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Welcome to our page. The goals of our guild include game help, suggestions, contests, quest help, general help, and ofcourse friends that are just as addicted to Neopets as you are.  We will put as much information on this page as we can and as quickly as possible.  Be patient there will be a lot of information and tools for you to use soon!!!
DAILY-- To be sucessful in Neopets  there are many things you must do every day, some several times a day, Click here to see some of these ideas.
GAMES--Tricks and cheats to various games always come in handy, try these out.
BATTLE-- Having problems figuring out the ins and outs of the battle dome? This link includes how to get battle dome challengers, how to train your pets, and more fun stuff.
Copyright 2004 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.
Links-- Many people have spent hours making sites deticated to Neopets.  Therefore we have taken the best of the links we have found here.  If you know of a site that should be added to our links please let us know.