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I Love Screwing With People
Never talk to a moron online. Unfortunately, I did - again.

DISCLAIMER: Screen names have been changed to protect the moron that IM'ed me and myself. I have enough dumb azz people IM'ing me as it is.

Moron69: Hello

Me: Hi

Moron69: What's up?

Me: nothing

Moron69: Me nither. But I just went out and bought a transformer!

Me: . . . you must be proud.

Moron69: huh?

Me: Nevermind.

Moron69: Where are you from?

Me: Maine.

Moron69: Oh thats cool. Guess where I'm from

Me: No

Moron69: Why not?

Me: because I don't care.

Moron69: You're not very nice.

Me: you never asked if I was nice.

Moron69: True dat

Me: Now, are you refering to me as in I'm "right" or are you trying to tell me of a new transformer they came out with - Truedat?

Moron69: I mean that you are right.

Me: Just making sure.

Moron69: How old are you?

Me: I'm 18 and you must be an age between 6 and 9 right?

Moron69: No I'm actually 21.

Me: I feel it necessary to express my gratitude that I am talking to a 12 year old Stone Cold Steve Austin fan who claims to be 21. Lovely.

Moron69: WHATEVER!

Me: And I take it your a male?

Moron69: Yeah how could you tell?

Me: You got excited.

Moron69: LOL hehe

Me: So tell me about yourself

Moron69: 21/M/PA - Brown eyes, brown hair, medium build, about 225lbs. I like working out, playing football, relaxing at times that I need it, goin' clubbing, hanging with my friends. What about you?

Me: Well, I'm an 18 year old Blonde female from Maine, I have dreams of becoming a druggie when I am older because, "nobody says they want to be a druggie when they get older", at times I am a petefile but I simply enjoy the task. Ahh yes - who can forget, I raped your dog last month and I sleep with both guys, girls, dogs and occasionally a black sheep. (I have this really weird fetish with sheep...)

Moron69: hehe hey you're kinda cool, I like you

Me: too bad I couldn't say the same.

Moron69: Yeah well I think you're lying too.

Me: So are you calling me a liar, you fuck?

Moron69: No I am just simply implying...

Me: Sometimes its not good to imply things. Didn't your mother ever teach you that? I grew up with a pack of dogs - so IMPLY THIS - I had to learn the hard way.

Moron69: I'm sowwie. (batting eyelashes)

Me: You're not forgiven. (punching you in the balls.)

Me: (and laughing)

Moron69: My dog just got ran over yesterday.

Me: Agh, so it was YOURS that I hit. I thought I heard something . . .

Moron69: It made me sad. (tears)

Me: Yeah man I feel ya (patting chest) I'm crying too! Damn thing tore up my muffler. Inflation these days. . . highway robbery.

Moron69: I was only telling you

Me: Yes and I am very grateful that you told me. Now I know who's dog I killed. Anyway, cheer up. At least my car didn't get it too bad.

Moron69: I'm beginning to think that you're not very nice.

Me: Well I've already came to the conclusion that you're a moron.

Moron69: Hehe lol

Me: Okay. I'm gonna let you get back to your transformers now. Bye

Moron69: Peace

Me: FYI - its not 1960

Me: bye.