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The Extreme

" ... I'm A Lady With Class Mess With Me, & I'll Kick You're Ass!..."

<font color=pink>[ + ] 'The Extreme Bitch'[ + ]

' + _ Molly _ + '


Sable RP

When the tron comes on a limo comes pulling up. The fans are waiting to see what will happen next, and the limo back door open and Molly comes out and she has a smile on her face and she makes her way inside of the bulding. Molly makes her way down the hall and she comes to her locker room with the big star that says "Molly" Molly goes in and the door shuts in the face of the camera. The tron fades as The camera comes on the announcers and they begin to speek and they say.

)(Announcer Man 1)(

Help us, what is up with Molly she did not look her self. I don't even think she even cares about her match with Trish and Scarlet, well I just hope that she gets real ready soon enough because for her 1st match here in WWEF she will lose, and I don't want that to happen to a great diva like her, she has came along way and I want her to be the best damn diva here. Well at least one of the top divas here and she gives that up, well that will just mess everything up for her that she waited for the whole time that she has been in here!

)(Announcer Man 2)(

Hmm right okay guy, what has got into you, now you care just about Molly? yes, I don't want to see her un happy ither but guy, what can we do. I mean really. I think she know's that she has a match here and if she wants to go for it then she will. She is one of the top divas in my mind, well she is always in my mind, but guy, you have to cool down. Molly will make her debut match soon.

)(Announcer Man 1)(

Sorry man, it's just I hate when people don't do nothing from them self. But it's alright. I have have it undercontrol and I do really know what I need to do. But you'know, they was right Anarchy is going to be one hell of a Show. This show is really great. They have great people like Stacy, Stephanie, Trish, Torrie, Trish and anyother superstars involed. I just can't wait to see how this show will go down. We have not hear from many people talking about their matches but we will be sure soon or later that we will.

)(Announcer Man 2)(

You right, the best match I can't wait for is the match with Scarelt and Trish and Molly. That match is going to be a great match and I just can't wait to see what type of witts they have. It will be the best match. I just know it will be just watch and see.

)(Announcer Man 2)(

Yeah, if we even get to see that match. But what ever, I just want to say if this match takes place their will not much be calling. I don't think theses ladies will even do wrestling moves, because guy, this should not even be a match it's just pulling clothes off some one else, and show everyone in the world what the other person has. Guy, what is a person don't want to show the world what they have. What if they want to keep it private?

)(Announcer Man 1)(

Well, man I understand I understand real well. This match is for people to watch. But you know man you don't have to have skills to win theses types of matches, but who cares guy if the ladies to show what they have, some times us guys don't want to see what they have ither. But that could happen anywhere if they don't want theses things to happen they should get out now. But I know theses ladies Molly, Trish, they will put out and show us.

The tron comes on as Molly is waking backstage. And the fans are booing she still has a sad look on her face. She makes her way down the hall and it looks as if she is making her way by the ring and the camera begin so fades down and out to a break. But before that Molly's cell phone rings and she picks it up and it's Molly's dad and she says this to her dad on the phone.

xox Extreme Blonde | Molly xox

I'm so you ready for tonight Dad!

[+]The Best Man | Daddy Holly[+]

Hell yes, I know that you are ready thats why I called!

xox Extreme Blonde | Molly xox

Cool look I know that I have this match on Anarchy, and I know that I am NOT new here I really don't know about Trish and her big mouth but so how about if I go in the ring and wI just do what we do best and that's giving the fans what they want, they want to see give it our all. Now I want to respect no one because they are nothing to me. And I really am better. But before that how about I go inside that very ring and give it our best. And I know if we do that the fans will love ME even more and they will not even no what hit them and then they will go and respect us even more. But if I don't want to be team with anyone here, that's cool. Because we could just I could be friends, friends that just respect.

Molly kinda smiles and she leaves hands up her phone from the weird convo with her dad. Molly leaves her locker room, and she makes her way down the hall and the fans are going wild. Molly comes behind this cutrin and moment later "Molly Holly Theme" by who ever hits over the PA she makes her way down the ramp, she gets inside of the ring and she does her pose. Then Molly walks over and she gets a mic from the ring announcer.

xox The Xtreme Blonde | Molly Holly xox

Now on to the bitch Trish Stratus! You say that you will 'fight and fight, until you get a pin fall' well that is really great. I am not saying that your not able to get what you get, or not able to beat me. Because it don't really matter how damn good you are the faith goes down it's self! So I will try every move that I know, also I so have to work out and show my skill and get more train, I have been doing that for a while now, and I am sure that i'm able to kick ass here in this match. If you really wanna show that you are a great diva, then do what ever it takes you should do that Trish because I know that your able to do that. Trish do you really think your able to do what ever it is that you wanna do because that's how damn good you really are. NO we were never friend and we never will be but that will go out the door because I still hate you I will do our best in wining this match because we are both going for one thing and that is to win a shot for thee title! Trish is right. We will be facing each other in this match on Arachy. Trish says that 'she got some much better' well Trish, I hope you show the fans and me what it is that you have. Because you could have many things. You could have great looks, or good wrestling skills, but the fact of the matter is that this match will be great because we will make it great. We will give our fans what the hell they want. Then you ask what do they want? They want a great live show. Trish, I wanna say that i'm glad that you repect me and I do NOT respect you also, to tell the truth it's about damn time I say that! Then you said that 'i'm not that bad where I can stop you' well sorry to say, that I know that i'm able to beat you. I'm able to beat you because that's how of a good champ I am that I will be. I do what ever it takes. I go as far as I really need to go to win a match. Also I don't take any crap, but I do give it away! Good! MOLLY! I hope that you don't let anything get in your way that you want. But if your spot was to be the title, to be the top women, well you are going to have to do a little better then you have been doing, because I have the skills what it takes but the question is do you Trish have what it takes? because I will give all that I have, and just hope that you do the same for you, so Trish wanna wish you luck for this match on on Anarchy! You might need it no matter what so get ready bitch!

I am more than ready to kick your ass. I know what I need to do and I will do it, so Trish if I was you I would get more prepared so if you think you are ready than I hope your bring it, because I am more than ready to kick some sence into you.I don't think you understand what the hell I can do. So if ur not prepared well that is on you.So Trish get ready because you are the person who is next, I am not playing any games with you or any one I am here to win matches and I will win matches and if you think I am playing well we will see how much I am, so good luck Trish because u will sure as hell need it. Trish I am going to kick ur ass! I am sick and tired of your ass walking around like you are the best, well you are nothing you will never be nothing because you are nothing but ass bitch. Anyways in this match either me or you will win and I hate to tell you this, well I don't I love to tell you that I am going to beat you because I am so much damn better than you are. You act like you have everything that you need but you don't, the males only like you that the only fans that you have they rest hate you. Anyways the fact of the matter is that their is no way in hell that you will win this match will with me because I am just so much damn better than you will ever be in my life.You think I am playing you lil bitch? well I am not, I can not wait until this match so I can wip your ass inside of this ring and I am sure as hell ready to do what ever the hell it takes to ... if you THINK you have what it takes than come and bring it! Because you will need so much more then u have ever had here alright Trish! Good luck! because you really need it here because I will win because I am better than you!

)(Announcer Man 1)(

Well, we just heard from Molly and it looks like she is speeking her mind around this match. Guy, I don't understand this. I don't understand this what is it about I don't think I will understand this girl stuff. I never have and I never will, Guy what do you think was Molly deal that she did not talk and say nice things about Trish.

)(Announcer man 2)(

Man, you have to understand, when you get inside of that ring and when you talk it don't really means that you hate a person, you are just taking. That don't mean Molly was taking behind Trish's back. Because Trish was back their watching and she could hear ever word that Molly was saying. If Trish did not like it she could of came out here and said somthing about it. But Molly did not, so Molly just keep on taking guy it's the matter what happends.

The tron comes on and the fans are quite and Announcer Man 1 and Announcer Man 2 stop taking. Interview Man is backstage and he is walking back and forth and Molly walks up to him the fans are to their feet and they are booing then ever, Molly has a smile on her face and the Interview Man put the mic up to his mouth.

[|]Interview Man[|]

Molly, well you have made it, to your 1st match here. Now you are going in a match with Trish and Scarelt now. And then you only went to the ring and you began to talk crap about Trish Stratus.

xox Molly Holly xox

Whoa... Whoa... Whoa.. I did not talk trash about Trish. I will do anything to win this match here, so I went to the ring and I talked the truth! I did not mean to go out their and say the things I said. But they just came out. Oh well right? That's right, because that's how I look at it, and if Trish don't like it, then I am sorry. I do NOT want Trish and I be friends, but if she don't want that to happen then that's fine with me I could care less because i'm a big girl who takes care of her self here. And I know what I need to do okay.

[|]Interview Man[|]

Alright Molly, what ever you say. But anyways now Molly the real question is this are you ready for this match and if you are how are you going to be prepared to take Trish down in this match on Anarchy, Trish is way more skilled then you and she will be able to take you down. Are you ready for that are you sure that you made the right choice to come here what are your comments Molly what are your comments about this question that i've asked you?

xox Molly Holly xox:

I don't know why you care if Trish can beat me, yes, she may be skilled more then me. But she is not better. Where the hell has she been all this time? huh? I have not seen her once since I have been here. And I have been here a while. Anyways, this match I will be in does not take skills. It's a women title match that I want! It's not that hard to pull close off of some one. Once I pull the clothes off of Trish she will be bare and everyone will see what the hell it is that she sure as hell has. I will not be striped down, because I know how to play this game and their is no way in hell that I will lose this match with Trish. Guy okay, do you think I am scared of Trish? Well that's not even true, quitefrankly I am not scared of anyone and there is no way in hell anyone can stop me here.

Molly smiles and she makes her way down the hall. And the fans are booing and she waves at the fans they are still booing. Molly makes her way down the hall she comes to a locker room that is her with the big yellow star that says "Molly" she goes in and the camera fades as the door shuts and the camera fades down and out to a long break for now and out for that night for now.

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