Wilson Pitruzzelli Investments, LLC aka
Wurstkuche Restaurant continues to
Disturb Their Neighbors Late into the Night

J.A. Citizen Editorials
“Joseph Pitruzzelli, Tyler Wilson and their noisy sausage factory Wurstkuche have got to be the most self centered inconsiderate jackasses I have ever had to deal with as neighbors.”  Insists Los Angeles artist  David Goldner.  “I won the court case against them for violating LAMC noise ordenance codes and they are actually going to try to appeal the ruling.  A ruling that was already set in precedence long before I even sued them.  They obviously were not listening to the judge in court or are just too damn arrogant to actually care about their neighbors, what the law is or what the court ruling said.”  David says the later is closer to the truth.  “Do they actually think they can win the right to disturb their neighbors??  I don’t think so…”

The court ruling in case number LAM 10M07169 said:  "Nighttime operations causing excess noise constitutes private nuisance even if the use is permitted by city."

“I actually thought they got it and were going to comply for the first week or so after the ruling.  But that’s how long it lasted, just a week or so, which seems to be the edge of their attention span and the time limit on any promise to be quieter they have ever made me.”  David says in disgust. “It’s been almost 2 years now since they moved in and they have tortured me from the first week they were here!  And it still hasn’t stopped!  They are once again dragging kegs and restaurant supplies in and out of the Artist in Residence loft they are illegally using as a noisy beer keg warehouse in this residential building.  This is supposed to be a creative environment.  And even as noisy as they are during the day, the noise is supposed to stop after 10:00 pm according to the law, not 2:00 am!

It's now months after the city has order them to comply and turn 808 E. 3rd Street back into an actual Artist in Residence.”  David goes on… “The order to comply still stands, but Joseph Pitruzzelli and Tyler Wilson have done nothing to date but continued to ignore that city order to comply.  And the city seems to be doing nothing to enforce it either.  Now they think they can appeal the court ruling so they can continue to torture their neighbors with their non stop noise.  To say they are a 'nuisance' is an incredible understatement.  The owners of Wurstkuche are just blatant inconsiderate jackasses!  They just don't care if they are disturbing their neighbors or not!  The city has said it’s wrong and the courts have said it is wrong.  The only ones who think it’s okay to be as inconsiderate as they want to be are Joseph Pitruzzelli and Tyler Wilson, aks Wilson Pitruzzelli Investments, LLC.  They are self serving idiots and just don’t give a damn about anything but themselves.  And they continue to keep proving that to me on a daily basis.”

David goes on to say… “We will be back in court… but sooner then they think.  They want to fight rather be considerate?  They want to continue disturbing me into the night rather then comply with the city of Los Angeles or the district courts?  Then they will have another judgement to try to appeal in the next few months and they can bet on it!”  David Goldner promises he will be filing another suit not just for himself, but on behalf of all the artist actually living in the arts district.

--J. A. Citizen