J.A. Citizen. Quantum Independent Press.  Editorial comments on local, National and International News by Justin A. Citizen.
Editorial Comments on: Local News, World News, Current Events, Independent News Stories.
Sleazy management with no morals, no integrity.
By J.A. Citizen Editorials

“I’ve come across sleaze balls in my time, but the webmaster’s and management at City-Source.com are the lowest form of scum I’ve dealt with since I’ve been on-line.” Says long time Los Angeles photographer / artist, David Goldner, of  DavidGoldner.com and TheGoldnerGirls.com.  “The management at City-Source have no conscience, no integrity, and are blatantly unprofessional hacks that try and take photo credit for every photographer’s work posted on there site.”  Goldner insists.  “All though I own the copyright to all my Goldner Girl images, I grant all the girls I shoot for my web site, TheGoldnerGirls.com, the right to use the images I have created of them for their own self promotion.  All I ask of them is that they post the images with my logo or copyright so the images are not misused.  After I personally created a beautiful  montage of images of model Valerie Lace, one of the girls on my web site, TheGoldnerGirls.com; it was submitted to City-Source and soon posted as I created it.”

My Original Montage                   City-Source Rip Off

“But about a week later I happen to be checking the posting and saw that my montage had been taken and blatantly changed, bastardized by management at City-Source.com.   My logo on all four images within the montage had been cropped off, and only City-Source’s name was left on all my images, claiming that they verified the photos.  Not with me they didn’t!”  Goldner emphasizes.  “I immediately contacted them, telling them they had no right to remove my logos from any of the images and I demanded they post the original image the way it was sent to them.  The way I and Valerie had seen it a week earlier.”

“I was soon answered by Martin, apparently City-Source’s head sleaze ball, who proceeded to misquote copyright laws, seeming to make them up as he babbled non sequitur crap, before blatantly lying to my face.  He told me they did nothing to the montage and had gotten it that way.  What bullshit!  Another blatant lie!”  Goldner passionately insists.  “I created that montage myself and personally sent it to them!!  It had my logo on all four images within it.  And I had seen it posted on there site properly the week before!  This squalid little jackass, Martin, lied straight to my face and I caught him at it!”  Goldner tells us.  “His rip-off of my work was blatant!  They didn’t even change my layout or my design!  (Webmaster Martin obviously has no creative talent of his own except to lie.)  They just cropped my logo off of each image.  Then, Martin proceeded to show me how sleazy city-source really was….   After cutting off my logo, and bastardizing my images, Martin told me I had to prove to him I was actually the photographer!  What a little scum bag  this guy is!  Here’s the guy who actually cut my copyright off my images and then tells me I have to prove to him the images are mine?  City-Source.com, their webmasters and photographer are nothing more then no talent hacks that have no integrity what so ever!  They stoop to stealing photographer’s work to try and make it look like it is part of their photo services.  I guess if you can’t do it yourself, “steal it” is there motto!”

"City-Source.com has no conscience or professional integraty  what so ever and their webmaster Martin, who is also a no talent amateur photographer, which is why he try’s to take credit for every other photographer’s work he posts on City-Source, is nothing more then a flakey little weasel with a computer and a digital camera!!" Goldner claims with a puff of anger.  “I warn any photographer or artist to protect their work from these no talent scammers.  And I warn any model they have conned into shooting with them that they are not responsible for most of the work they try to take credit for on there site! These guys are low life, unprofessional hacks that have blatantly violated my copyright, and most likely the copyright of every photographer they post that have not been as diligent about protecting their work on line.  They had no right what so ever to remove my logo while placing their own on my images.  It’s a blatant violation of my copyright and they are total morons if they think otherwise.  Even after Valerie confirmed the images were mine, he refused to post them with my copyright, basically forcing Valerie to shoot with him if she wanted to advertise on City-Scource.  That's a scam if you ask me!  Do you see any photographers credits on the site other then City-Source on any image?  No!  They've removed them all!" Goldner points out.

“The bottom line is,  Martin and City-Source.com acted like unprofessional jackasses after I contacted them about what they had done.  They had no respect for my copyright, or any other photographer's copyright for that matter and are not to be trusted.  It was just all a big joke to them.   I hope it’s as funny to them when they get served for blatant copyright violations.”  Goldner concludes.

--J.A. Citizen