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Midi Playing: Sweet Dreams

You wake up on the morning of Sunday April 14th 2002 and go downstairs to retrieve the morning paper but ... there *is* no morning paper.

You curse the paper boy and you are just about to go back indoors when you realise just how silent it is. Old Mr Smith opposite isn't mowing his lawn ... yet it's a nice day and he *always* mows on a Sunday. The Jones twins aren't screaming around their garden and they, usually, are better than your alarm clock. Brenda Brown, the pretty girl from next door should have been sitting in her garden with her boyfriend, trying to be quiet lest she disturb her parents. Derek Roberts wasn't working on his car, revving the motor as he souped it up a little more. The streets are deadly quiet and empty, not even a dog barking or a bird singing but wait ... they're not quite empty. As you look up and down the street you see several people walking towards you.

Well, walking isn't the word ... they are shuffling, shambling, lurching and *people* doesn't quite describe them, either. Oh, they look familiar ... you recognise Mr Smith and Brenda ... kind of. But there is something horribly wrong with them. Yesterday Brendas face was beautiful ... today she is missing an eye and her head is streaming blood. Mr Smith has no lower jaw and his tongue is lying flaccid across his throat. Derek Roberts is minus an arm and one of his legs is bent at a strange angle. And they are the good-looking ones.

The shambling horrors moan eerily as they spot you.

What do you do?? What *can* you do??

Welcome to Jamesville, the fastest growing little town in Arizona; Population 15,000 and rapidly ... decreasing.

Tell me, have you ever really wondered what it would be like to be caught up in the end of the world. Or, at least, the end of society as we know it? Have you ever really wondered whether you truly have what it takes to survive in a world gone totally insane? Have you ever thought, deep down in your gut, what it would be like to wake up one morning and find that the streets *are* deserted? Have you ever dreamed about turning a corner and coming face to face with your worst nightmare ... a horde of Walking Dead who'd like nothing better than to tear you into little pieces or, worse, turn you into one of them?

Have you ever watched one of George A. Romero's Living Dead movies, Braindead, Resident Evil or even played a Resident Evil game and thought ... *I* could survive that?

If you have then Jamesville is the place for you.

Zombie: Reign Of Terror is a PBeM or Play by E-mail game that can either be played from Yahoogroups or by email.

Please give the rules a good reading over. They are here for a reason and they ensure a smooth and enjoyable game for all.

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Last site update: May 22, 2003

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