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Name-Lindsey Danielle T. (I don't feel like typing my last name because most of you people couldn't pronounce it anyway) I further plan to change my middle name to bored because that is how I'm generally feeling; how awesome would that be :)

Nicknames- [there aren't many] Winzey Woo, Lindsey Loo, Linz, Tall Girl, Fatty...(let me know there are more)...

Appearance-Tall (6 feet + in fact Ooooo...), Blonde, Thin/Willowy/Skinny/(insert synonym here), Simplistic ^_^

Hobbies-Drawing, playing my plethora instruments (bassoon, flute, piano, glasses filled with water, and pots and pans), listening to an eclectic number of music genres, talking on AOL Instant Messenger (DOH >.<), eating, doing anything that's fun (like wasting time)...

Likes-Go here to see THE ULTIMATE LIKE LIST

Dislikes-anything I find unenjoyable or extraordinarily pointless (people included).

Random Tidbits- I'm a vegitarian weirdo who thinks we should eat plenty of cows...I just won't do it myself. I love music...favorite pastime of mine. I like talking to people (and eating purple ones ;-D)I want to go sky diving and get a tattoo before I go to college. I have a strange fear of fish and scary movies. I won't go near fish and I keep away from spooky movies unless I'm tricked into going by meanieheads who don't tell me what the movie is about until just before it starts. Grrr, I'm gonna get him for that.

Look I was just born(left picture), Hey wow, I'm with my daddy(obviously the right picture)

Creepy, I'm outside, and I have curls. Yipes!!!

Some pictures from summer '02.

*Gasp* A current picture :)

And that's my bro bro. I figure as similar as my brother and myself are, he can be family :)

Things you don't really care/want to know, but are bored enough to read. As of 6/9/03

<[ series 1 - you ]
-- Name :Lindsey :)
-- Birthday : 01.15.88
-- Birthplace : Weatherford, OK
-- Current Location : Texas (subject to change :-/)
-- Eye Color : Brown
-- Hair color: Blonde
-- Righty or Lefty : Ambi...both of them :)
-- Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
-- Innie or Outtie : Innie/Outtie
-- Font:I don't have a real favorite, but I like Andy

[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music : Anything that sounds good and doesn't make my ears bleed.
-- Cartoon : The old cartoons that are on in the mornings and early afternoon on cartoon network (old bugs bunny's and fudd and such)
-- Color : Orange, White (opposite of color) and Black (it's all the colors in one heehee)
-- Slushy Flavor : I'm not a big slushy fan, but I'd say strawberry.
-- Magazine : Readers' Digest (they have some cool stuff in there)
-- TV Show : SNL, Simpsons, That 70's Show....
-- Song : Not falling for it
-- Language : Every one that's interesting...Probably German or Russian, but I take French...
-- Food & Beverage : I like food, but if I had to choose I would say spring rolls and V8 Splash.
-- Subject in School : Socializing. A very difficult class.
-- Weekend Activity : Sleeping
-- Ice Cream Flavor : A swirl of mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip cookie dough topped with twix or heath shell
-- Roller Coaster : I'm not much the roller coaster fan, but I like them all anyway if they're scary :)

[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase on aol : "hehe"
-- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning : 'ugh...'
-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with : Uhm, what/whomever is on my mind at the time
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : Eyes and lips
-- The Best Name for a Butler : Smithers or Jyles
-- The wussiest sport : Hm, don't pay attention to sports, but ribbon dancing and throwing around hoolahoops... I can't believe that's a sport
-- Your best feature : No comment
-- Your bedtime : What is this bedtime thing, you're supposed to go to bed when you're tired, duhr
-- Your greatest fear : No clue, life in general is pretty scary
-- Your greatest accomplishment : I don't have the slightest idea.
-- Your most missed memory : Nostalgia sucks...

[ series 4 - you prefer ]
-- Pepsi or Coke : Mmm, Coke... But, I can't tell the difference anyway
-- McDonald's or Burger King : I think I'll cook something healthy
-- Single or group dates : Definitely single, you don't feel uncomfortable when there's just 2
-- Adidas or nike : Nike fits me better (Don't hassle me about sweat shops please. I really just don't care)
-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : Neither, I’m a vegetarian. I'll take some celery fingers ;-D
-- Dogs or cats : Cats, no, dogs, no... I like them both
-- Rugrats or Doug : I'll pass
-- Single or taken : Hm, tough descision...
-- Monica or Brandy : No thank you...
-- Tupac or Jay-Z : Uh, I'll pass, thank you
-- Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes : Neither.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : Not a big tea fan...I say orange spice hot tea mmmm
-- One pillow or two : I don't really care how many -- Chocolate or vanilla : Neither
-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : Same difference
-- Cappucino or coffee : Either works; caffeine is lovely
-- Boxers or briefs : Boxers.

[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : Well, yeah
-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : Not really, no
-- Do you think you've been in love? : It depends on the definition of "been in love"
-- Want to get married : Not really, but I'll prolly end up marryin' some guy anyway
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : Sorta, more often than not
-- Believe in yourself? : I guess
-- Have any tattoos/where? : Nope, I wish...
-- Have any piercings/where? : Oui, in me ears
-- Get motion sickness? : Yes.
-- Think you're a health freak? : Not really....
-- Get along with your parents? : Sometimes
-- Like thunderstorms? : Yes, when it's not too loud and such

[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
-- Best eye color? : Blue *le sigh* I like black eyes too
-- Best hair color? : Don't care
-- Short or long hair? : Either works for me
-- Best height? : Taller than me preferably
-- Best weight? : Mmm, not overly over weight, rolls don't work for me.
-- Best articles of clothing? : I don’t care, but most of my guy friends look good in black shirts
-- Best first date location? : With the person you're on the date with...
-- Best first kiss location? : Hmmm...somewhere on the face :-P

I do believe that's enough about that stuff. We all get bored and need something to read sometimes, huh. RAWWRRRRR!!! I scared you HAHHAHAHAH
