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Overall Record : Victories - - 00   Defeats - - 00   Draws - - 00   Next Match : Taz

ACCOMPLISHMENTS : None as of yet..

 All professional wrestlers would like to think they've been to the top and rode with the best.. all professional wrestlers would like to think they've succumb the best of the best but not all have. One man that did leave his name imprinted in the federation since the day it died was none other than ROB VAN DAM! Known for his highflying unordothodox moves.. RVD revolutionized wrestling FOREVER! No body had seen an individual fly like the whole F'EN show.. the way he soared through the air. The WWE was the future for professional wrestling but things change and the 'ATTITUDE' that drove the federation on once before has RETURNED! As the WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION returns for this collective pay per view No WAY OUT! Did anyone suspect such a thing? No.. did anyone suspect the return of ROB VAN DAM? Well who know's.. but the speculation has stopped and the ECW Legend has arrived. But he ain't the only ECW legend that has arrived.. as TAZ the man responsible for the quote FTW is BACK! And his ways of bein censored have stopped.. his ways of the WWE toning his character down has stopped. Taz is BACK.. the One Man Crime Spree.. although whether Taz is a good little angel or a thug.. you can bet ROB VAN DAM is gonna have his way with him. 

Apart from being a die hard wrestling fan his entire life.. RVD has enjoyed reading comics and just recently RVD has fulfilled his other half of his dream and opened a comic store. The store is named 'RVDS 5-STAR COMICS'. Rob Van Dam is gonna be at the opening of the store as there is a huge line for the store to finally open. There is much hype about the return of the WWF as well as Rob Van Dam's new merchandise store. Many fans are waiting for the appearance of Mr Monday Night as he is to officially open it. All of a sudden a limo rolls up at the comic store and everyone is expecting ROB VAN DAM to step out. The door slowly opens as everyone gets there camera ready and focus intensely on the door. All of a sudden a little man steps out wearing a suit.. but as everyone is distracted on the other side steps out ROB VAN DAM.. he gets on top of the limo in a swift jump and stands up as the fans cheer. Rob Van Dam looks at the fans and makes his pose with his thumbs as he mouths the words R--V--D as the crowd joins in.

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- Welcome to the STORE that is better than EGGS on toast in the morning.. Haha.. nah seriously.. welcome to the only store that is at a FIVE STAR rated.. much the less like myself.. R-- V --D! [Crowd joins in] Well let's get this baby open so we can.. get the show on the road! 

Rob Van Dam grabs the scissors and cuts the ribbon with the scissors opening the five star comic store. Rob Van Dam smiles and welcomes everyone as they enter through the two double doors. Rob Van Dam is then stopped by a young boy in his early teens. RVD stops and looks at the kid as he stands in front of ROB VAN DAM!

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- What's wrong kid? You don't look very happy? Don't you think this store is very COOL or something?!? Cuz DAMN.. this is as COOL as it gets.. 

->>  'Early TEEN' BOY <<- Nah Rob don't get me wrong.. this store is as good as it gets.. it looks.. it looks.. 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- Kool? HAHA.. it's FIVE STAR MATERIAL what you expect?

->>  'Early TEEN' BOY <<- Nah Rob.. I ain't worried about the store.. I'm worried about YOU! 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- What's there to worry about? I'm ROB VAN DAM! I'm the WHOLE F'EN SHOW.. I mean I am the man everybody loves to watch.. and I'M BACK.. BACK in the FLESH! Things haven't been this cool since I went out with that CHEERLEADER.. now man.. DAMN.. was she one specimen! 

->>  'Early TEEN' BOY <<- DUDE.. I'm worried about TAZ.. have you seen the guy? He is a maniac.. 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- Taz? DUDDEEE! Come on.. I ain't Funaki.. I ain't from overseas.. I am the REAL DEAL.. I am COOL.. I am RAD.. I AM ROB.. (Kid Joins In) VAN.. DAM! I used to have a lot of respect for Taz.. he was one hell of a fighter but he ain't COOL no more. He is beyond cool.. DUDETTE he is like Pokemon style.. 

->>  'Early TEEN' BOY <<- Pokemon stylz? (Kid looks at Rob Van Dam weird) 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- Never mind dude.. Taz is as tall as a tree stump.. he ain't gonna touch ME.. he ain't gonna put on a COOL performance. I AM the superstar everybody loves to watch.. MR. ONE OF A KIND.. ROB VAN DAM! Taz may have an issue with Shane O MAC-O.. and that's there problemo not mine. Come Sunday.. come No Way Out you can bet that fat ass walking in my store right now that I'll be flying R-V-D stylz. 

The kid walks into the Comic Store as Rob Van Dam follows. RVD stands behind the counter as when people walk up asking for prices.. questions and wanting to buy things ROB VAN DAM is there for assistance. RVD then begins to sign away comics as people leave the door. A kid wearing a orange shirt.. bit stumpy around the hips approaches the bench.

->>  'Aggressive Young' KID <<- Taz is gonna choke you out.. you lil BITCH.. he is gonna FUCK YOU UP! What type of man are you? Running a comic store? Taz is DA SHIT.. HE IS A F'EN LEGEND and your FUCKED! 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- Woah kid.. your worried about me? Maybe you should take a look in the mirror.. because you know.. your bulge is hangin and bro that is SOOO not COOL unlike myself who is KOOL! Kid you do realize 98% of today's population is FAT.. your JUST ANOTHER STATISTIC.. so do something about it and shape up like R-V-D.. and please come again.. 

->>  'Aggressive Young' KID <<- Who the FUCK do you think you are? 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- Kid.. who do you think I am? The One.. the only.. ROB VAN DAM.. that's who! There is only ONE OF A KIND like me.. I'm KOOL.. this STORE is KOOL.. even the 400 pound lady checking out the Archie comics are KOOL.. but I'm afraid just like little inbred Taz you are NOT Kool..  you don't come anywhere near being KOOL and that's not KOOL for my store so I suggest you leave before you get VAN DAMINATED! 

The kid leaves the store pretty loudly as RVD get's very mad. Rob Van Dam then opens up a magazine from under the counter.. it's an ECW magazine! Rob Van Dam begins to flick through the pages from all the memories he once ago previously lived. Rob Van Dam then looks at a pic of Taz throwing him through a table. The Pain.. the anguish begins to flood back as RVD remembers the pain! 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- The WHOLE F'EN SHOW made the Television title something in E C DUBBA.. the WHOLE F'EN show made it worth something. I held that title for as long as Taz was small and that's a long a time. I took it to another level every night.. soaring the skies.. showing the world I was MR. SUNDAY NIGHT! No one can take that away from me.. no one can take any of my past away from me and Taz isn't gonna prevent my career from going where it should go. I mean look at this modified VAN DAMINATOR! 

->>  'Curious' Girl <<- How much is that? The picture of you drilling the guy with the trash can.. 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- Oh no it ain't for sale.. it's memories.. it's also a little insight what Taz has installed for him. Because I'm mine and YOUR favourite SUPERSTAR.. ROB VAN DAM! But this picture isn't the only thing that is gonna be priceless after Sunday.. as so will MY FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! 

->>  'Curious' Girl <<- How much is it gonna cost me to get a date with RVD? 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- RVD 4:20 ain't for sale.. I mean as kool as it would be in Indonesia and all those other countries it's just NOT me. It's just RVD style.. and I hope your down with that like your down with JELLY on toast..

->>  'Curious' Girl <<- Jelly on toast? What the.. 

->>  'Whole F'EN Show' ROB VAN DAM <<- No more negative language until you try it.. I mean you'll be surprised what you like until you ACTUALLY give it a go. It's a FIVE star meal at my rating.. and that's telling you something because not a lot is FIVE STAR rating apart from my SHOP.. my frog splash and JELLY on TOAST! But don't expect nothing but the WHOLE F'EN SHOW coming out on top at Sunday because I am.. 



The scene fades out..