret 2: Gold Dragon

Take the first right turn and jump from the edge of the glass pit (you can see the secret below) to grab the dark high ledge. Pull up and drop through the crumbling tile to get the secret. Safe-walk through the glass and climb out.

Secret 3: Jade Dragon

Step on the crumbling tile in the shallows. Avoiding/shooting the barracuda, swim through the hole and round the passage into a large underwater cavern where the secret awaits.

The Deck

Watch out for the flame-thrower to your right. Keep your distance as you shoot him and a guard. Go through to the open area where the baddies came from. Follow the building all the way round to the right to find the grenade launcher in the corner. Return to the corridor where you started and climb into the opening above the pool. Jump into the water and swim left, avoiding the barracudas, to climb out. Shoot the barracudas from the shore, then climb up the sloped block and jump/run all the way around the wall to find the Stern Key (1). Drop back into the water and swim down to the left of the rusty ship, through the opening into an underwater cavern. Head right and follow the passage to find a hole to surface. Climb out and shoot the thug, then drop down and head right to shoot the flame-thrower. Carry on round to the left to find some crates. Push the nearest one, then climb onto it and push the upper crate. Jump back down and pull the first box, then go round and push it, enabling you pull the next low crate out to reveal some flares and a door. Use the Stern Key to open it.

Go through and jump into the water. Light a flare and swim forwards through the underwater chamber to find a lever (1) near the far right opening. Pull it, then swim back and climb out. Leave by the crates and head right to shoot a gunman on the ledge where the flamer was. Drop down the nearby trap door, follow the passage, and climb the ladder to find a switch (2). Flick it to drain the pool you've just been swimming in. Climb out and go back there. Hang-drop into the drained pool and head right at the end to find a crate in the wall. Pull it out to reveal a passage. Follow it round to climb out into a grotto. Go through it to find a pool with an orange raft. Swim towards it, then left and climb out by the crates to blast the thug before shooting the divers from the shore.

See Secret 1 below.

Jump in and swim left to the corner to find a small opening near the bottom. Go through and follow the passage, avoiding a barracuda, to surface and climb out - may as well shoot it now. Follow the passage round to the snowy section and shoot the gunman. Carry straight on and grab the large medikit by the hole. Make sure you've got full health before hang-dropping through it onto the highest crate below. You can now grab the Cabin Key (2) on the raft.

This releases a couple sharks and a barracuda into the pool. Lure them back to the shore with the crates and shoot them from there. Now go through the underwater tunnel again. Climb out and follow the passage round to the snowy bit where you shot the gunman earlier. This time take a left turn, light a flare, and climb up all the rocks at the end to emerge in a cavern. Drop through the opening to the upper deck. Head down the opposite passage and shoot the two guards who arrive. Head left at the end and hang-drop down to the side of the pool. Get ready to shoot the flame-thrower and two thugs, then the gunman below.

See Secret 2 below.

Drop down to the right of the long jetty and save your game. From the corner, do a running jump to the nearby oblong stack of boxes.

Do a running jump to grab the white ledge (to the right you can see the jade secret, but it's better to get it later). Do a running jump from the high right side of the ledge to the orange roof. Head to the far side and hang-drop to grab the crevice just below, then shimmy left to pull up.

Turn left and do a running jump to the rock ledge. Follow the twisty passage round to reach a sloped room. Jump via the pillars to climb the slope, then shoot the two thugs at the top.

Follow the passage round and do a running jump to grab the opposite roof. Go to the far left corner and do a running jump over the gap to reach the ledge with the trap door. Drop through and kill the thug who arrives, then follow the passage round to a crate and door. Pull the crate out and hit the switch (3) to open another door. Go through the doorway onto the upper deck and head right down the corridor, then right past the next alley to find the newly opened door. Shoot the gunman en route. Inside, get the M16 ammo in the dark corner, then use the Cabin Key to open the door. Enter and head left across the crumbling tiles to push the button (4) in the corner. Jump back over and return to the upper deck to shoot another thug. Go back to the narrow corridor, where the second door has now opened. Enter and go upstairs to climb to a rocky passage. Follow it to the wall where you can't jump up high enough: turn around and jump forward to grab the opposite pillar, then do a running jump to the high ledge. Drop through the hole to get the Storage Key (3).

Climb back out and return to deck. If you want the final secret, jump over to the white ledge, as before.

See Secret 3 below.

From the deck with the white ledge on, you can shoot down at the two flame-throwers by the crates. To get down there, don't drop - follow the original path through the very first corridor and the drop into the pool. Go round past the crates to find a locked shed. Use the Storage Key to open it, then pick up the Seraph to complete the level.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

Swim down to the weeds to the left of the raft to find the secret.

Secret 2: Gold Dragon

Shoot the barracuda in the pool, then jump in and swim over by the bright panel to open it and release a diver. Climb out to shoot him, then enter the panel to collect the secret.

Secret 3: Jade Dragon

Don't go for this on your first visit to the white ledge, as you can only exit safely by jumping to the deck where you started the level. On your second visit, do a running jump to grab the crevice to the left of the secret ledge, then shimmy right to pull up. Safe-walk through the glass to get the secret. To exit, take three steps back from the edge and jump forward.

The Tibeten Foothills

Draw your guns to shoot down an eagle which attacks. Follow the brown path round and slide down the snowy slope: jump the left ones and run into the left alcove to avoid another load. Climb up where the snowballs came from and go through to find a sheet of ice. Jump through the right side of it and immediately jump and turn right in midair to avoid sliding into the deadly pit. Follow the passage round and shoot an eagle from the end. You now face a huge gorge with a hut over the other side.

Turn around and hang-drop onto a slope, so grab the edge and hang-drop again. Enter the passage here and follow it round to the small pool and icicles. Drop into the pool and climb up the white 'ladder'. As you pull up, the icicles will fall, so drop back down. Climb up and follow the passage round to the large pool in the gorge. Follow the trail up to the right and into another passage. Pull up into the opening and hang-drop down, then slide down the slope to emerge near a pool with more icicles - avoid walking beneath them. Follow the next passage round to emerge by the large gorge pool. Follow the trail round to the other side and do a running jump to the next ledge. Shoot the two eagles which attack, then do a running jump over the pool to the large medikit.

Jump to the nearby snowy ledge, then climb up the other white ledges to reach the top by the hut. Draw your guns to shoot the two gunmen.

See Secret 1 below

Jump on the snowmobile and turn it around to scoot down the hill into the tunnel. Run over the gunman to emerge by a load of ramps. Before riding up them, get off the snowmobile and climb up the ledge with the slab to kill the two snow leopards (walk to the left passage to lure them out). Now zoom up the first ramp (pressing X for more speed) to land the other side of the bumpy one. Follow the brown path round to the left to fly up the ramp and over the gap. Roar up the next ramp, through the hole to land on the other side. Turn left to jump the next gap, then left onto the bumpy ramp. Jump over the small gap in it, then back up and aim to the left of the slab and go full pelt towards it.

Floor it up the ramp on the left, then head left down the passage. When you reach the fork around a deep pit, climb off and head down the right path on foot.

At the end are some grenades and a ladder. Go up to find a switch (1) which opens a gate. Return to the snowmobile, shooting a couple of gunmen en route. Zoom down the left path, jumping the gap. Follow the path through the gate and over the narrow ledge, running over the gunman. Zoom into the cave, running over two more gunmen (or jump off and shoot them).

See Secret 2 below

Line up for a big ramp jump and zoom over it. Carry on along the passage. Round the left corner is a slope on the right: stay to the left of it to avoid the snowballs. Climb off the snowmobile and walk back to the snowballs slope. Walk towards the ladder there and jump above it, to slide backwards onto it. Climb down into the passage to find the Drawbridge Key (1). Drop down into the brown passage and draw your guns ready for the gunman who appears from behind the sheet of ice.

Go through and up to a switch (3) - wait for the icicles to fall before flicking it to open the gate. Climb up the passage and hang-drop to the valley floor. Go over to the opposite ladder and jump over the hole to pull up by the ladder. This releases three leopards, so turn around and shoot them. Drop into the hole to grab the grenades, then jump over it again to the ladder (if you missed the jade secret earlier, climb up and get it now). Climb up towards the opening where you entered the valley and climb up the ladder to the right of it to reach the entrance to the snowball chamber. Do a running jump over the gap with the ladder to grab the other side and return to the snowmobile.

Go through the passage, turning right to go past the drawbridge (with a pillar in the middle of the opening). Climb off and use the Drawbridge Key to raise it, enabling you to drive right round the ledge. When you reach the avalanche warning sign, climb off and lure the snowballs on foot. Return to the snowmobile and pass safely over. Go full pelt through the next cavern to clear the big pit, then go through back to the drawbridge section. Where the snowballs smashed the ice, you'll find the Hut Key (2). At this point, a baddie arrives on an armed snowmobile. Keep moving and shoot him with the M16. Once he's dead, you can ride his armed snowmobile, but it's not fast enough to clear the big ramp jump, so you'll need your own machine to return to the hut. Take the left side of the final ramp and abandon your snowmobile by the slab. Shoot the two leopards as you run back through the tunnel to the hut. Grab the goodies inside, then hit the switch (4) and leg it outside to shoot the three gunmen.

Go through the opened gate and follow the passage to a large cave. Hang-drop down and try and get to high ground to shoot the armed snowmobile. Once the guy's dead, you can nick this marvellous machine. Ride it into the next tunnel and keep left to avoid falling into the pit.

See Secret 3 below

Emerge on the snowy slope and head left to wait for two armed snowmobiles to come up. Try to take them on one at a time.

Once both riders are dead, head down into the valley. Push the stone block three times, then retreat to your snowmobile to shoot or run over the gunmen who arrive. Get off to shoot the gunman down below, then drive your snowmobile at full pelt over the cliff! The machine explodes at the bottom of the pool, but Lara escapes injury. Swim to the ledge on the left and follow the passage to the end of the level.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

Go over to the bars on the right to collect the secret.

Secret 2: Jade Dragon

Look right from the start of the big ramp to see the secret. Do a running jump over to the ledge and get it. Before returning, shoot the two leopards which have appeared. Alternatively, leave it till later and climb up the long ladder from the valley floor to the secret ledge.

Secret 3: Gold Dragon

Climb down the ladder into the pit, then immediately jump left to avoid the snowballs before grabbing the secret.

Barkhang Monastery

Follow the dark passage round to the open area where some monks are fighting a couple of gunmen. Don't shoot the friendly monks - if you kill one, they'll turn against you for the rest of the level! Help them defeat the gunmen, by carefully targeting the latter. Climb up the ladder opposite the staircase and shoot the crow at the top. Jump over to the platform by the ladder, then over the hole to grab the opposite platform. Drop to the ledge, then jump into the gap in the rocks, then to the flat rock to the right, watching out for more crows. Jump to the sloped rock above the crevice, to slide down and grab the edge, then drop to grab the crevice. Shimmy left until you can pull up.

Smash one of the windows nearby to enter the building. Follow the corridor to the junction and wait for a monk to come from the left passage to enter the room ahead (containing the door to the Strongroom). When a gunman jumps through the window, help the monk defeat him. Return to the passage junction and take the right turn (the locked doors at the end lead to the Main Hall). Approach the first opening on the left and let the monk run past you to take on another gunman. Through that door, climb the ladder to a walkway above the Main Hall. Head right and then first left to find the Main Hall Key (1) (the monk doesn't seem to mind you taking it).

Continue around the walkway and drop into the passage. Jump sideways to avoid the boulder rolling down the narrow slope. Follow the passage and jump back from the junction to avoid another boulder.

Go past where it ends up and climb down the ladder and push the block in the corridor. Climb back up the ladder and go all the way up the boulder slope. Follow it round to find a pool. The hole in the middle of it will suck you down, so swim around it to enter the passage on the far side.

Surface in the next pool and wade out to drop a long way to another pool. Wade out to the right and light a flare to see those snapping doors. Walk as close to them as you can, then simply roll through when they're open.

Repeat this for the next two sets and follow the watery passage round to a ladder. Climb up to the room and help the monk kill the gunmen. Go through to the dark area to see the first of five Prayer Wheels (in the corner) which you have to collect. Once you grab it, the two rows of burners light. To get past them, turn left on the prayer wheel platform and jump forward from the right side of the edge. Then jump forward between the burners on the second row.

Back in the other room, pull the red crates out to reveal a passage. Head right along it and climb the ladder back to the second boulder. Return to the walkway above the main hall, climb down the ladder, and return to the main hall door. Use the key to open it, then go through and over to the railing - at which point, the monks start battling with more gunmen by the doors.

Once the battle's over, go through the first doorway on the right - when entering the main hall. Pass through the room into a corridor with swinging blades. Run and jump over the first and turn left to get the Strongroom Key (2). Return all the way to the Strongroom door and open it to find the Rooftops Key (3). Use the latter in the nearby room with the rolling blades (right from the passage to the main hall).

Go through and look behind the calf statues to find a switch (1). Flick it to temporarily turn off the fires in the next passage, then quickly go through. Take the left turn into the room and climb the ladder on the right to watch the monks and gunmen fight it out below. Flick the switch (2) in the courtyard to open two trap doors. Drop down and smash the windows to get two Gemstones. Use the switch (3) round the corner to climb the ladder. Exit to the corridor and turn left to enter the other room. Insert a Gemstone between the calf statues there to open the door opposite. Enter and pull the box twice to get the second Prayer Wheel.

Return all the way to the main hall (the fires in the corridor have gone out). Take the second entrance on the right and climb the ladder. Up top, do a running jump to grab the statue's hand, then climb to the upper hand, then do a running jump to grab the head. Cross to the next hand, then over to the high ledge. Insert the second Gemstone to open a trap door in the room below the statue. Head back to its base via the hands.

See Secret 1 below.

Go down the wide passage to the statue's right and take the first left to find a pool room.

See Secret 2 below

Return to the trapdoor under the main hall statue and drop through it. Follow the passage and flick the switch (4) to open the door. Inside, push the crate across the stream to drain that pool room. Go there (via the short cut) and push the box on the ledge to find the third Prayer Wheel.

Climb the ladder and return to the wide passage. Head left into the room, then left to reach the 'gauntlet'. Shoot the gunmen who attack as you cross the room, then get ready for more hazards. The fire goes out as you approach, so jump over it into the passage below. Drop into the tunnel to avoid the spiky balls and turn around to climb up to the ledge just past them. Wait for the rolling blade to go past, then jump across the hole. The fire ahead will go out, so you can run into the next passage. Drop into the tunnel to avoid more spiky balls, then climb out to the right and time your run past the rolling blade to the opposite doorway to find the Trapdoor Key (4).

See Secret 3 below.

Go back to the main hall and use the key on the lock to open the nearby trap door. Drop down into it and pull up at the end of the passage. Head left and flick the switch (5) to open the double doors leading to the main hall (and let the monks out to deal with the gunmen), then close them again. Head back past the hole and through the doorway to emerge outside. Follow the brown path and pull up to the tunnel behind the pillar to climb the ladder. Shoot the eagle and gunman as you approach the rope bridge. Cross over and kill some crows. Get to the top of the structure via the ledges and hang-drop through the hole to grab the fourth Prayer Wheel. Hit the switch (6) to exit.

Return to main hall and the wide passage to the right of the large statue, shooting more gunmen. Take the first right to the crates room, where you can push them around to find some ammo. Through this room is a passage with a trap door. Run across it, then quickly grab one of the ladders. Go right, then left to find a staircase leading to a window. As you ascend, some gunmen appear behind you: jump out of the window, then flick the switch (7) to let the monks out. Close it behind them.

When you've killed any gunmen remaining, climb the long ladders to grab the final Prayer Wheel. Head back to the main hall and go round to the left of the big statue to insert all the Prayer Wheels. This opens the double doors there. Climb the slope and insert the Seraph to open the level exit.


Secret 1: Gold Dragon

This is found in a nook behind the big statue. Go round the grey walkway and jump up the ramp, then pull up into the nook to grab the secret.

Secret 2: Stone Dragon

Dive into the water and head for the far left corner, past the ladder. Swim into the tunnel there to find the secret.

Secret 3: Jade Dragon

Go down the passage with the rolling blade, using the nooks either side to dodge it. Enter the passage on the left with the snapping doors. Roll through two sets of these to find the secret.

Catacombs of the Talion

Drop off the side of the stairs to avoid the deadly icicles falling onto you. Go through into the room with the slope.

Slide down and kill the yeti which attacks, keeping your distance.

Flick the switch (1) by the bars at the bottom, then climb the ladder from the dark area. Then slide down the slope again and jump to grab the ledge. Shoot the leopard, then drop off the stairs (to avoid icicles) and follow the passage round to a large cave with a pool.

As you near the pool, gunmen appear on the stairs above, so blast them. Then watch out for leopards around the pool. From the stairs, go up the snowy slope to the left of the pool and jump right into the latter to avoid the snowballs. Return to the slope and jump diagonally right to a lower ledge. Run over the crumbling tiles and climb the ladder. Backflip from the top, then turn around and jump up to flick the switch (2) which raises the cage over the Tibetan Mask.

Go over and get it, at which point the pool drains. Go down there, hang-dropping through the hole. Do a running jump over the spike pit and insert the mask to open the gate. Run up to the left of the slope and pull up the ledge to avoid the snowballs.

Get ready to shoot four leopards, but don't go back to the slope until another set of snowballs have rolled down. Go to the stairs on the left and jump from the lowest one to grab the opening in the rock. Drop into the large cave and head towards the ice, at which point four leopards appear. Bag the cats, then go through the archway and shoot some more. Climb the rock ledge just to the left and drop into the pool below to find the second Tibetan Mask.

Climb out and up the rock ledge again. Down below, shoot the two gunmen, then trek back to the snowball slope. Follow the wide passage to the right and insert the mask to open the door. Drop down into the dark room - there are locked yeti cages at the bottom. Head round the walkway to the left and jump over two gaps to reach the switch (3). Flick it to light the room (a bit) and open the cages. Get shooting those yetis, circling round to keep your distance.

Once they're dead, get the goodies from the cages. Then go back up top and move the block in the corner (right of the switch). Push it beneath one of the sets of bars near the switch (to stop them closing) before entering the room behind. Flick the switch (4) at the back, then exit back to the outside, shooting the gunmen who appear.

Return all the way to the opening in the rock wall, by the snowballs slope. Go through the opened door and up the first rope bridge. At the start of the second, move to the left to dodge the snowballs.

Continue up the second bridge and do a running jump to grab the ladder. Climb up and follow the passage to a hole with a large pool below. Jump into the water and climb out to avoid the barracudas. Shoot them from the shore, then swim/wade through to the next cave. Swim round to the left.

See Secret 2 below.

Carry on left to where the cavern opens out and turn right to head towards the closed doors. Climb the pillar opposite, then do a running jump to grab the ladder.

Climb up and jump back at the top to land on a ledge with a switch (5). Flick it to open those closed doors below. Jump back in the water and go through them. Shoot the leopard, then flick the switch (6) to open the large doors near the snowballs slope. Hang-drop down to the ice sheet, then go back through the opening in the rock.

Enter the doors and do a running leap over the pit. If you want some goodies, shoot down at the leopards before dropping down and grabbing the stuff in the far left corner. Flick the switch to open the doors, then shoot the leopard which appears.

Return upstairs and jump over the pit again. Jump forward, back, then forward over the snowballs ahead. Then lure the snowballs from the smaller side slope. They smash through the door, enabling you to enter the small room. Step on the left floor switch to open a door. Go through to a room with spikes on the floor.

See Secret 3 below.

Head towards the door on the near right and jump through, then over the snowballs. Turn around and run over the other floor switch, jump over the snowballs, and jump back through the right door, then through the opposite exit before it closes. Stop as soon as you enter, to avoid the drop. Jump to grab the ladder and climb down.


Secret 1: Stone Dragon

Grab the crevice on the left and shimmy right until you can pull up and grab the secret (plus some flares).

Secret 2: Jade Dragon

Behind the half-iced platform on the right is an icy ladder. Climb up it and drop from the right side onto the sloped platform below. Quickly jump to the next platform, then again to a flat ledge to spy the dragon. While exiting, jump from the slope to grab the ladder.

Secret 3: Gold Dragon

Look left to see a climbable wall. Go up it and drop left onto the ledge with the secret.

The Ice Palace

Shoot the bell to open the door and go through. Watch out for those panels on the floor which spring Lara upwards - they can be fatal. Go round to the right and line yourself up with the springboard under the long hole and bell above. Draw your guns beforehand and keep firing as you run forwards and bounce up - you need to hit the bell to open one of the area exit gates in the room near the slope you slide back down. Now run towards the double springboard, in the direction of the exit gates and grab as soon as you're airborne to reach the ledge above. Flick the switch (1) there to lower the yeti cage - and release them. Drop down and shoot all three. From the upper wooden section, jump over into the long narrow cage. Shoot the yeti at the end, then go round and flick the switch (2) to raise the nearby trap doors.

See Secret 1 below.

Go back to the room with the gates and run towards the new ledge, onto springboard, grabbing as soon as you're airborne. Turn towards the bell and jump to shoot it, which opens the second gate below.

Jump to the slope on the left to slide down. Go through to find another springboard. Run at it from the left to grab the ledge above. Pull up and jump back, holding the jump button so that Lara keeps leaping from slope to slope. Hold Right to drift right and shoot the bell there, then hold Left until she bounces over to the ledge on the left.

Climb up through the opened gate and climb the ladder to the right ledge. Climb up the next ledge and jump over to the left. Shoot the yeti, then climb up through the opening to the right. Ahead you'll see a large cave: the right rocky path leads to a sealed door.

See Secret 2 below.

Drop down to the floor and follow the passage to another large cave, shooting the four white tigers.

Grab the Tibetan Mask from the block on the far side. Return to the right rocky path in the previous room, where the door has now opened. Go through and follow the passage, shooting the yeti when you drop down by the brickwork. Shoot another yeti below, through the holes in the floor. Hang-drop from the middle of the last hole to avoid the spikes below.

Light a flare and head out onto the balcony on the left. To the left of it, insert the mask to open the door just to the left of the balcony from the dark room. Go through and cross the rope bridge.

Follow the passage to emerge above the ice sheet from the previous level. Jump over to the switch (3) and flick it to melt the ice. Drop down and shoot the white tigers. Swim past the Gong Hammer to the next pool and shoot the three yetis from the shallows. Go and get the Gong Hammer now, then quickly get out of the barracuda filled pool where you shot the yetis.

Head down the right passage and shoot the yeti. Climb the steps and go through the door. Turn right to see some snowballs: lure some down, backflipping out of the way, then make a run for it down to the doorway.

Phew. Go through to the left and slide backwards to grab the edge. Shimmy left until you can see a ledge behind you (using L1). Pull up and jump back to land on it. Do a running jump to grab the ice wall, then climb up to the entrance above. Slide backwards and grab the edge of the slope, then hang-drop by the gong. Use the hammer to hit it and open the palace doors.

See Secret 3 below.

Jump and pull up the left slope to slide down. Drop and enter through the doorway. Grab the Talion and exit, at which point the giant guardian attacks you. Now's the time to use your grenade launcher - it takes eight to ten hits to kill him. Keep mobile (or hide in the hut if you opened it), but don't fall off the edge! When he's dead the level is completed.


Secret 1: Gold Dragon

Return to the narrow cage and pull the block out (the second from the left when entering through the bars), then push it sideways to reveal an entrance to a large room. There?s an invisible walkway all the way down the middle of the room to the pedestal with the secret on, so drop down and walk straight along it to climb up and grab the dragon.

Secret 2: Stone Dragon

It's in the dark passage to the right of the cave. Light a flare and jump forward over a ramp to grab it.

Secret 3: Jade Dragon

Before grabbing the Talion, drop down to the ice field and head for the ladder near the far left corner. Jump over to grab it, then climb down. Light a flare and turn left. Drop down via a platform, then turn around to find a switch (4). hit it to open the hut near the palace. Climb back up the ladder and jump back to the ice field. Then head for the hut (which also proves a useful hideout when facing the guardian) to find the secret.

The Temple of Xian

Go through the torch-lit rooms to emerge in a large chamber. Run along the walkway to drop through a trap door to a long slide section. Jump over the blade on the way down to the waterfall.

See Secret 1 below.

You end up in a pool with fighting fish. Climb out on the ladder ledge and shoot them. Then swim down through the large opening to emerge by the temple doors. Shoot the two tigers which leap out at you, then go round to the left to find a springboard. Step onto it from the left, then push forward in midair (not too early) to land on the roof. Go round to the other side to flick the switch (1) which opens the trap door above the ladder in the previous pool. Shoot the eagle which appears.

Hang-drop down and swim back to the ladder and climb up to the passage, shooting the spider. Go through to the large room with the long drop to lava - fatal to touch. Turn around and hang-drop to find a ladder. Climb down it and drop to grab the next ledge. Shimmy left along the crevice and follow the path to climb down another ladder, then grab the ledge below and pull up.

See Secret 2 below.

Jump from the edge of the walkway to reach the ladder and climb up. Climb the next ladder and follow the path up to the spike-pit room. Climb up the wall opposite the pit, then right, against the wall - jump to backflip to a slope, then immediately jump to land on the wall. Walk across the top to see a crumbling plank - jump onto the furthest end of it, then drop straight down to the block with shotgun shells. Do a running jump to the slope and jump from the left side to the next slope and jump again to land on a pillar. Drop down to the right to find some grenades between the spikes.

Climb up the nearby blocks to grab the crevice above and shimmy left to pull up by the switch (2). Flick it to open the temple doors back by the pool. Follow the path and jump out by the waterfall to return there. Get ready to shoot the four statues which have come to life, then go through the doors. Go past the choppers and statues and into the open passage at the end.

In the room with another lava pool, do a running jump from the ledge to slide forward down the sloped platform. Jump near the end to reach the next slope and slide before jumping. Jump twice again to grab a ledge and pull up. Climb the blocks to the top of the room and do a running jump to grab the platform by the exit.

Run down the passage towards the fake switch (you can't flick it) and fall through the trap door. Push forward from the bottom of the slope (don't jump) and run to the opposite switch (3). Flick it and roll round to run back down the path to avoid the sliding spiked walls and get through the door.

Follow the passage and jump back, then left to avoid the first boulder. Round the corner, another will roll down so jump left to the high ledge. For the final boulder, run across the ledge below the ladder to lure it, then drop off the left side.

Climb the ladders to a ledge above a dark room, so light a flare. Flick the switch (4) in the far right corner and shoot the tiger which attacks. Pull up into the passage to the left of the switch, then turn your back to the blades and shuffle back and left to the corner where they can't hurt you. Drop down to slide into the room with rolling blades. Time your run past them to reach the exit opposite.

You emerge on a walkway above the first room in the temple. Shoot the two eagles, then jump to the ledge on the left and push the button (5) to temporarily open the large doors on the other side. To get through, immediately roll after pushing the button, then run and jump via the rafters.

Follow the passage round to a room with swinging spikes. Keep to the side of the walkway and time your runs past them (hey, this is like that game on Gladiators). Push the right button (6), then quickly jump left to hit the other one (7). Run quickly into the hallway to reach the exit.

As you emerge in a large room, a boulder drops behind you, so quickly run to the end of the walkway and jump to grab the far ledge. Pull up to find the Dragon Seal. Jump to either ledge to the side of the statue, then climb the blocks to the dark room. Push the button (8) to create platforms in the lava. Jump across the low ones on the right side of the room (looking from the dark room), then turn left and do a running jump to the slope in the middle of the room, and jump to grab the block. Pull up, slide down the other side, and jump to the flat ledge.

On the tall pillar, turn right and do a running jump to grab the pillar by the wall. Turn right and do a running jump down to the platform by the springboard. Jump onto the latter, then push forward in the air to land on the high ledge - quickly step back and grab the edge to avoid the boulder which rolls down. Pull up and jump diagonally right to the next platform and run over to the next trough (which doesn't make you slide) to avoid another boulder.

See Secret 3 below.

Continue jumping via the platforms to climb the slope and shoot the eagle near the top. Jump to grab the next platform, then do a running jump to get near the door, before jumping through it. Pull the crate twice to reveal a passage. Go through to the dark room and flick the switch (9) to open the trap door. Drop down to a slope, chased by a boulder: run left at the end to slide down a slope to the rafters above the temple. Shoot the two tigers below, then hang-drop to the floor. Insert the Dragon Seal near the door to open it.

Go through and follow the passage, avoiding the rolling blade. Slide down the slope and quickly flick the three green-handled switches (10-12) to open the exit before you're crushed by the spiked ceiling!

Jump via the platforms to the ledge over a large pool. Shoot the fighting fish, then jump in and pull the lever (13) to raise the water level. Surface to catch your breath, then swim through the wide tunnel, but ignore the lever on the left. Turn right into a narrow tunnel and pull the lever there (14), then go through the door and pull the lever (15) inside to open the big door back in the pool. Surface to catch your breath again, then swim down and through the opened doors. Pull the lever (16) there to open the door above the large pool. Go through it and shoot the fish, then grab the ammo. Wade into the small room and flick the switch (17). Run away from the sliding spikes and drop through the trap door. The water current will carry you to the Gold Key (1), so grab it and exit through the nearby grating to emerge in the pool outside the temple.

Go back to the ladder ledge with the lock, in the adjoining pool. Use the key to open the grating. Swim through the passage, diving down at the end to turn right through the opening. Turn right again and through the open grating. Avoid the fish and pull the lever (18) on the back of the first pillar, then exit and swim through the opened passage to surface in a large cave.

Climb out by the waterfalls and shoot the spiders, including giant ones, along the dark tunnel and the cavern. Theres a low platform on the far side. Climb onto this and turn left to jump and grab the next platform. Turn right round and do a running jump to grab a higher platform (above the first one). Now turn slightly right and do a running jump around the corner to grab the next platform. Jump to the L-shaped walkway, then immediately back again to shoot the giant spider. From the walkway, do a running jump to land on the central pillar. Do a running jump to grab the pillar near the high entrance. Jump over to grab it and go through the short passage to emerge above the pool cavern.

Do a running jump to grab the pillar by the rocks in the middle. Climb up to grab the Silver Key (2), then jump into the water and return all the way to the outside of the temple. Use the key to open the locked door on the right. Inside, jump forward and grab the platforms to climb the slope, avoiding more boulders. Turn left at the top and cross the bridge, shooting a tiger and eagle. Shoot the tiger in the next room, then climb the low sloped pillar and jump backwards onto the taller one. At this junction, one route leads to some springboards, while the other features a rolling blade. Jump (don't climb) up the right side past the latter to find a room with another blade by a bridge. Dodge the blade and hit the button (19) at the far end of the bridge to open a door above the springboards. Make your way back there and, facing the wall, backflip onto the first springboard and let the springboards propel you upwards - only push forward after the fourth bounce to grab the ledge.

Shoot the eagle and jump across to the wide passage. Go through the doors, cross the walkway, and jump to the small platform by the lock. To avoid the sliding spikes on the wide ledge, quickly jump to the crate and climb up the left side of the ladder. Drop to the ledge on the right and climb up the blocks. Quickly do a running jump from the edge to grab the ladder to avoid some more spikes.

Climb up and follow the path to find a switch (20). Flick it and turn back to the open grating, leading to a serpent statue. Turn left and do a running jump to grab the platform. Jump to the next platform, then jump and grab the pillar. Pull up to get the Main Chamber Key (3). Slide down the serpent to land on a low pillar. Jump over, via the original walkway, and to the lock again. Use the key here to open a grating behind you. Jump back to the walkway and then do a running jump to the grating, then over to the block with the ladder. Climb the long ladder and drop off to the right. Jump over the spikes and climb the ladder. Above is the chamber near the last switch (20) - don't reverse it. Another grating (on the left) has opened opposite the previous one, leading to an even taller pillar with a serpent. From the ledge through the grating, turn left and do a running jump to grab the next platform. Jump to the next, then turn right and do a running jump to a slope, then quickly jump to land by the pillar. Climb up the ladder until a blade stops you, then backflip to a slope and jump again to grab another ladder. Climb up to reach another blade. Do a midair roll (Square + Circle) to grab the ladder behind. Climb up and right to the passage to complete the level. Phew.


Secret 1: Gold Dragon

As you slide down the first waterfall, do a midair roll (Square + Circle) so that you're sliding backwards. Grab the edge of the waterfall, shimmy left, and pull up to the secret.

Secret 2: Stone Dragon

Don't be tempted to drop from the first ladder to grab the secret ledge, as you'll hit the lava and die. From the low walkway, shimmy right along the crevice to get the secret.

Secret 3: Jade Dragon

Climb to the right and slide down the next trough onto the springboard. Push forward in the air to land on a rafter. Turn right and do a running jump to grab the ledge with the secret. From here you can jump back to a ledge on the slope.

Floating island

Look right to see the sparkly trail of a flying warrior. He's dead slow, so you've got plenty of time to target him and shoot him down with just pistols. Walk forward to the edge of the island. Step back a bit and jump to the slope to slide down forwards, jump halfway down and turn slightly right to start sliding forwards down the next - immediately jump and grab the ledge. Pull up into the lattice-covered section. Flick the switch (1), then go down the narrow passage and slide down the ramp. Draw some big guns to face the first statue guardian. Another comes to life when you approach the front of the island. Shoot them in turn, then climb up through the trap door. When you grab the Mystic Plaque there, the other statue awakens below. Go down and smash him.

See Secret 1 below.

Hang-drop from the side opposite the ramp you entered by and grab the edge of the room below. Turn left to flick the switch, then do a running jump through the opened gate.

From the edge, do a running jump to the next island. Walk forwards and turn left to jump to the upper part. Turn towards the green staircase island, and do three running jumps and grabs to reach the lowest step. Climb the stairs and turn right. Do a running jump to the wonky stairs island. Climb up and turn round near the top to see another warrior coming. Shoot him down, then turn around at the very top to shoot down another.

Walk along the lattice to above where you entered before. From the left corner, do a running jump diagonally left to slope which you first jumped onto. Slide backwards and grab the edge to drop onto the ledge below. Do a running jump from here to the platform with the second Mystic Plaque. Do a running jump to grab the right side of the next platform, then jump to the island where you got the first plaque.

Follow the route round again to bottom of the wonky stairs, then turn left to see where the island where the plaques must be inserted. From the left side of the step (important, as the right side's too short), do a running jump to grab the island ledge. Insert both plaques to open the doors.

Guns drawn, go through to the walkway and keeping jumping back to shoot the warrior who appears. See

Secret 2 below.

Take a step back from the large green boulder and turn around, then jump backwards over it and straight up to avoid it as it rolls down. Turn round and jump over to the next ledge. Hang from the side, then pull up again and shoot the flying warrior. Do a running jump to grab the island with the rope slide.

Use the latter and drop off over the lower bridge. Enter the building and shoot the warrior, then flick the switch (2) to open the large door obstructing the rope slide. Shoot two more warriors, then go through to the next room and use the rope slide there to reach the opposite wall - grabbing when you fall. Climb the lattice there and head right. Shimmy left from the green edge and drop down. Climb up through the roof and over the ledge to the higher bridge.

Return to the top of the main rope slide and take a ride down, through the opened doors, all the way to the end. Ignore the other two rooms by the hallway and jump to the right area of the main chamber, by the push-block. When you touch it another warrior appears, so shoot him. Now move the block and jump to the sloped ledge to backflip onto the upper walkway. Flick the switch (3) on the pillar and drop back down, to find the lava pit under the rope slide now has a platform above it. Turn right as you approach the trench and drop into the corner to avoid the darts. Drop down the steps, then jump over to the bridge. Flick the switch (4) to open the trap door in the lava to the left side of the main chamber. Climb back up to the top of the room, via the push block and slope. Climb on to the wall and do a running jump and grab to make it through the trap door.

Wade to the end of the room and flick the switch (5) to open a door in the main room above. Then wade back and swim down through the tunnel on the left. Climb out to hit the switch (6) to stop the blades swinging. Go back through the blades passage and up the steps to return to the main chamber with the newly opened door above. Push the crate to the pillar near the door, then climb up and do a running jump and grab into the doorway. Through the passage is a barred door, opened by a switch above the spikes room. Jump forward to grab the crevice and shimmy right to pull up and flick the switch (7). Return to the upper passage via a running jump and grab. Go through the opened door to find two more closed doors guarded by statues. Drop through the hole and grab the edge of the slope.

Drop down into the cage and flick the switch (8), then roll round and run back to the ledge and climb up to one side of the sloped pillar. Get behind the latter, draw your guns, and pick off the ninjas, jumping sideways to avoid their fire. Now approach each statue in turn, then climb the wall and shoot down at it. Hit both switches (9 & 10): one opens the exit, the other a door in the room above.

Exit and head upstairs, shooting another ninja. Flick the switch (11) upstairs to open the ornate door and awaken the two warriors. Once they're dead, go through and climb to the top of the lattice, then - important! - climb down one notch. Do a midair roll to grab the lattice behind you. Climb up and left to the red section and repeat the trick to grab the lattice opposite (above a slope).

Repeat this trick several times to reach the top slope. Jump backwards from it and hold the button to keep leaping to and fro. Push Left to reach the flat area, then shoot the ninja there. Pull the box out and climb on it to reach the rope slide.

See Secret 3 below.

Ride down it to complete the level.


Secret 1: Jade Dragon

Leap to the high flat rock with the tree, then jump to grab the roof and pull up to collect the secret.

Secret 2: Stone Dragon

Look behind the tree at the end of the bridge by the closed door to see an opening in the rock wall. Jump to the right of it to land in a passage which takes you to the secret. To exit, stand on the flat area to the right of the passage opening and jump from the wall back above the slope. Jump forward from the end of the tunnel to the ledge near the bridge.

Secret 3: Gold Dragon

Before using the rope slide, jump from the pulled-out crate to the rocks on the left. Walk out to the right ledge and jump to the low square platform across the lava. Turn round and do a running jump into the passage under the ledge, where the secret awaits. To exit, do a running jump to grab the slope to the left of the square platform. Pull up and jump back to land on the ledge. From here you can jump to the level exit.

Dragon's Lair

It's time for the big showdown. Grab the goodies from the first room and approach the statue, which awakens the one opposite, inside the large room. Shoot him from the doorway - if he comes through, leg it into the large room and keep moving as you shoot. Flick the switch by where the statue came to life to awaken the one opposite. Defeat him, then flick the switch to the left of his original position to open the exit, and awaken the other two warriors. Again, keep moving around the room to shoot them. Now go through the open doorway into a darkened room, full of ninjas. Try to lure them, one at a time, through the doorway to shoot them, leaping sideways to avoid their fire. Pick up all the ammo they drop and watch out for a ninja near the far door - shoot him and he leaves behind a Mystic Plaque with which you can open it. This leads to a large chamber where a fire-breathing dragon materialises as you approach the dais. He's an awesome adversary, but there are some tricks that will help you defeat him. For a start, take cover behind the pillars to avoid his fiery breath. Also, note that it takes the overgrown reptile a while to move around, so you can run past him, roll around and fire away at his backside with your M16. If you do catch light, get ready with the medikits as you run for the nearest water holes. As well as extinguishing your flaming arse, below the surface you'll also find plenty of ammo. Always try to surface through a distant hole from the one you entered, and look up before doing so to check our monster fiend isn't about to frazzle you, or attack with his lethal claws. Once you've inflicted a fair bit of damaged on him, he'll roar and fall to the ground. Now, before he recovers, quickly run over to the red wound on his belly and press X to pull that magical dagger out. When you do so, the dragon turns to a skeleton and the lair starts to collapse, so head through the gate which opens and keep running along the passage to avoid the falling debris and complete the level.

Home Sweet Home

Dagger in hand, Lara can finally relax. Admiring the artefact it took her so much trouble to find, our heroine is all set to go to bed? and take a well-earned snooze. But hold on a minute, isn't that the alarm ringing? Better unlock that bedside cabinet to grab the shotgun and ammo before the goons arrive. When they're dead, get the rest of the booty from the cabinet, light a flare, and proceed downstairs, shooting another couple on the way to the front door. Now all she has to do is kill the baddies lurking outside, then their boss.
