A Battle One Year In The Making

3 Feds Arent Big Enough

History in UWF

Southside Shane vs. Westside Raph (Standard Match) April 30,2002

Match Joined in progress...

[Westside Raph stands up. Westside Raph is up again. Westside Raph sends Southside Shane into Mike Cleve he goes down. Westside Raph hits him with a back fist. Westside Raph does a cartwheel and kicks Southside Shane in the face. Chris O'Neil, Eastside Mike, Hardcore Chris, Jason Phoenix and run to the ring. Chris O'Neil hits Westside Raph with the crotch slam. Westside Raph climbs to his feet. Westside Raph gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Eastside Mike with a headscissors takeover on Southside Shane. Eastside Mike moves back to his feet. Eastside Mike punches Southside Shane repeatedly. Eastside Mike chants start. Hardcore Chris with a takeover suplex on Southside Shane. Hardcore Chris gets up. Southside Shane gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hardcore Chris. Hardcore Chris gets back to his feet. Jason Phoenix knee drops Westside Raph. Westside Raph climbs to his feet. Jason Phoenix spinebuster bombs Westside Raph onto the mat. Ordeblue is restoblue. Mike Cleve gets up. Westside Raph sets Southside Shane up DDTs him into the mat. Westside Raph punches Southside Shane repeatedly. Westside Raph hits Southside Shane with the Westside Ride. Westside Raph uses an inside cradle to pin Southside Shane. Referee Mike Cleve makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Raph 1 Shane 0

Westside Raph vs. Southside Shane (Hell in the Cell) May 4, 2002

Ruckus - Westside Raph could use some help about now.

[Westside Raph sends Southside Shane into Merv Wolf he goes down. Westside Raph throws Southside Shane off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Westside Raph climbs to his feet. Southside Shane gets up. Westside Raph hits Southside Shane with the belly-to-belly suplex. Westside Raph chants start. Southside Shane is back on his feet. The arena lights go out when they come back on Psycho is standing in the cage with Raph and Shane. Psycho attacks Southside Shane. Psycho punches Southside Shane in the head. Psycho hits Southside Shane with the crotch slam. Ordeblue is restoblue. Merv Wolf gets up. Westside Raph hits a frog splash on Southside Shane. Westside Raph chants start. Westside Raph gets up. Westside Raph hits Southside Shane with the double arm DDT into the mat. Westside Raph executes the Supper DDT on Southside Shane! Southside Shane gets hit with the shooting star press from Westside Raph. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Digger - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jewels - The winner of this match, Westside Raph!!!

[Westside Raph looks at Psycho. Psycho rips off his shirt and shows that he is wearing a Y.O.A.N shirt underneath. Westside and Psycho high five.]

Raph 2 Shane 0

Westside Raph vs. Southside Shane (Triple Cage Match) May 18, 2002

[Westside Raph clotheslines Southside Shane. Westside Raph executes a huge gutbuster on Southside Shane. Southside Shane piledrives Westside Raph. Now Westside Raph standing. Southside Shane hits Westside Raph with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Southside Shane chants start. Southside Shane executes the Supper DDT on Westside Raph! Westside Raph gets hit with the shooting star press from Southside Shane. Referee Merv Wolf makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Ruckus - Southside Shane has won the match!

Jewels - The winner of this match, Southside Shane!!!

Raph 2 Shane 1

Southside Shane vs. Westside Raph (Tag Team Titles/Ladder Match) Jun 22,2002

[They lockup. Southside Shane sends Westside Raph to the corner of the ring with the ladder. Southside Shane kicks Westside Raph in the groin. Southside Shane slaps Westside Raph. Westside Raph does a cartwheel and kicks Southside Shane in the face. Westside Raph clotheslines Southside Shane. Westside Raph chops Southside Shane. Westside Raph double underhook faceslams Southside Shane hard to the Southside Shane. They lockup. Westside Raph sends Southside Shane to the corner of the ring with the ladder. Westside Raph hits Southside Shane with the back of his elbow. Westside Raph executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Southside Shane. Westside Raph starts to climb the ladder. Westside Raph takes another step! Westside Raph moves closer to the top. Southside Shane sends Westside Raph all the way to the mat. Westside Raph chokes Southside Shane with a Steel chair. Southside Shane is bleeding as a result. Southside Shane is back on his feet. Southside Shane hits a jumping elbow hrust on Westside Raph. Westside Raph executes a headlock takedown. Westside Raph hits him with a back fist. Westside Raph short-arm clotheslines Southside Shane to the the ladder. Westside Raph slingshot elbow drops Southside Shane. Westside Raph moves to the first step of the ladder. Westside Raph continues climbing the ladder. Westside Raph moves up another step. Westside Raph makes it to the top step. Westside Raph grabs the belts!! ]

Ruckus - Westside Raph has won the match!

Jewels - The winner of this match, and still Tag Team Champion, Westside Raph!!!

Raph 3 Shane 1


History in sWc

Southside Shane vs. Westside Raph (Standard Match) September 9.2002

[Raph hits Shane with a northern lights release suplex. Raph starts to stomp Shane in the back. Raph picks up Shane and throws him out of the ring. Raph claps his hands and motions for the crowd to bow to him. Raph turns around and goes to the outside. Raph grabs Shane by the neck and smacks his head on the steel steps. Shane walks around not knowing where he is and gets back in the ring. Raph enters the ring and puts a boston crab on him. The ref asks Shane if he wants to give up. Shane moves in pain and tries to reach for the ropes. Raph releases the hold and goes for the pin. Shane kicks out. Raph climbs the turnbuckles and goes for a flying elbow drop. Shane moves. Shane hits a DDT and coves. Raph kicks out. Raph clothesline's Shane. Shane is right up. Shane goes for a splash and Raph pulls the ref infront of him. The ref is down and Shane grabs Raph and hits the South Central. Shane poses on the ropes and mocks Lord Westside. The ref is up and Shane covers. Raph gets his foot on the rope. Shane thinks he has one. Raph gets up. Raph picks up Shane and hits the Royal Ride. Raph coves and gets the win.

Digger: Our winner..... LORD WESTSIDE!!!

Raph 4 Shane 1

Southside Shane vs. Westside Raph (Standard Match) November 11.2002

[Shane spits on Raph and then rolls into the ring. Shane runs to the ropes. Raph gets up. Shane comes back for a springboard cross body but Raph catches him. Raph plows him into the steel post. The crowd cheers. Raph wipes the blood of his face and throws Shane into the ring. Raph applies the camel clutch on Shane. Shane is hurting. Shane inches his way to the ropes. Shane is reaching for the ropes up Raph drags him to the center of the ring. Shane is fading fast. The ref raises his had once and it falls. The ref does it again and it falls. Shane seems to be out but Shane is on one knee. Shane gets on both feet.Raph is now on Shane's shoulders. Raph pounds at his head and both men are on their feet. Raph goes for belly to belly but Shane hits South Central! Both men are out. Raph is breathing heavily. Shane is coming to and tries to rollover to cover Raph. Shane drapes his arm over Raph.1...............2............. Raph kicks out.Raph kicks out! Shane falls back in disbelief. Raph gets up and now Shane is up. Raph hits a belly to Belly! Raph goes to the top rope. Raph nails The Ride!Raph hooks theleg.1......................2........................Shane slips away barely. Raph falls back in disbelief. Both men stagger to thier feet. Shane gets up and so does Raph. Shane is fed up and throws Raph into the ref. Raph stops in his tracks, but when Raph turns around Shane dropkicks him and the ref simotaneously.Shane goes to the other side of the ring and grabs the Intercontinental Championship. Shane rolls in the ring with his back turned. Raph walks to to Shane. Shane nails him with the title. Shane goes for the cover. THERE IS NO REF! Shane runs to the outside to get the ref. Raph is awake and sees what Shane is doing and lays back on the mat. The ref is now up. Shane covers Raph.1........................2..........................Raph turns it into an inside cradle.1............................2.........................Shane kicks out. The fans cheer at the monster match.Both men are on their feet. Shane goes for a punch but Raph grabs his arm and Shane kicks Raph in the midsection and goes for the Southsider and Raph reverses it hits the Franchiser! A slow count.1....................................2................................3!:]

Your winner, AND STILL sWc Intercontinental Champion,Westside Raph!

Raph 5 Shane 1


History in UCW

Westside Raph vs. Southside Shane (No DQ Match) March 8, 2003

[Westside Raph executes a spinning back suplex on Southside Shane. (..2) Westside Raph chokes Southside Shane with a microphone cable. (...3) Westside Raph knees Southside Shane and rolls back to his feet. (....4) Westside Raph hits Southside Shane with an elbowdrop. Westside Raph stands up. Southside Shane stands up. (.....5) Southside Shane and Westside Raph move back into the ring. Westside Raph gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Southside Shane comes over and smashes Westside Raph's head into it. Westside Raph uses a snap mare takeover on Southside Shane. Now Southside Shane standing. Southside Shane kicks Westside Raph in the back of the leg. Southside Shane applies an arm wrench to Westside Raph. Westside Raph stands up. Southside Shane executes a jawbreakeron Westside Raph. Southside Shane climbs to his feet. Southside Shane executes a corkscrew legdrop on Westside Raph. Westside Raph gets back to his feet. Southside Shane with a huge super fisherman buster, driving Westside Raph into the mat. Southside Shane gets up. Westside Raph stands up. Westside Raph executes a huge gutbuster on Southside Shane. Southside Shane gets hit with the shooting star press from Westside Raph. Bob Johnson counts the pin. ...1 Southside Shane escapes. ]

Tony Anklip - Not even close! [Southside Shane is up again. Southside Shane with a high crossbody on Westside Raph. Southside Shane is up again. Westside Raph climbs to his feet. Westside Raph gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. Westside Raph punches Southside Shane repeatedly. Westside Raph gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Southside Shane. Westside Raph thrust kicks Southside Shane in the head. Westside Raph catches Southside Shane and nails him with The Franchiser. Referee Bob Johnson makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Rudy- Your winner, The Franchise, Westside Raph

Raph 6 Shane 1 ============================================================

Westside Raph vs. Southside Shane (3 Stages of Hell) May 15, 2003

Shane vs Raph VIII


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