J.A. Citizen. Quantum Independent Press.  Editorial comments on local, National and International News by Justin A. Citizen.
Editorial Comments on: Local News, World News, Current Events, Independent News Stories.
Arts District Developer / Landlord Paul Solomon is in Defiance of a Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety “Order to Comply” as of September 24th, 2010.

By J.A. Citizen Editorials

“The illegal use continues and the late night noise goes on.” Says one of the residents of the building, with regards to the illegal use of unit 808 E. 3rd St., an artist in residence loft that according to the city of Los Angeles, is being misused as a commercial warehouse within that live  / work loft building that resides at 808 to 820 East 3rd St., a building specifically zoned by the city as a live / work artist in residence in 1996.

After multiple complaints to the city from the actual artist living in that Artist in Residence building about the constant late night noise, an inspector from the city of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety agreed, and Paul Solomon as well as the current occupants of  808 E. 3rd St., Wurstkuche restaurant, were ordered by the Department of Building and Safety to cease all use as a commercial warehouse or storage place for the restaurant’s supplies and ordered to turn unit 808 back into an actual artist in residence unit by September 24th  2010.  But neighbor’s in the building say that to date, neither Paul Solomon or Wurstkuche restaurant have lifted a finger to comply with the city’s order or stop the use or even curb the noisy activity after 10:00pm from Wurstkuche’s illegal use of unit 808 in this live / work, artist in residence building.

“The deadline to do the right thing has passed and the ‘Order to Comply’ continues to be violated by Paul Solomon and Wurstkuche restaurant.” Says one of the artist neighbors in the building…  “Neither the building’s management or the owners of the restaurant care about the actual artist living here that they disturb on a 24 hour basis.  Wurstkuche only care about their own convenience and the management about their own bottom lines.

I moved into a creative work space. But since Tyler Wilson and Joesph Pitrezzell, the owners of Wurstkuche restaurant got here, they have turned unit 808 in this building into a noisy 24 hour nightmare of banging beer kegs and none stop ruckus, with no consideration for the actual artists trying to live in this artist in residence building! What doesn’t management get? Why do they think this is okay to do to us?? This is an AIR building, isn’t it? My lease says ‘Live / Work’. But how can I live here with the 24 hour disruption they are allowing to continue? They have done absolutely nothing to stop it!” claims one of the resident artist. “A noisy warehouse is a total conflict in any AIR building. But letting it go after 10:00 pm is just totally thoughtless and shows a blatant indifference by both management and Wurstkuche restaurant.”

--J.A. Citizen