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Our League:

Our League is new, but we are the best. We are built for role-playing, but the rules make it so that you need not know anything about Battletech to play. Below are our rules for ladder play. Ladder is more of an instant-gratification style play, while our planetary focuses more on the Role-Playing part.

· Unit leaders are responsible for keeping track of their members. Member amounts are unlimited
· There are two main factions, the Inner Sphere (houses, Mercs, and pirates) and the Clans.
· Each section after this will list the above things, but in more detail. Check it out!

Requirements: · A retail version of MechCommander (the latest version)
· The most recent maps (available at in the tech support area)
· An unstable mind, sound body, and a desire to whoop some Mech butt!

In-depth Unit Rules: This section gives a detailed overview of how units work. If you are not a unit leader, you probably don’t have to read this, but it’s interesting anyway!

Overall Inner Sphere:

Inner Sphere Unit Sizes:
Lance- 4 Mechs
Company-12 Mechs
Batallion-3-4 Companies
Regiment-3-5 Battalions
RCT- “Regimental Combat Team”- 2-3 Regiments (Usually mixed force composition).

Inner Sphere House:

Inner Sphere houses have very few rules limited them. They may attack anyone next to them. And, they may hire Mercs, and pirates. Of course, the individual contracts are up to each unit, and Mercs (pirates too) do not have to accept. There is a lot of freedom for these units.

Comstar: Comstar are the “Guardians” of the Inner Sphere. Their leader is known as Primus.

Periphery States: These are the minor houses of the Inner Sphere. Most of the larger houses don’t want to devote the necessary forces to capture a minor house; for fear that another large house will take advantage of the weakened boarders.

Mercenaries: Mercs are in it for the buck, and the occasional grudge. All contracts are up to the Mercs, and they have to find them. There will be an Outreach Mercenary Rating Board. This will rate every mercenary unit, according to how they have preformed. A higher ranked unit will be able to get more money for their contracts. Note: Comstar will be the leaders of the Mercenary Review Board, or an admin.

Pirates: The dregs of society, they are forced into hiding, only to emerge for a quick raid.

Clans: The clans are a very unique bunch. They prize honor above all else. They will often take fewer Mechs than an opponent, to win more honor in their engagement. Clan Unit Sizes:

Point-1 Mech
Star-5 Mechs
Binary-2 Stars
Trinary-3 Stars
Cluster-3-5 Binaries/Trinaries
Galaxy-3-5 Clusters

The Bandit Caste: Operate similar to IS pirates, but they use Clan tech. The Bandit Caste is the little-talked-about “dregs” of clan society. Note: It is considered dishonorable for a regular Clan to deal with the Bandit Caste! In Game Combat: The rules for in game combat are simple. · No hacked Mechs, or illegally customized Mechs.
· Have fun that’s what this league is for!

Ladder Play: TCL will have a very simplistic ladder. Here’s how it works.

To Start A game:

To start a TCL ladder game, simply create a gaming room (on mplayer), entitled “ – vs – TCL!” or something similar. Other people interested in a ladder game will then go into the room, and the next. You can also find other TCL players in the Mechcommander and Mechcommander Gold Lobbies. Now you have your enemy.

To Set Terms:

Terms in TCL are simple. Both parties agree to their own terms (no limitations!), or, if you cannot agree, and still wish to play, you must use TCL’s terms. TCL’s terms are Stock, NA, NM, 250,000k per player, each side chooses their technology. The Map will be decided weekly, and posted on TCL’s site. The team initiating the battle gets choice of team side. You should note that if you do not use TCL’s terms, both sides get points bonus.

Note: After this, you are committed to playing. As soon as you’ve agreed to terms, and launched the game (even if it crashed-even initial launch) you must play the game out. If a player leaves, and does not come back within 15 minutes after he is committed to playing – he automatically forfeits the battle. The RP reported is what was agreed upon by both players – the tonnage reported is 300 tons, for each side.

Note: You can extend that 1 hour if you want to be cool about it.

To Play the game:

Both sides go into the game, fight it out, and then its time to report. Cheating: If someone takes into the game, something that they did NOT agree to, you must supply a chat log verifying the agreed terms, and a screen shot (from the very end of the mission) detailing what they took in the mission. Note: If Artillery is Off, Sensors are STILL active. Note: If someone crashes – replay with Mechs that we’re alive at the time of the crash. Notes: If there is a 3v3, 2v2, or any combination thereof, and a player drops, the side with the dropping player may re-launch without that player – or with a substitution – if both sides agree to the player being subbed in.


When the battle is done, both sides must report. The winning side first goes to TCL’s site, reports the terms of the battle, and the outcome. The loosing side must then go to TCL’s site, and confirm their loss. If the battle was a draw – it must be replayed. Cheating: If someone runs away, after loosing a mission, you must supply a chat log verifying the set terms, and a screen shot of the end-mission victory screen. Note: You have 24 hours to confirm a battle. If it is NOT confirmed within that time – the winning player should do the following: · E-mail his Unit Leader, the loosing player, the loosing players unit leader, and the encounter admin
(unconfirmed@atlantion). Include the encounter # and your story of what happened.
· The “Reply to All” Function should be used – keep all parties informed!
· If the battle is valid – and the opposing player does not respond / will not confirm – the battle will be confirmed for him, and he will be locked.
A Note: Without the above said proof, any declarations of cheating will be ignored! This is supposed to be a friendly ladder, no making stuff up. It is YOUR responsibility to make the appropriate chat logs and screen shots.

How we tally your points: Your points are dependant on whether or not you win, if you win, you get more points than if you loose. It is also dependant on how much RP, and tonnage you take, relative to your opponent.


The leaders of units are very important people. The requirements are: · Normal requirements (above) for the league.
· Skills with management, and paperwork (no experience necessary)
· Time, and a good amount of it. Be prepared to spend a lot of time with your unit!
· Websites. They are necessary to run a league unit. You can get a free Website at or or or http://www.tripod.comif you need help with a Website, talk to an admin. We're nice friendly folk.
· A good positive attitude, and, hopefully, some diplomatic skills.
Conduct: ALL players will conduct themselves properly. You will follow these rules. You will respect ALL players.
· No insulting other leagues, or league players, were all here to have fun.
· Refrain from using vulgarity. Clanners, please use clan terms (in the clan terms page) when desiring vulgarities. If someone cusses someone else out, inform us, the league admin’s will frown on it. But, it is not officially against the rules (although, it may effect other decisions).
· NEVER cheat. If you cheat once, you will be warned. Twice, you are removed from the league, FOREVER. To report cheating, we need some sort of proof.
· Have fun! That’s why we made this league!
· The conduct for League Administrators will be STRICT. We will be fair at ALL times. We will follow our own rules. Some leagues have had this type of problem; I assure you it will NOT happen here.

Misc. Rules and Important Notes: These rules are too short to put in their own category, but still important.

In-Game Drops:

I hate to do this, but there have been to many complaints about people dropping to see your config, and then change their own to match it. So, here’s the rule. If someone drops once, replay (Same mech config, MINUS losses). If a side drops a THIRD time, before first combat all quit, and go again with the Same mech config, MINUS losses. If someone drops AFTER combat has occurred, the team that did NOT have the dropping player can force the other side to forfeit that map (Third Time Only). It is also advised that you’re understanding, if you were losing, and one of their guys drops, be cool, replay it. If a side drops, and is not ready to replay within 15 minutes, they forfeit.


If you are getting major lag in a game, so that your Mech does not respond well AT ALL, call lag in the chat screen to ALL players. If you’re the only one getting lag, than its probably your connection. If other people are getting lag, try a different moderator. More and more people are getting high-speed connections, which can greatly improve game-play. If both sides agree that the battle should be postponed until better lag can be achieved, that is fine (battle must be re-played within 48 hours). Unit CO’s MUST be notified via e-mail, by both parties. Note: Don’t call lag just because you’re loosing. Just do better, or accept the loss. Note2: Be understanding, lag sucks, I’ve seen my mad cats in perfect condition, and then 5 seconds later, all are dead. All of this due to lag.

How to take a Screen Shot:

When your ready to take your screen shot, press the ‘Print Screen’ or PrtScn key – hold it for 3 seconds.. Then, go into Microsoft’s Paint program (or any graphics program). Hit Control V, or Select paste (in between this time, do not copy anything!). It will then paste the screen shot into Paint. You should then save the file in .bmp format. All questions and comments should be e-mailed to