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Stephanie McMahon Helmsley
Is The Pink Princess


.:.{Disclaimer}.:. This Stephanie Role Play was written entirely by me, Ashley. If you have a problem with this Role Play and need to contact me send an e-mail here: Don't take this Role Play personal. Full credit for the layout of this Role Play goes to ME. So don't take it or I will kick you're ass alright! So if you have any questions about the layout, contact me at lovely69lita. This role play has no affliation with WWE or Stephanie McMahon or any wrestling site at all. .:.{End Disclaimer}.:.
x Stephanie's Record x o0-o0-o0
x Titles Held x None Yet
x People Mentioned x Triple H & Batista
x People Used x Stephanie & Triple H
x Next Match x Triple H Vrs Batista Special Guest Ref: Stephanie
xox The Pink Princess | Billion Dollar Princess | Stephanie McMahon Helmsley | Smh xox

Triple H & Stephanie
Have Arrived!

*x*| This federation has finally opened and their are many wrestler that should be arriving. And the final card for this federation is up. Now we all know that the main event is going to be great with Triple H in it, but his wife Stephanie is the guest ref. But enough talking about this match we will be waiting the arrival of The Game Triple H and The Princess Stephanie McMahon Helmsley and we will be hearing from them soon enough they will arrive|*x*

*x*| Moments later, after a few commerical breaks, a long white limo comes pulling up. And the limo comes to a stop and the back door and Triple H gets out as the fans are going wild. And Triple H holds his hands out and a women puts her hand in his. Then he helps the women out, and the camera shows the womens face, and it's Stephanie McMahon and the fans are booing and she has a smile on her face. Triple H shuts the door, and they makes their way inside as a intervier guy comes running up to The Helmsley's with a mic and Triple H hits the guy in the face and tells him to fuck off, and the fans are going wild. Triple H smiles and puts his arm around Stephanie and they make their way down the hall as the camera fades |*x*

*x*| When the camera comes back on, the camera is in the hallway, and the camera comes to a locker room that says " McMahon - Helmsley " on a big yellow start. The door opens and the camera comes in as Triple H and Stephanie are talking in their locker room as they are standing and they are looking at each other and the camera comes closer you finally can hear what they are saying and they begun to speek they say this to one another |*x*

Triple H & Stephanie
Backstage Talking

x The Game | Triple H x

Steph, I can't believe were finally here it's wondeful.

x The Princess | Smh x

Yea, I know we worked really hard fianlly back in a federation once again. And Hunter, just like in the other federation we was in daddy's federation, we will rock this one and we will rule this one, and when I point my finger, you will destory that person just like you and I have done in the past. Hunter I know that we will be at the top.

x The Game | Triple H x

That's right, Steph we are the best of the best and we are going to show all them son of a bitches what we are all about. It's cool for me and cool for you. It'c cool for me because my match is next Wednesday. And cool for you well you don't have to worry because no other divas are here, so you get to chill. And sence you're the 1st diva makes you the best, and it shows how damn smart you are to join a this federation with me, and you as my wife Steph!

x The Princess | Smh x

Damn right Hunter. I know we will be the golden couple. You will be the great champ. And I will be the women*s champ! But that is far from me but not impossible. Anyways, Hunter i'm so glad that we are here and i'm glad were together. I'm glad we patched things up with back in the wwe, and worked everything out because Hunter we know fursure that you and I belong with with each and that's the bottom line. And nothing and no one can get by us.

x The Game | Triple H x

Sure is lovely one. But i'm glad were back together also. It will be much faster to kick ass when were a team and when were on the same page, I know what I want out of this wrestling life Stephanie and I know we will show what this federation who we are.

x The Princess | Smh x

An so do I Hunter, I know what I want here also, and I know that I will do what ever it is I need to do to help you, and their is nothing else that I want. And I will do what ever it is to help you, and I know that you will do the same for me no matter what.

*x* | Both Triple H and Stephanie smile and they kiss | *x*

x The Princess | Smh x

I'm going to the ring

*x* | The camera fades | *x*

Stephanie McMahon & A Guy
Stephanie Has A Set Back

*x* | Stephanie stands up and she hugs Hunter, and she leaves the locker room and Stephanie makes her way down the hall with a smile on her face and the fans are booing and chating things and she truns the coner, and their is the intervier guy in the hallway once again who Hunter hit, he stopes in front of Stephanie, and he has a mic *x*|

The Intervier Guy | Mr. Boring

Hello, remeber me.. I think we to chat. Look Stephanie, I don't know who the hell you think you are but you are not the best thing to hit this federation okay. Stephanie you can't just have you guy Triple H come around and beat up people thats how it works.

x The Princess | Smh x

Who the hell are you?

*x*| The man shows Stephanie his face. She holds her face so she wont laugh but she does anyways, and the fans are booing as the man just stands their and she stopes *x* |

The Intervier Guy | Waste Of Time

That's not funny. You're a little bitch

*x*| Stephanie smiles *x* |

x The Princess | Smh x

Okay are you like done now? I know who I am, I am Stephanie McMahon Helmsley damnit! I am soon to be women*s champ! I am the wife of Triple H, my father is Vince K McMahon, i'm the ONLY female here, and i'm the most dominate female that is here. Now that's who I am, not who I think I am now i'm not a little bitch, i'm thee bitch! So asswipe back the fuck off before I get Hunter on you once again and you will be sorry!

*x* | The man just looks at Stephanie and she smiles and she ' Stephanie Princess Bitch Slaps ' the interviwer guy. Stephanie laugh in an evil way and she makes her way down the hall way a smile on her face as her hands on her hips as the camera fades down *x* |

**___** Camera Fades On **___**

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley
Has A Few Things To Say

*x* | The camera comes on to the stage and the fans are waiting to see what will happen next, and it get real quite as the camera goes around and " It's My Time " plays over the PA and Stephanie's tron video play on the tron the fans are booing and chating things as some fans put their Stephanie signs up as they are booing and chating for her *x* |

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*x* | Stephanie finally comes out on the ramp, makes her way down *x* |

*x* | She gets inside the ring and does her pose *x* |

*x* | Stephanie walks over and gets a mic *x* |

x The Princess | Smh x

Aww! I know that all of you have missed me! How sweet! That's right as you heard me and Hunter are back together and we are married this time, we are really married no Las Vegas wedding a wedding in church, and in front of everyone. I'm so happy to be with the man that I truly love. But enough about that. I want to talk about me. Now this is really great, because their are no diva come to come out and down and that ramp and bitch me out! I don't have to deal with them " trying " to bitch me out and if they did I would ' Stephanie Princess Bitch Slap ' them and they will go down like a sack of shit! Now I came here for a few things number 1. I came to be on Hunter's side. Number 2. To become the women*s champ here. Number 3. To best the best damn female here, that being the most dominate female here in this federaton and Number 4. Be, the bitch, their is ONLY room for on bitchy women, and that women is me, like that or not. If I PISS you off oh well, you will get over it and if not, well oh well I could really careless because I only care for Hunter and me. | *x* Stephanie smiles, and begins on | *x* Now as I understand sence their are NO divas, I can't have a match well I can, but I rather fight divas. But I am in a match, not as a wrestler as a special guest ref. It will be The GAME Triple H VS. Batista. Now Batista I don't if you have arrived yet. But i'm saying this, you will not win this match. Now you are thinking ' how fair is this ' well that's where you need to stop thinking okay. Because I will call this match right down the middle, well if I wanna, you see Batista I am a bitch, and I will do WHAT I want when I WANT. So Batista if you piss me off, well you will be sorry for one you will lose you're match and for you, Hunter, will be all over you're ass. Now you better watch you're back because it can and will happen any time. So do you think you are really ready for Hunter? Because where Hunter is, I am. I have his bad, as he has mine. You may think it's bad because i'm a " female " but that don't mattter worth crap. SO Batista are you ready? I hope you are. But as I see it, I will call this match down the middle so I just hope you're ready. Because Batista Hunter and I are just better then --


SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! Don't get me pissed off, plus you fans don't even no me. But anyways back to my point people are not going to run over me like i'm nothing okay. I will show you people what I am all about in the matter of time. SO everyone better just get ready. Because i'm the MOST DOMINATE FEMALE here, and always. SO I hope that you are all ready because the McMahon Helmsley Era has begun. SO I hope everyone is ready because when I point my finger, Triple H will distory you no matter what. Triple H and I will be the golden couple here if you like it or not! I'm not like some lap dog, I don't care if you fans like me or not you can boo and chat things to me so it don't matter. But anyways, in the match with Triple H, what ever happends happen I just hope everyone is ready because if you're not well to bad Batista because that's the way of life it goes my way. And why does it go my way Batista? Well if you're asking you're self that, well you're dumb as fuck because i'm the special guest ref and you know what everything and anything goes when I say it, because you better just watch who you're messing with here because not only am I the speical guest ref I am the BDP, and i'm a lady with class mess with me and i'll kick you're ass! SO if anyone backstage has a problem with me, well come out here now, because I am one of the best diva / wrestlers. But if you really THINK i'm scared of YOU Batista well you're crazy and nutts so I hope that you are ready because I know that Hunter is ready because he is The Game and because he is JUST that damn better, you see I don't NEED to help Hunter IN this match he will do it OWN his own, so I will just be their to pin him in the center of the ring when he bets you to hell, and I will hit the mat 1..2..3.. and have the bell sound because the match will be over Batista and you will be down and hurt on you're back like you're NOT use too lil boy! SO get ready Batista because THE match is very soon!

| *x* Stephanie smiles as " IT'S MY TIME " hits over the PA Stephanie hands the mic back to the ring announcer and makes her way out of the ring and up the ramp. Goes back up to her dressing room that reads Hunters and her name she opens the door and goes in *x* |

Sable RP