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Title: Beancurd Szechuan
Time: Sunday, March 28, 2004
The Thespians: Andrea Lehr, Jeneva Katri, Lien Nguyen, Toby Darling and Wally Valentine
Location: Allis Memorial Center - Room of Scents

Notes: This is the first real RP with Wally as an actual character. I'm actually not very fond of one particular pose in which the boy explodes at Jeneva. He wasn't supposed to do that, but it's a little to late to take it back now.

Anyway, the point of the whole RP was for me to use the phrase 'beancurd szechuan' at least once in each of my poses.  I failed halfway through.

Toby and Lien don't come in until part 2, so just hold in there, gang!
+---[ Allis Memorial Center - Room of Scents ]--------------------------------+
|                                                                             |
| Apple, vanilla, morning breath - the different smells are enough to bombard |
| anyone entering this swirling, airy room; twists of smoky scents of all     |
| flavors drifting about, but oddly enough none escape outside the doors. The |
| walls are a mosaic of pears, apples, tissues, and corn, all painted         |
| together in what appears to be magical paint, as each flashes occasionally, |
| sending out another spurt of fine aroma into the open. The russet rug is    |
| soft and cushy, releasing puffs of cinnamon, coffee, or Earl Grey Tea wafts |
| every few seconds.                                                          |
|                                                                             |
Andrea Lehr is standing by the wall - most particularly a painting of an apple with a jar in one hand and a cork in the other. She stands inspecting the apple and watches a trail of a slightly pinkish smoke drift away from it, and experimentally wafts it toward her nose like a scientist testing some type of potion. "Hmm," she muses as she juggles the jar and cork around to hold in one arm.
The room of scents has always been one of Wally Valentine's next to the kitchen, of course. The boy takes in a rather deep breath and lets out a contented sigh. "Beancurd Szechuan!" he suddenly crows out of his pre-puberty voice, and lets out a small giggle, his pudgy little fingers reaching up to cover his mouth. He hasn't yet seen Andrea against the wall, but the sound of a jar being juggled is enough to remove the boy's attention away from any kind of beancurd. "Oh!" His face beams as a smile splits his features. "Professor Lehr!" At least, he better hope that's her. Names were such a bother.
Andrea Lehr experimentally sticks a finger out and swirls it around in the puff of pink apple smoke, making the drift twirl about her finger in little pink apple smoke ribbons. Wally's exclamation catches her attention and the professor cocks her head, "What are you talking about?" Oh. That wasn't directed to her. She hoists the jar up in one hand, taking a few steps to follow the pink apple smoke which has almost dissolved back into the misty air of the room. "Hello, Wally."
"Can't you smell it, professor?" Wally's eyes light up even more as he takes yet another deep breath, his round form bobbing up and down. "It smells like..." he tilts his head to the side, "beancurd szechuan!" He absolutely beams at his newfound discovery and his pudgy sausage fingers run through his curly locks. It's only then that his eyes see the pink smoke that's floating by Andrea. "What're you doing?"
"No, I can't say I smell the beancurd szechuan." Andrea Lehr holds the jar under the smoke, and the cork on top and slowly closes the cork onto the jar. And the pink smoke slips out from under it and evaporates. "Well, as I was walking through the other day, I found this lovely apple scent, that I decided I'd like in my office. So I'm trying to bottle some up." She returns to her post next to the apple painted on the wall to await a fresh new strand of pink apple smoke.
It actually might not even be beancurd szechuan that Wally's smelling. He's never actually had beancurd szechuan before, but if he had, this is what the fat little boy's imagining that beancurd szechuan would smell like. He moves slightly closer to the professor and takes a good look at the painting, and then breathes in a bit more to see if he can get the last traces of the pink apple scent. "Nope... I can't smell it. It's still beancurd szechuan."
Andrea Lehr points at a new cloud of particles detaching themselves from the apple, almost as if the paint has just decided to leave the wall. "No, no, that is definitely red apple. Macintosh apple, maybe..." Andrea swoops the jar around to gather the pink smoke into the jar, just enough settling into the jar, "Theeere we go."
A deep, or as deep as a pre-pubescent voice can go, hmm comes from Wally's mouth, and he leans in as the scents detach from the wall, taking a deep breath as he goes. "Wow... that smells so good. Almost as good as the beancurd szechuan." He beams, and for a moment is actually considering telling Andrea that she should probably bottle up the beancurd szechuan as well, if she can actually find the cloud of the beancurd smell.
Jeneva Katri walks into a room she has yet to see since her start at the school. Is it just her or does the building seem to constantly expand? Before she can get a grasp of what the room looks like she is hit with a smell, what the smell is she can not really figure it out but it is not a pleasant one. "Oh, yuck." the young girl manages to squeak out before quickly covering her nose and trying desperately to find a place to stand where the smell might not be located.
Andrea Lehr rolls her eyes slightly and tops the jar off quickly with a cork. Now she would open the jar to see if she did get the scent inside, but then it might escape, and besides, who would be able to tell if it's the jar or just the room? "It's probably the beancurd szechuan," the professor explains across the room as Jeneva enters and squeaks.
"Do you bottle up scents often, Professor Lehr?" Wally asks politely, trying to get the smell of beancurd szechuan out of his mind. So tantalizing. So... beancurd-y... and szechuanish. Thankfully, his attention span takes another turn as Jeneva enters into the room and squeaks. Yet again, a grin breaks across his face as he positively beams at the girl. "Hi!" Give him enough time, and he's going to tell Jeneva to take a deep breath to find the beancurd szechuan.
"What is this room?" Jeneva Katri asks the others in the room. Slowly she moves further into the room and carefully uncovers her nose now smelling a overpowering scent of cinnamon. She takes a look around her and notices the pictures on the walls and finally makes the connection between the smells and the pictures. "I was trying to find a place to study. Is this room always like this?" She asks the others, pushing her hair out of her face.
Andrea Lehr shakes her head and drops her jar into a voluminous pocket. "No, actually I do not. Which is why I am not sure if this will work or not," since you can never smell this room from a hallway away..." The woman shrugs her shoulder at Jeneva's inquiry, "A very scent-filled one. Yes, it's pretty much always like this - have you not passed by it before?" Apparently not.
"It's called the room of scents," Wally starts speaking, almost quoting Matthias verbatum from his little tour he gave such a long time ago. "Take a breath. I swear you can smell beancurd szechuan. Have you ever smelled it before? It smells good." He darts a look at Professor Lehr and then flushes pinker than normal. "Well, almost as good as the apple smell that Professor Lehr bottled up here for her office."
"And you can do that? Bottle the smells up and take them other places." Suddenly Jeneva Katri is very excited about this new room she's found. "Can't say that I have been here before. Most days I go to class and back to the dorms to study, but there's a group there tonight that won't shut up so I can do my work." 
Andrea Lehr somehow doubts, however that Matthias asked if you could smell the beancurd szechuan. Although the stone kitty seems to enjoy a roll or two as often as he can get his paws on ones, she never knew him for liking beancurd, szechuan or not. "Mr. Valentine, have you ever even /had/ beancurd szechuan?" Andrea removes her bottle from her pocket, whose walls seem to have still a pinkish tint,"Well, I'm not too sure, so I'm going to try it out and see."
"I'm gonna try to bottle up the beancurd szechuan I smell now," Wally suddenly pipes up to Jeneva, speaking his thought out loud. He really should work on that. He flushes even more, and pats his chin with his short stubby fingers. He turns to look at Andrea and just continues to turn the shade equivalent to a rather ripe tomato. "No, I've never had it." He pauses and tilts his head. "But it smells exactly like I think beancurd szechuan should." Apparently that's all the logic he needs.
Jeneva Katri walks around the room looking at all the different paintings on the walls. Coming across one picture and taking in the scent, she turns quickly and moves to the other side of the room to start again, apparently not wanting to smell that particular scent again. Her eyes settle on a bowl of stawberries and she smiles and inhales deeply at the mist that swirls out of the sighing picture. "Ah, my favorite."
Andrea Lehr blinks at Wally and then grins,"Well then, I guess you'll have to go find some beancurd szechuan sometime to see what it really smells like." Admittedly, Andi would not be able to place the scent of beancurd szechuan, so she can't refute the statement, so maybe they should both go get some szechuan. Andrea, on that thought, pulls a marker from her pocket and marks the top of the jar 'apple', so that she remembers what exactly this slightly pink, empty jar is for.
Wally Valentine has already filed it away into his mind, to ask his mother about some good ol' beancurd szechuan. "Do you suppose the house-elves know about beancurd szechuan, Professor," he asks in his fully innocent and childish voice. His attention is once more diverted by the sound of Jevena inhaling and exhaling deeply. He pads over to her, ever curious, and takes a smell from the strawberries as well. "That's good too," he admits, somewhat grudgingly. "I still think the beancurd szechuan is better."
Jeneva Katri turns to the boy, now beside her. "What in the world does beancurd szechuan smell like? Really what is beancurd and szechuan anyway?" Her face would be full of curiousity if she felt curious at all, but she felt any information she was entitled to be told so that she could store the information away for later use. 
Andrea Lehr shrugs as she strolls toward the exit, "Well, I suppose you could ask them if they know." The professor pauses at the door to explain to Jeneva, "It's a type of Asian food, actually. Szechuan is spicy. Beancurd.. is.. well... beancurd." Nods go to the two students, "Well, I am off to my office to see if this actually works." And with that, the professor and her jar of pink apple smoke make their leave.
Wally gives the professor a rather hearty wave, and then he turns to Jeneva, and sticks out a pudgy hand towards her. He's still clearly got beancurd szechuan on the brain. "I'm Wally Valentine. What's your name?" He barely waits for her response, and then continues to talk. "Beancurd szechuan... smells... like..." he fumbles for a word, and having not been able to find any, he just says, "Good." Then he looks down and flushes. Poor, simple, Wally.
Jeneva Katri looks down at the pudgy hand and turns back towards the strawberries, inhaling deeply at the new mist seeping out. "I'm Jeneva Katri." Her name drowned out by the talk of the beancurd again. "Good? Is that all the response you can come up with? Doesn't sound like you are very educated." She looks around to another picture, this one of peaches and sticks her nose towards it to take a whiff as well. "But I find most students here are lacking in their studies so not to worry then?" 
Ouch. Dissed not only once, but twice. Wally's smile fades just slightly, and being rather frank, he just places his hands on his wide waist and says, "That's not very nice." He knows he's not smart, and he doesn't need some uppity girl the same grade as he is telling him that. "School's not all about studying you know," he starts to say, but it seems as if that's all he really has to say about that. Unless he started talking about beancurd szechuan again. If Jeneva were to challenge Wally, he probably wouldn't have much to say. 
Jeneva Katri turns and looks at the boy. "Funny, I gathered that school was invented to educate people and hence studying would be part of that now wouldn't it?" She knows she's being mean, but what's the point of making friends when she'll go here, and then leave this life far behind when she's done. 
She couldn't just ask him about beancurd szechuan, could she? No, now she had to go and challenge Wally, and that's not very cool, because the poor boy is simple and not very bright. "School... maybe it was invented to educate people," he unfortunately has to agree with Jeneva, "And yes, you study, but you also make friends too." He looks crosser by the minute as he continues to try and defend himself against the uppity girl. "Unless you think yourself too good to make any friends or something. I'm sorry for you, if you think you are." Not really much a retort actually, he's apologizing to her.
Jeneva Katri looks the boy up and down. "I have friends, back in Holyoke. I don't see the need to make more here and then have to disappoint them when I leave them far behind as I advance in the ministry to the top.." Cocky isn't she, well she should be, her mother always told her that she would be the best and she had no intention turning out like her mother.
Wally stands by rather nervously as Jeneva looks him up and down. He doesn't like being stared at because well... he's /fat/. If he were any wittier, he'd make a comment about how she'd probably never make it up top to the ministry with that kind of attitude, but alas, he doesn't have that kind of wit. So all he really has to say is, "So you'll be at the top with no friends. Some life." Of course, he can't say it with much conviction. Most of his words are ventured with the most trepidation.
Jeneva Katri can't seem to stand this boy at the moment. "And I suppose that you have all the friends in the world since you lack the intelligence?" She smirks meanly at the boy and says what she wants to say. "Oh, I bet your best friend is any plate of food put in front of you by the looks of it." A smile breaks across her face and she moves her hands to cover the braces that cover her teeth. 
"I'm probably a lot happier than you. I don't have to pick on people who are so decidedly less intelligent than I am because I don't have the self confidence to go find people who are of the same calibre to insult. Because if I insult those people, they'll only rip me up into little shreds." Something seems to have gotten into Wally. He frowns deeply at Jeneva and for a moment his eyes flash. That mood is quickly broken though, and he takes a big step back from her. He doesn't apologize though, but once again, he's back to looking rather helpless.
"Well what do you know?" Jeneva Katri smirks at the boy. "You do have intelligence poking through." She turns to face the room trying to find another smell, strawberries were starting to get old to her. She searches out and finds a pear sniffing deeply. "As for finding someone of the same calibre, I would have to go to the Ministry for that now wouldn't I?" She smiles at the boy, that speech he made has warmed her up to him slightly, he's been the first one to bite back. "So, Wally was it? What do you hope to become once you leave this," she pauses and looks around her. ", place?"
Beancurd Szechuan (Part 2)